Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi
Hello! In the german Wikipedia you can find the "Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Nordeuropa". Perhaps you are interested in working in north european topics in the german language version. In the project page you can find a list with specific north european topics. You may add important existing or non-existing topics there, to improve the german language collection of north european articles. If someone is unsure in his/her german capabilities he/she can give me a "semi-german text" and I will try to correct the german for you before adding it to the german Wikipedia. In the german Wikipedia are already a lot of "norwegian articles". Therefore you always should try to interwiki norwegian articles, because the chance for new de-articles about Norway grows from day to day. Of course, if you have questions to specific german speaking topics, you can ask me, too. You will find me in the german (and sometimes in the swedish, even though my swedish is bad :-)) Wikipedia, Stern