Out of the Shadows
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[rediger] Out Of The Shadows
I 2005 ble Amy Lee fra Evanescence talskvinne for Epilepsiforbundet og lanserte en kampanje kalt Out of the Shadows. Poenget er å hjelpe å spre viten om epipelsi for å unngå diskriminering. Denne kampanjen er spesielt viktig for Amy og hennes familie fordi hennes yngre bror, Robbie, har epilepsi.
"What Would you do if time suddenly vanished around you? You have no idea where it went, or what you did. I know someone who experiense this, someone very close to me. You might know someone too, even though they might never tell you because they're afraid you wont understand. I want to change the world for them. You can help me bring epilepsy out of the shadows by joining me at www.outoftheshadows.com"