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Oviposition is the process of laying eggs by oviparous animals.
Some arthropods, for example, lay their eggs with an organ called the ovipositor.
Reptiles or birds or monetremata also lay eggs.
A major issue for human health is the prevention of oviposition by malaria-bearing anopheles mosquitos. Suggested methods include using floating plants to cover the surface of bodies of stagnant water.[1]
Menstrual cycle/Estrous cycle: Menstruation - Follicular phase - Ovulation - Luteal phase
Gametogenesis: Spermatogenesis - Oogenesis
Human sexual behavior - Sexual intercourse - Erection - Ejaculation - Orgasm - Insemination - Fertilisation/Fertility - Pregnancy - Postpartum period
Prenatal development - Sexual dimorphism - Sexual differentiation - Puberty (Menarche, Adrenarche) - Maternal age/Paternal age - Climacteric (Menopause, Andropause)
Oviposition - Oviparity - Ovoviviparity - Viviparity