Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi
NB: Etter å ha lagret må du tømme nettleserens mellomlager («cache») for å kunne se endringene: Mozilla/Safari/Konqueror: hold nede Shift mens du klikker på Reload (eller trykk Ctrl-Shift-R), IE: trykk Ctrl-F5, Opera: trykk F5.
/* Script from [[:en:User:Lupin/recent2.js]] (hacked version) */ // This tool hits the RSS feed for recent changes every 30 seconds or so // and checks for common vandalism. It does not make a separate server request // for every edit. // Currently, the RSS feed is full of holes and so this may miss many edits. // // <nowiki> recent2={ // Edit these to your liking. // Make sure there's a comma at the end of each line. badwordsUrl: 'Wikipedia:Badwords', filterPage: 'Bruker:Jeblad/Filtrerte_endringer', allRecentPage: 'Bruker:Jeblad/Siste_endringer', recentIPPage: 'Bruker:Jeblad/Siste_IP_endringer', monitorWatchlistPage: 'Bruker:Jeblad/L\%C3\%B8pende_overv\%C3\%A5king', spelldictUrl: 'Wikipedia:Liste_over_alminnelige_stavefeil/Maskinform', spelldictPage: 'Bruker:Jeblad/L\%C3\%B8pende_stavekontroll', // leave this alone dummy: null }; { // mandatory: bundle.url // optional: bundle.onSuccess (xmlhttprequest, bundle) // optional: bundle.onFailure (xmlhttprequest, bundle) // optional: bundle.otherStuff OK too, passed to onSuccess and onFailure var x = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : false; if (x) { x.onreadystatechange=function() { x.readyState==4 && recent2.downloadComplete(x,bundle); };"GET",bundle.url,true); x.send(null); } return x; } recent2.downloadComplete=function(x,bundle) { x.status==200 && ( bundle.onSuccess && bundle.onSuccess(x,bundle) || true ) || ( bundle.onFailure && bundle.onFailure(x,bundle) || alert(x.statusText)); } window.gettingBadWords=false; window.badWords=null; recent2.getBadWords=function() { window.gettingBadWords=true;{ url: 'http://' + document.location.hostname + '/w/index.php?title=' + recent2.badwordsUrl + '&action=raw&ctype=text/css', onSuccess: recent2.processBadWords, onFailure: function () { setTimeout(recent2.getBadWords, 15000); return true;}}); } recent2.processBadWords=function(d) { var data=d.responseText.split('\n'); var ret=[]; for (var i=0; i<data.length; ++i) { var s=data[i]; if (s.length==0) continue; if (!RegExp('^\\s').test(s)) continue; s=s.replace(RegExp('^\\s*'), ''); if (RegExp('^/.*/\\s*$').test(s)) { s=s.replace(RegExp('^/'), '').replace(RegExp('/\\s*$'), ''); s=s.replace(RegExp('[(]([^?])', 'g'), '(?:$1'); try { var r=new RegExp(s); } catch (err) { var errDiv=newOutputDiv('recent2_error', recent2.outputPosition); errDiv.innerHTML='Advarsel: overser merkelig regulæruttrykk på linje '+i +' of <a href="/wiki/' + recent2.badwordsUrl + '">badwords</a>:<pre>' + s + '</pre>'; continue; } ret.push(s); continue; } s=s.replace(RegExp('([*+?])', 'g'), '\\w$1'); s=s.replace(RegExp('(\\w)', 'g'), '$1+'); s=s.replace(RegExp('(\\w)\\+\\1\\+', 'g'), '$1$1+'); s=s.replace(RegExp('\\\\w\\+([*+?])', 'g'), '\\w$1'); try { var r=new RegExp(s); } catch (err) { var errDiv=newOutputDiv('recent2_error', recent2.outputPosition); errDiv.innerHTML='Advarsel: overser merkelig regulæruttrykk på linje '+i +' of <a href="/wiki/' + recent2.badwordsUrl + '">badwords</a>:<pre>' + s + '</pre>'; continue; } ret.push(s.replace(RegExp('([-|():!,^${}\\[\\]])', 'g'), '\\$1')); } // 123 3 2| 4 415 5 // ((( repeatedchar ) )| ( ... | ... | ... ))( bdy ) //window.badWords=RegExp("<td>[+]</td>\\s*<td .*?>\\s*.*?((([^-{}.\\s'=wI:*#0-9A-F])\\3{2,})|[^/]\\b(" + ret.join('|') + "))(\\b[^/]|[|]).*\\s*</td>", 'im'); window.badWords=RegExp("<td>[+]</td>\\s*<td [^>]*>.*?((([^-{}.\\s'=wI:*#0-9A-F])\\3{2,})|\\b(" + ret.join('|') + ")\\b).*?</td>", 'im'); //window.badWords=RegExp("<td>[+]</td>\\s*<td .*?>\\s*.*?((([^-{}.\\s'=wI:*#0-9A-F])\\3{2,})|\\b(" + ret.join('|') + ")\\b)([^/]|[|]).*\\s*</td>", 'im'); } window.gettingWatchlist=false; recent2.watchlist=null; recent2.getWatchlist=function() { window.gettingWatchlist=true;{url: 'http://' + document.location.hostname + '/wiki/Special:Watchlist/edit', onSuccess: recent2.processWatchlist, onFailure: function () { setTimeout(getWatchlist, 15000); return true; }}); } recent2.processWatchlist=function(req, bundle) { var watchlist={}; var lines=req.responseText.split('\n'); for (var i=0; i<lines.length; ++i) { if (lines[i].indexOf('<li><input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value=') > -1) { var article=lines[i].replace(/.*title="(.*?)">.*/, '$1'); watchlist[article]=true; } } window.watchlist=watchlist; } window.gettingSpelldict=false; window.spelldict=null; recent2.getSpelldict=function() { window.gettingSpelldict=true;{url: 'http://' + document.location.hostname + '/w/index.php?title=' + recent2.spelldictUrl + '&action=raw&ctype=text/css', onSuccess: recent2.processSpelldict, onFailure: function () { setTimeout(getSpelldict, 15000); return true; }}); } recent2.processSpelldict=function(req, bundle) { var spelldict={}; var lines=req.responseText.split('\n'); var a=[]; for (var i=0; i<lines.length; ++i) { var split=lines[i].split('->'); if (split.length<2) { continue; } split[1]=split.slice(1).join('->').split(/, */); split[0]=split[0].toLowerCase().replace(/^\s*/, ''); spelldict[split[0]]=split[1]; a.push(split[0]); } window.spelldict=spelldict; window.spellRe=RegExp('<td>[+]</td>\\s*<td .*?>\\s*.*?\\b(' + a.join('|') + ')\\b', 'i'); } var feed='http://' + document.location.hostname + '/w/index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&feed=rss'; window.newOutputDiv=function(klass, position, immortal) { var h1=document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0]; var ret=document.createElement('div'); if (klass) { ret.className=klass; } if (!position) { position='bottom'; } switch(position) { case 'top': h1.parentNode.insertBefore(ret, h1.nextSibling); break; case 'bottom': h1.parentNode.appendChild(ret); break; default: if (!newOutputDiv.alerted) { alert('Ukjent posisjon '+position+' i recent2.js, newOutputDiv'); window.newOutputDiv.alerted=true; } return newOutputDiv(klass, 'bottom'); } if (!immortal) {; } window.outputDivs.push(ret); return ret; } window.newOutputDiv.alerted=false; window.newOutputDiv.uid=0; window.outputDivs=[]; window.grabRecentChanges=function(feed) { if (! window.badWords && recent2.filter_badwords ) { if ( ! window.gettingBadWords ) { recent2.getBadWords(); } return setTimeout(function(){grabRecentChanges(feed);}, 500); } if (! window.watchlist && recent2.filter_watchlist) { if (! window.gettingWatchlist ) recent2.getWatchlist(); return setTimeout(function(){grabRecentChanges(feed);}, 500); } if (! window.spelldict && recent2.filter_spelling) { if (! window.gettingSpelldict) recent2.getSpelldict(); return setTimeout(function(){grabRecentChanges(feed);}, 500); } var pos=recent2.outputPosition; if (recent2.outputPosition=='top') { var output=newOutputDiv('recent2.lines', pos); var status=newOutputDiv('recent2.status', pos); } else { var status=newOutputDiv('recent2.status', pos); var output=newOutputDiv('recent2.lines', pos); }'solid';'orange'; status.innerHTML=greyFont+'(' + recent2.count + ') oppdaterer...</font>'; // this abort stuff doesn't work properly for some reason... //recent2.lastFeedDownload && recent2.lastFeedDownload.abort(); // } catch (summatNasty) { /* do nothing */ } {url: feed, onSuccess: processRecentChanges, output: output, status: status, onFailure: feedFailed}); } var greyFont='<font color="#777">'; window.feedFailed=function(x,bundle) { try { bundle.status.innerHTML+=greyFont+'feilet: '+x.statusText + '</font>'; } catch (err) { bundle.status.innerHTML+=greyFont+'feilet alvorlig: '+err+'</font>'; } return true; } recent2.newWindows=true; window.linkmaker=function(url, text) { var s='<a href="' + url + '"'; recent2.newWindows && (s += ' target="_blank"'); s += '>' + text + '</a>'; return s; } recent2.ipUserRegex=RegExp('(User:)?((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])'); recent2.outputSeparator='<hr>'; recent2.delayedLines={}; recent2.delay=0; recent2.namespaces={'Media':1, "Spesial":1, "Bruker":1, "Brukerdiskusjon":1, "Wikipedia":1, "Wikipedia-diskusjon":1, "Bilde":1, "Bildediskusjon":1, "MediaWiki":1, "MediaWiki-diskusjon":1, "Mal":1, "Maldiskusjon":1, "Hjelp":1, "Hjelpdiskusjon":1, "Kategori":1, "Kategoridiskusjon":1, "Portal":1, "Portaldiskusjon":1}; window.processRecentChanges=function(req, bundle){ var; var doc=req.responseXML.documentElement; var items=doc.getElementsByTagName('item'); var latest=processRecentChanges.lastDate; for (var i=items.length - 1; i>=0; --i) { var timestamp = Date.parse(getFirstTagContent(items[i],'pubDate')); if (timestamp <= processRecentChanges.lastDate) continue; latest = (timestamp > latest) ? timestamp : latest; var diffText=getFirstTagContent(items[i],'description').split('</tr>').join('</tr>\n'); var editSummary=diffText.replace(RegExp('^<p>(.*?)</p>[\\s\\S]*'), '$1'); var editor=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'creator') || getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'dc:creator'); var article=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'link'); if (recent2.delayedLines[article] && recent2.delayedLines[article].editor != editor) { delete recent2.delayedLines[article]; } if (recent2.filter_anonsOnly && !recent2.ipUserRegex.test(editor)) continue; var articleTitle=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'title'); if (recent2.hideNonArticles) { var namespace=articleTitle.replace(/:.*/, ''); if (recent2.namespaces[namespace]) continue; } if (! recent2.show_talkpages && articleTitle && /^(Talk|Diskusjon):|^[^:]*?[_ ](talk|diskusjon):/.test(articleTitle)) continue; if (recent2.filter_watchlist && articleTitle && ! window.watchlist[articleTitle.replace(/^(Talk|Diskusjon):/, '').replace(/[ _](talk|diskusjon):/, ':')]) continue; if (recent2.filter_badwords) { var badMatch=null; if (window.vandals[editor] > 0) { badMatch=['', '', '[bidragene er allerede tilbakestilt]']; } else { badMatch=badWords.test(diffText); }// .test() is meant to be faster than a full match if (badMatch) { if (badMatch===true) { badMatch=diffText.match(badWords); } articleTitle=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'title'); var badWord=badMatch[2] || badMatch[4]; if (articleTitle.toLowerCase().indexOf(badWord.toLowerCase())>-1) { continue; } // avoid "Oral sex matched Oral sex" // highlighting badMatch[0]=badMatch[0].split(badWord).join('<span style="background-color: #FF6">'+badWord+'</span>'); recent2.delayedLines[article]={timestamp: timestamp, article:article, count:recent2.count, articleTitle:articleTitle, editor:editor, badWord:badWord, badDiffFragment:badMatch[0], diff:diffText, summary:editSummary}; } } else if (recent2.filter_spelling) { var splMatch=spellRe.test(diffText); if (splMatch) { splMatch = diffText.match(spellRe); var misspelling = splMatch[1]; //.replace(/^\s*/, ''); var badWord = '<a href=\'javascript:recent2.correctSpelling("' + articleTitle.split("'").join("%27") + '","'+misspelling.split("'").join("%27")+'")\'>'+ misspelling + '</a>'; diffText = diffText.replace(RegExp('('+misspelling+')', 'gi'), '<span style="background-color: #FF6">$1</span>'); recent2.delayedLines[article] = {timestamp: timestamp, article:article, count:recent2.count, articleTitle:articleTitle, editor:editor, badWord:badWord, badDiffFragment:'', diff:diffText, summary: editSummary}; } } else { var article=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'link'); var articleTitle=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'title'); if (recent2.CustomFilter && ! recent2.CustomFilter({timestamp:timestamp, article:article, articleTitle:articleTitle, editor:editor, diff:diffText, summary:editSummary})) continue; recent2.delayedLines[article]={timestamp: timestamp, article:article, count:recent2.count, articleTitle:articleTitle, editor:editor, diff:diffText, summary:editSummary}; } } /* end for loop */ var output=recent2.getDelayedLineOutput(); var outputString=''; if (recent2.outputPosition=='top') { outputString=output.join(recent2.outputSeparator); } else { for (var i=output.length-1; i>=0; --i) { outputString+=output[i] + (i>0 ? recent2.outputSeparator : '') ; } } bundle.output.innerHTML+=outputString; setTimeout(function() {recent2.doPopups(bundle.output)}, 300); processRecentChanges.lastDate=latest; // - 1; // overlap better than missing some out, i think; FIXME do this properly var statusTail=greyFont+'done up to ' + formatTime(latest) + '</font>'; if ( > initialId) { statusTail+=' <a href="javascript:showHideDetailRange(' + initialId + ',' + + ')">skift mellom detaljer</a> |'; if (recent2.autoexpand) { setTimeout( function() { /* document.title=initialId+' '; */ showHideDetailRange(initialId,; }, 250 ); } } statusTail += ' <a href="javascript:deleteEarlierOutputDivs(' + + ')">fjern tidligere meldinger</a>'; statusTail+='<br>'; bundle.status.innerHTML+=statusTail; } processRecentChanges.lastDate=0;; recent2.getDelayedLineOutput=function() { var ret=[]; var; for (var a in recent2.delayedLines) { if (recent2.delayedLines[a] && typeof recent2.delayedLines[a].count == typeof 1 && recent2.count - recent2.delayedLines[a].count >= recent2.delay) { recent2.delayedLines[a].id=id++; ret.push(recent2.doLine(recent2.delayedLines[a])); delete recent2.delayedLines[a]; } }; return ret; } window.deleteEarlierOutputDivs=function(cur) { for(var i=0; i<outputDivs.length; ++i) { if (!outputDivs[i] || !outputDivs[i].id) continue; if (outputDivs[i].id >= 0 && outputDivs[i].id < cur) { // FIXME BUG: if we go from the bottom up, then we'll delete one too many or too few, or something :-) outputDivs[i].parentNode.removeChild(outputDivs[i]); outputDivs[i]=null; } } // scroll to the top if we're appending output to the bottom, to keep the div we've clicked visible after the deletions if (recent2.outputPosition!='top') document.location='#'; } window.showHideDetailRange=function(start,end) { // use the first div to see if we should show or hide var div=document.getElementById('diff_div_' + start); if (!div) {alert('no such div: diff_div_' + start); return; } var state=false; // hide if ('none') state=true; // show for (var i=start; i<end; ++i) { showHideDetail(i, true, state); } } window.toggleSysopEdits=function() { var divs=document.getElementsByTagName('div'); for (var i=0; i<divs.length; ++i) { if (divs[i].className=='sysop_edit_line') divs[i].style.display= ( toggleSysopEdits.hidden ? 'none' : 'inline' ); } toggleSysopEdits.hidden = ! toggleSysopEdits.hidden; } window.bundles={}; window.vandalColour = function(vandal) { var num=window.vandals[vandal]; if (!num) return ''; switch (num) { case 1: return '#DDFFDD'; case 2: return '#BBFFBB'; } var i= 9-(num - 3) *2; if (i < 0) i=0; return '#' + i + i + 'FF' + i + i; } window.clickDetails=function(action, max) { if(!action) action='show'; if (!max) max = document.links.length; var count=0; for (var i=0; i<document.links.length && count < max; ++i) { if(document.links[i].innerHTML==action + ' details' && document.links[i].href.indexOf('javascript:') == 0) { ++count; eval(document.links[i].href.replace('javascript:', '')); } } } recent2.pendingLines=[]; recent2.togglePausedOutput=function() { if (!recent2.pausedOutput) { recent2.pausedOutput = true; return true; } else recent2.pausedOutput=false; var outputBuffer=''; while (recent2.pendingLines.length) { outputBuffer+=recent2.doLine(recent2.pendingLines.pop()); } var pos=recent2.outputPosition; var output=newOutputDiv('recent2.lines', pos); output.innerHTML=outputBuffer; return false; } recent2.togglePaused=function() { if(!recent2.paused) { recent2.paused=true; return true; } recent2.paused=false; loopRecentChanges(loopRecentChanges.url, loopRecentChanges.iterations); return false; } recent2.doLine=function(bundle) { if (recent2.pausedOutput) { recent2.pendingLines.push(bundle); return ''; } //if (recent2.filter_spelling) { return recent2.doSpellLine(bundle); } var wikiBase='http://' + document.location.hostname + '/wiki/'; var sysop = null; if (typeof sysops != 'undefined') sysop=sysops.test(bundle.editor); var lastDiffPage=bundle.article + '?diff=cur&oldid=prev'; bundle.url=lastDiffPage; saveBundle(bundle); var div=''; if (window.vandals[bundle.editor] > 0) { div='<div style="background-color:' + vandalColour(bundle.editor) + '">'} else if (sysop) {div='<div class="sysop_edit_line">'}; return div + '<li>' + formatTime(bundle.timestamp) + ' ' + //latest + ' ' + processRecentChanges.lastDate + ' ' + '(' + linkmaker(lastDiffPage, 'siste') + ')' + ' (' + linkmaker(bundle.article+'?action=history', 'historie') + ')' + ' ' + linkmaker(bundle.article, bundle.articleTitle) + ( bundle.badWord ? ' traff <b>' + bundle.badWord + '</b> . . ' : ' . . ') + linkmaker(wikiBase + 'User:' + bundle.editor, bundle.editor) + ' (' + linkmaker(wikiBase + 'User_talk:' + bundle.editor, 'diskuter') + ' | ' + linkmaker(wikiBase + 'User_talk:' + bundle.editor + '?action=edit' + '&autoedit=s#$#\\n{{sub'+'st:test1-n|' + bundle.articleTitle + '}}%20~~' + '~~#&autosummary=Dine%20siste%20redigeringer', 'advar') + ' | ' + linkmaker(wikiBase + 'Special:Contributions/' + bundle.editor, 'bidrag') + ' | ' + linkmaker(wikiBase + 'Special:Blockip/' + bundle.editor, 'blokker') + ') . . ' + ( bundle.summary ? '<i>('+bundle.summary+')</i> . . ' : '') + '<a href="javascript:showHideDetail(' + + ')" id="showdiff_link_' + + '">vis detaljer</a>' + ' . . [<a href="javascript:tryRollback(' + + ')" class="recent2_rollback">fjern redigering</a>]' + '<p><div id="diff_div_' + + '" style="display: none">' + '</div></li>' + ( div ? '</div>' : '') ; }; recent2.correctSpelling=function (article, badword) { var url= 'http://' + document.location.hostname + '/wiki/'; url += article + '?action=edit&autoclick=wpDiff&autominor=true'; var wl=badword.toLowerCase(); var cor=spelldict[wl]; if (!cor|| !cor.length) { alert('Could not find an entry for ' + wl); return; } if (cor.length > 1) { var q='Which correction should I use?\nPlease either type a number or another correction.\n'; for (var i=0; i<cor.length; ++i) { q += '\n' + i + ': ' + cor[i]; } var ans=prompt(q); if (!ans) {return;} var num=parseInt(ans, 10); if (num > -1 && num < cor.length) { cor = cor[num]; } else { cor = ans; } } else { cor = cor[0]; } cor=cor.replace(/^ *| *$/g, ''); url += '&autosummary=Correcting%20spelling:%20' + wl + '->' + cor; url += '&autoedit='; c0=cor.charAt(0); wl0 = wl.charAt(0); b='\\b'; url += ['s', b + wl + b, cor, 'g;'].join('#'); wl=wl0.toUpperCase() + wl.substring(1); cor=c0.toUpperCase() + cor.substring(1); url += ['s', b + wl + b, cor, 'g;'].join('#'); wl=wl.toUpperCase(); cor=cor.toUpperCase(); url += ['s', b + wl + b, cor, 'g;'].join('#');; }; window.saveBundle= function(bundle) { var z={}; for (var prop in bundle) { z[prop]=bundle[prop]; } window.bundles[]=z; } window.vandals={} window.tryRollback=function(id) { if (recent2.non_admin_rollback) { recent2.tryNonAdminRollback(id); } else { recent2.tryAdminRollback(id); } }; recent2.getBundleVandal=function(id) { var b=window.bundles[id]; if (!b) { alert('No bundle! Vennligst fortell Lupin hvordan denne feilen kan reproduseres - den skal ikke kunne forekomme.'); return null; } var vandal=b.editor; if (window.vandals[vandal]==null) { window.vandals[vandal]=1; } else { window.vandals[vandal]++; } return b; } recent2.tryAdminRollback=function(id){ var b=recent2.getBundleVandal(id); if (!b) { return; } var vandal=b.editor; var onSuccess=function (x, bundle) { var rollRe=RegExp('<a href="(/w/index.php[^"]*?action=rollback[^"]*?from=([^&]*)[^"]*?)".*?<br />(<span[^>]*>)?(.*?)(</span>)?<br />[^<>]*?</td>'); // match[0]: useless // match[1]: url (escaped) // match[2]: last editor (escaped) // match[4]: last edit summary (wikiText - FIXME strip this to plain text) var match=rollRe.exec(x.responseText); if (!match) { alert('Fant ingen lenke for tilbakerulling.' + '\nKanskje du kan bruke non-admin tilbakerulling ved at du huker av i valgboksen øverst på siden?\n' + 'Alternativt, dette kan være en bug.'); return; } var lastEditor=match[2].split('+').join(' '); var lastSummary=match[4]; // var vandal=b.editor; // from the closure if (lastEditor != vandal) { var summary=lastSummary.replace(RegExp('<[^>]*?>','g'),''); if (!summary) summary=lastSummary; alert( 'Kan ikke fjerne redigeringen - noen annen har redigert siden etter vandalen.\n\nSide: '+ b.articleTitle + '\nVandal: '+vandal+'\nSiste bidragsyter: '+lastEditor+'\nRedigeringssammendrag: '+summary); return; } var rollbackUrl=match[1].split('&').join('&'); // confirm('Rollback edits by '+vandal + ' to '+b.articleTitle+'?') &&, '_blank'); } var onFailure = function(x,bundle) { alert('HTTP feilet mens rollback lenken ble forsøkt funnet i urlen\n' + bundle.url + '\n\nHTTP status tekst: ' + x.statusText); return true; }{ url:b.url, onSuccess: onSuccess, id:, onFailure:onFailure}); }; recent2.tryNonAdminRollback=function(id) { if (!autoEdit) { alert('Du må bruke autoedit funksjonaliteten for å få non-admin tilbakerulling.\n\n' + 'Dette er inkludert i Navigation popups - se [[:en:WP:POP]].\n\n'+ 'Alternativt, du kan prøve å legge til '+ '{{sub'+'st:js|:en:User:Lupin/autoedit.js}} ' + 'på din javascript side.'); return; } var b=recent2.getBundleVandal(id); if (!b) { return; } var vandal=b.editor; var url='http://' + document.location.hostname + '/w/query.php?format=json&titles=' + b.articleTitle; url += '&what=revisions&rvlimit=100&rvcomments'; var onSuccess=function(x,y){ recent2.processHistoryQuery(x,y,b); }{ url: url, onSuccess: onSuccess, id:}); // fixme: onFailure }; recent2.processHistoryQuery=function(x,downloadBundle, bundle) { var json=x.responseText; try { eval('var o='+json); var p=o['pages']; var edits=recent2.anyChild(p)['revisions']; } catch ( someError ) { alert('JSON operasjonen feilet.\n\n' + json.substring(0,100) + '\n\nKan ikke fjerne redigering.'); return; } var i; for (i=0; i<edits.length; ++i) { if (edits[i]['user']!=bundle.editor) { break; } } if (i===0) { alert( 'Kan ikke fjerne redigeringen - noen annen har redigert siden etter vandalen.\n\nSide: '+ bundle.articleTitle + '\nVandal: '+bundle.editor+'\nSiste bidragsyter: '+edits[0]['user']+'\nRedigeringssammendrag: '+edits[0]['*']); return; } if (i==edits.length) { alert(bundle.editor + ' er ut til å være eneste bidragsyter på ' + bundle.articleTitle + '.\n\nTilbakerulling avbrutt.'); return; } var prevEditor=edits[i]['user']; var prevRev=edits[i]['revid']; var summary='Tilbakestilte endring av [[Special:Contributions/' + escape(bundle.editor) + '|' + escape(bundle.editor) + ']] til siste versjon av ' + escape(prevEditor); summary=summary.split(' ').join('%20'); var url=bundle.article + '?action=edit&autosummary=' + summary + '&oldid=' + prevRev + '&autoclick=wpSave&autominor=true';, '_blank'); }; //recent2.non_admin_rollback=true; recent2.anyChild=function(obj) { for (var p in obj) { return obj[p]; } return null; } recent2.doPopups=function(div) { if (typeof(window.setupTooltips)!='undefined') { setupTooltips(div); } } window.formatTime=function(timestamp) { var date=new Date(timestamp); nums=[date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds()]; for (var i=0; i<nums.length; ++i) if (nums[i]<10) nums[i]='0'+nums[i]; return nums.join(':'); } window.showHideDetail = function(id, force, state) { var div=document.getElementById('diff_div_' + id); var lk=document.getElementById('showdiff_link_' + id); if (!div) return; var bundle=window.bundles[id]; if (!div.innerHTML) div.innerHTML= ( bundle.badDiffFragment ? 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