List of Indonesian birds: passerines
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[edit] Conservation Status
NE = Not Evaluated | NT = Near Threatened | CR = Critical |
DD = Data Deficient | VU = Vulnerable | EW = Extinct in the Wild |
LC = Least Concern | EN = Endangered | EX = Extinct |
[edit] Passeriformes
[edit] Eurylaimidae
- Calyptomena viridis Green Broadbill - NT
- Calyptomena hosii Hose's Broadbill - NT
- Calyptomena whiteheadi Whitehead's Broadbill - LC
- Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos Black-and-red Broadbill - LC
- Psarisomus dalhousiae Long-tailed Broadbill - LC
- Serilophus lunatus Silver-breasted Broadbill - LC
- Eurylaimus javanicus Banded Broadbill - LC
- Eurylaimus ochromalus Black-and-yellow Broadbill - NT
- Corydon sumatranus Dusky Broadbill - LC
[edit] Pittidae
- Pitta schneideri Schneider's Pitta - VU
- Pitta caerulea Giant Pitta - NT
- Pitta guajana Banded Pitta - LC
- Pitta baudii Blue-headed Pitta - VU
- Pitta sordida Hooded Pitta - LC
- Pitta maxima Ivory-breasted Pitta - LC
- Pitta erythrogaster Red-bellied Pitta - LC
- Pitta dohertyi Sula Pitta - NT
- Pitta arcuata Blue-banded Pitta - LC
- Pitta granatina Garnet Pitta - NT
- Pitta venusta Graceful Pitta - VU
- Pitta nympha Fairy Pitta - VU - VAGRANT
- Pitta moluccensis Blue-winged Pitta - LC
- Pitta megarhyncha Mangrove Pitta - NT
- Pitta elegans Elegant Pitta - LC
- Pitta versicolor Noisy Pitta - LC
[edit] Ptilonorhynchidae
- Ailuroedus buccoides White-eared Catbird - LC
- Ailuroedus melanotis Spotted Catbird - LC
- Archboldia papuensis Archbold's Bowerbird - NT
- Amblyornis inornata Vogelkop Bowerbird - LC
- Amblyornis macgregoriae Macgregor's Bowerbird - LC
- Amblyornis flavifrons Golden-fronted Bowerbird - LC
- Sericulus aureus Flame Bowerbird - LC
- Chlamydera lauterbachi Yellow-breasted Bowerbird - LC
- Chlamydera cerviniventris Fawn-breasted Bowerbird - LC
[edit] Climacteridae
- Cormobates placens Papuan Treecreeper - LC
[edit] Maluridae
- Sipodotus wallacii Wallace's Fairywren - LC
- Malurus grayi Broad-billed Fairywren - LC
- Malurus alboscapulatus White-shouldered Fairywren - LC
- Malurus cyanocephalus Emperor Fairywren - LC
- Clytomyias insignis Orange-crowned Fairywren - LC
[edit] Meliphagidae
- Xanthotis flaviventer Tawny-breasted Honeyeater - LC
- Xanthotis polygrammus Spotted Honeyeater - LC
- Lichenostomus subfrenatus Black-throated Honeyeater - LC
- Lichenostomus obscurus Obscure Honeyeater - LC
- Lichenostomus versicolor Varied Honeyeater - LC
- Oreornis chrysogenys Orange-cheeked Honeyeater - LC
- Meliphaga montana Forest Honeyeater - LC
- Meliphaga mimikae Mottle-breasted Honeyeater - LC
- Meliphaga orientalis Hill-forest Honeyeater - LC
- Meliphaga albonotata Scrub Honeyeater - LC
- Meliphaga aruensis Puff-backed Honeyeater - LC
- Meliphaga analoga Mimic Honeyeater - LC
- Meliphaga gracilis Graceful Honeyeater - LC
- Meliphaga flavirictus Yellow-gaped Honeyeater - LC
- Meliphaga reticulata Streaky-breasted Honeyeater - LC
- Melithreptus albogularis White-throated Honeyeater - LC
- Pycnopygius ixoides Plain Honeyeater - LC
- Pycnopygius cinereus Marbled Honeyeater - LC
- Pycnopygius stictocephalus Streak-headed Honeyeater - LC
- Melitograis gilolensis White-streaked Friarbird - LC
- Philemon meyeri Meyer's Friarbird - LC
- Philemon inornatus Plain Friarbird - LC
- Philemon brassi Brass's Friarbird - NT
- Philemon fuscicapillus Dusky Friarbird - VU
- Philemon moluccensis Black-faced Friarbird - LC
- Philemon subcorniculatus Grey-necked Friarbird - LC
- Philemon buceroides Helmeted Friarbird - LC
- Philemon novaeguineae New Guinea Friarbird - LC
- Philemon corniculatus Noisy Friarbird - LC
- Melipotes gymnops Arfak Honeyeater - LC
- Melipotes fumigatus Smoky Honeyeater - LC
- Macgregoria pulchra Macgregor's Bird-of-paradise - VU
- Melidectes fuscus Sooty Melidectes - LC
- Melidectes nouhuysi Short-bearded Melidectes - LC
- Melidectes ochromelas Cinnamon-browed Melidectes - LC
- Melidectes leucostephes Vogelkop Melidectes - LC
- Melidectes belfordi Belford's Melidectes - LC
- Melidectes rufocrissalis Yellow-browed Melidectes - LC
- Melidectes torquatus Ornate Melidectes - LC
- Ptiloprora plumbea Leaden Honeyeater - LC
- Ptiloprora meekiana Olive-streaked Honeyeater - LC
- Ptiloprora erythropleura Rufous-sided Honeyeater - LC
- Ptiloprora mayri Mayr's Honeyeater - LC
- Ptiloprora perstriata Black-backed Honeyeater - LC
- Myza celebensis Dark-eared Myza - LC
- Myza sarasinorum White-eared Myza - LC
- Melilestes megarhynchus Long-billed Honeyeater - LC
- Lichmera lombokia Scaly-crowned Honeyeater - LC
- Lichmera argentauris Olive Honeyeater - LC
- Lichmera limbata Indonesian Honeyeater - LC
- Lichmera indistincta Brown Honeyeater - LC
- Lichmera squamata White-tufted Honeyeater - LC
- Lichmera alboauricularis Silver-eared Honeyeater - LC
- Lichmera deningeri Buru Honeyeater - LC
- Lichmera monticola Seram Honeyeater - LC
- Lichmera flavicans Yellow-eared Honeyeater - LC
- Lichmera notabilis Black-chested Honeyeater - LC
- Ramsayornis modestus Brown-backed Honeyeater - LC
- Conopophila albogularis Rufous-banded Honeyeater - LC
- Myzomela blasii Drab Myzomela - LC
- Myzomela eques Red-throated Myzomela - LC
- Myzomela obscura Dusky Myzomela - LC
- Myzomela cruentata Red Myzomela - LC
- Myzomela nigrita Black Myzomela - LC
- Myzomela adolphinae Mountain Myzomela - LC
- Myzomela kuehni Crimson-hooded Myzomela - NT
- Myzomela dammermani Sumba Myzomela - LC
- Myzomela erythrocephala Red-headed Myzomela - LC
- Myzomela chloroptera Sulawesi Myzomela - LC
- Myzomela wakoloensis Wakolo Myzomela - LC
- Myzomela boiei Banda Myzomela - LC
- Myzomela vulnerata Red-rumped Myzomela - LC
- Myzomela rosenbergii Red-collared Myzomela - LC
- Timeliopsis fulvigula Olive Straightbill - LC
- Timeliopsis griseigula Tawny Straightbill - LC
- Glycichaera fallax Green-backed Honeyeater - LC
[edit] Acanthizidae
- Crateroscelis murina Rusty Mouse-warbler - LC
- Crateroscelis nigrorufa Bicoloured Mouse-warbler - LC
- Crateroscelis robusta Mountain Mouse-warbler - LC
- Sericornis beccarii Beccari's Scrubwren - LC
- Sericornis virgatus Perplexing Scrubwren - LC
- Sericornis nouhuysi Large Scrubwren - LC
- Sericornis rufescens Vogelkop Scrubwren - LC
- Sericornis perspicillatus Buff-faced Scrubwren - LC
- Sericornis arfakianus Grey-green Scrubwren - LC
- Sericornis papuensis Papuan Scrubwren - LC
- Sericornis spilodera Pale-billed Scrubwren - LC
- Gerygone cinerea Mountain Gerygone - LC
- Gerygone chloronota Green-backed Gerygone - LC
- Gerygone palpebrosa Fairy Gerygone - LC
- Gerygone chrysogaster Yellow-bellied Gerygone - LC
- Gerygone magnirostris Large-billed Gerygone - LC
- Gerygone hypoxantha Biak Gerygone - EN
- Gerygone sulphurea Golden-bellied Gerygone - LC
- Gerygone inornata Plain Gerygone - LC
- Gerygone dorsalis Rufous-sided Gerygone - LC
- Gerygone ruficollis Brown-breasted Gerygone - LC
- Acanthiza murina Papuan Thornbill - LC
[edit] Pomatostomidae
- Pomatostomus isidorei New Guinea Babbler - LC
- Pomatostomus temporalis Grey-crowned Babbler - LC
[edit] Orthonychidae
- Orthonyx novaeguineae New Guinea Logrunner - LC
- Melampitta lugubris Lesser Melampitta - LC
- Melampitta gigantea Greater Melampitta - LC
- Ifrita kowaldi Ifrit - LC
[edit] Cnemophilidae
- Cnemophilus macgregorii Crested Cnemophilus - LC
- Cnemophilus loriae Loria's Cnemophilus - LC
- Loboparadisea sericea Yellow-breasted Cnemophilus - NT
[edit] Melanocharitidae
- Melanocharis arfakiana Obscure Berrypecker - DD
- Melanocharis nigra Black Berrypecker - LC
- Melanocharis longicauda Lemon-breasted Berrypecker - LC
- Melanocharis versteri Fan-tailed Berrypecker - LC
- Melanocharis striativentris Streaked Berrypecker - LC
- Melanocharis crassirostris Spotted Berrypecker - LC
- Oedistoma pygmaeum Pygmy Longbill - LC
- Toxorhamphus poliopterus Grey-winged Longbill - LC
- Toxorhamphus novaeguineae Green-crowned Longbill - LC
- Toxorhamphus iliolophus Plumed Longbill - LC
- Oreocharis arfaki Tit Berrypecker - LC
- Paramythia montium Crested Berrypecker - LC
[edit] Eupetidae
- Androphobus viridis Papuan Whipbird - DD
- Ptilorrhoa leucosticta Spotted Jewel-babbler - LC
- Ptilorrhoa caerulescens Blue Jewel-babbler - LC
- Ptilorrhoa castanonota Chestnut-backed Jewel-babbler - LC
- Eupetes macrocerus Rail-babbler - NT
[edit] Cinclosomatidae
- Cinclosoma ajax Painted Quail-thrush - LC
[edit] Machaerirhynchidae
- Machaerirhynchus flaviventer Yellow-breasted Boatbill - LC
- Machaerirhynchus nigripectus Black-breasted Boatbill - LC
[edit] Cracticidae
- Cracticus mentalis Black-backed Butcherbird - LC
- Cracticus cassicus Hooded Butcherbird - LC
- Cracticus quoyi Black Butcherbird - LC
- Gymnorhina tibicen Australian Magpie - LC
- Peltops blainvillii Lowland Peltops - LC
- Peltops montanus Mountain Peltops - LC
[edit] Artamidae
- Artamus leucorynchus White-breasted Woodswallow - LC
- Artamus monachus Ivory-backed Woodswallow - LC
- Artamus maximus Great Woodswallow - LC
- Artamus cinereus Black-faced Woodswallow - LC
[edit] Aegithinidae
- Aegithina tiphia Common Iora - LC
- Aegithina viridissima Green Iora - NT
[edit] Pityriaseidae
[edit] Campephagidae
- Tephrodornis gularis Large Woodshrike - LC
- Coracina larvata Sunda Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina javensis Javan Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina schistacea Slaty Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina personata Wallacean Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina atriceps Moluccan Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina fortis Buru Cuckooshrike - NT
- Coracina novaehollandiae Black-faced Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina caeruleogrisea Stout-billed Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina temminckii Cerulean Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina striata Bar-bellied Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina bicolor Pied Cuckooshrike - NT
- Coracina lineata Yellow-eyed Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina boyeri Boyer's Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina leucopygia White-rumped Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina papuensis White-bellied Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina longicauda Hooded Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina parvula Halmahera Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina abbotti Pygmy Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina tenuirostris Slender-billed Cicadabird - LC
- Coracina dohertyi Sumba Cicadabird - LC
- Coracina sula Sula Cicadabird - LC
- Coracina dispar Kai Cicadabird - NT
- Coracina morio Sulawesi Cicadabird - LC
- Coracina ceramensis Pale Cicadabird - LC
- Coracina incerta Black-shouldered Cicadabird - LC
- Coracina schisticeps Grey-headed Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina melas New Guinea Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina montana Black-bellied Cuckooshrike - LC
- Coracina fimbriata Lesser Cuckooshrike - LC
- Campochaera sloetii Golden Cuckooshrike - LC
- Lalage nigra Pied Triller - LC
- Lalage leucopygialis White-rumped Triller - LC
- Lalage sueurii White-shouldered Triller - LC
- Lalage aurea Rufous-bellied Triller - LC
- Lalage moesta White-browed Triller - LC
- Lalage atrovirens Black-browed Triller - LC
- Lalage leucomela Varied Triller - LC
- Pericrocotus divaricatus Ashy Minivet - LC
- Pericrocotus cinnamomeus Small Minivet - LC
- Pericrocotus igneus Fiery Minivet - NT
- Pericrocotus lansbergei Flores Minivet - LC
- Pericrocotus solaris Grey-chinned Minivet - LC
- Pericrocotus miniatus Sunda Minivet - LC
- Pericrocotus flammeus Scarlet Minivet - LC
- Hemipus picatus Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike - LC
- Hemipus hirundinaceus Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike - LC
[edit] Neosittidae
- Daphoenositta chrysoptera Varied Sittella - LC
- Daphoenositta miranda Black Sittella - LC
[edit] Falcunculidae
[edit] Pachycephalidae
- Pachycare flavogrisea Goldenface - LC
- Rhagologus leucostigma Mottled Whistler - LC
- Hylocitrea bonensis Olive-flanked Whistler - LC
- Coracornis raveni Maroon-backed Whistler - LC
- Aleadryas rufinucha Rufous-naped Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala grisola Mangrove Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala phaionota Island Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala hyperythra Rusty Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala hypoxantha Bornean Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala sulfuriventer Sulphur-bellied Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala meyeri Vogelkop Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala simplex Grey Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala orpheus Fawn-breasted Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala pectoralis Golden Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala soror Sclater's Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala lorentzi Lorentz's Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala schlegelii Regent Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala nudigula Bare-throated Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala aurea Golden-backed Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala griseonota Drab Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala arctitorquis Wallacean Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala monacha Black-headed Whistler - LC
- Pachycephala leucogastra White-bellied Whistler - LC
[edit] Laniidae
- Lanius tigrinus Tiger Shrike - LC
- Lanius cristatus Brown Shrike - LC
- Lanius schach Long-tailed Shrike - LC
[edit] Oriolidae
- Sphecotheres hypoleucus Wetar Figbird - NT
- Sphecotheres viridis Timor Figbird - LC
- Oriolus melanotis Olive-brown Oriole - LC
- Oriolus bouroensis Black-eared Oriole - LC
- Oriolus forsteni Grey-collared Oriole - LC
- Oriolus phaeochromus Dusky-brown Oriole - LC
- Oriolus szalayi Brown Oriole - LC
- Oriolus sagittatus Olive-backed Oriole - LC - VAGRANT
- Oriolus flavocinctus Green Oriole - LC
- Oriolus xanthonotus Dark-throated Oriole - NT
- Oriolus chinensis Black-naped Oriole - LC
- Oriolus xanthornus Black-hooded Oriole - LC
- Oriolus cruentus Black-and-crimson Oriole - LC
[edit] Colluricinclidae
- Colluricincla umbrina Sooty Shrike-thrush - LC
- Colluricincla megarhyncha Little Shrike-thrush - LC
- Colluricincla sanghirensis Sangihe Shrike-thrush - CR
- Colluricincla harmonica Grey Shrike-thrush - LC
- Pitohui kirhocephalus Variable Pitohui - LC
- Pitohui dichrous Hooded Pitohui - LC
- Pitohui incertus White-bellied Pitohui - NT
- Pitohui ferrugineus Rusty Pitohui - LC
- Pitohui cristatus Crested Pitohui - LC
- Pitohui nigrescens Black Pitohui - LC
[edit] Dicruridae
- Chaetorhynchus papuensis Pygmy Drongo - LC
- Dicrurus macrocercus Black Drongo - LC
- Dicrurus leucophaeus Ashy Drongo - LC
- Dicrurus annectans Crow-billed Drongo - LC
- Dicrurus aeneus Bronzed Drongo - LC
- Dicrurus remifer Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo - LC
- Dicrurus hottentottus Hair-crested Drongo - LC
- Dicrurus sumatranus Sumatran Drongo - NT
- Dicrurus montanus Sulawesi Drongo - LC
- Dicrurus densus Wallacean Drongo - LC
- Dicrurus bracteatus Spangled Drongo - LC
- Dicrurus paradiseus Greater Racket-tailed Drongo - LC
[edit] Rhipiduridae
- Rhipidura phoenicura Rufous-tailed Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura albicollis White-throated Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura euryura White-bellied Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura javanica Pied Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura perlata Spotted Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura leucophrys Willie Wagtail - LC
- Rhipidura diluta Brown-capped Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura rufiventris Northern Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura fuscorufa Cinnamon-tailed Fantail - NT
- Rhipidura threnothorax Sooty Thicket-fantail - LC
- Rhipidura maculipectus Black Thicket-fantail - LC
- Rhipidura leucothorax White-bellied Thicket-fantail - LC
- Rhipidura atra Black Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura hyperythra Chestnut-bellied Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura albolimbata Friendly Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura phasiana Mangrove Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura brachyrhyncha Dimorphic Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura teysmanni Rusty-bellied Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura superflua Tawny-backed Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura dedemi Streaky-breasted Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura opistherythra Long-tailed Fantail - NT
- Rhipidura rufidorsa Rufous-backed Fantail - LC
- Rhipidura rufifrons Rufous Fantail - LC
[edit] Monarchidae
- Hypothymis azurea Black-naped Monarch - LC
- Eutrichomyias rowleyi Caerulean Paradise-flycatcher - CR
- Terpsiphone paradisi Asian Paradise-flycatcher - LC
- Terpsiphone atrocaudata Japanese Paradise-flycatcher - NT
- Terpsiphone cinnamomea Rufous Paradise-flycatcher - LC
- Monarcha axillaris Black Monarch - LC
- Monarcha rubiensis Rufous Monarch - LC
- Monarcha cinerascens Island Monarch - LC
- Monarcha frater Black-winged Monarch - LC
- Monarcha pileatus White-naped Monarch - LC
- Monarcha castus Loetoe Monarch - LC
- Monarcha guttulus Spot-winged Monarch - LC
- Monarcha mundus Black-bibbed Monarch - LC
- Monarcha trivirgatus Spectacled Monarch - LC
- Monarcha sacerdotum Flores Monarch - EN
- Monarcha everetti White-tipped Monarch - EN
- Monarcha loricatus Black-tipped Monarch - LC
- Monarcha boanensis Black-chinned Monarch - CR
- Monarcha leucurus White-tailed Monarch - NT
- Monarcha julianae Black-backed Monarch - DD
- Monarcha manadensis Hooded Monarch - LC
- Monarcha brehmii Biak Monarch - EN
- Monarcha chrysomela Golden Monarch - LC
- Arses telescophthalmus Frilled Monarch - LC
- Arses insularis Rufous-collared Monarch - LC
- Grallina cyanoleuca Magpie-lark - LC
- Grallina bruijni Torrent-lark - LC
- Myiagra atra Biak Flycatcher - NT
- Myiagra galeata Dark-grey Flycatcher - LC
- Myiagra rubecula Leaden Flycatcher - LC
- Myiagra ruficollis Broad-billed Flycatcher - LC
- Myiagra cyanoleuca Satin Flycatcher - LC
- Myiagra inquieta Restless Flycatcher - LC
- Myiagra alecto Shining Flycatcher - LC
[edit] Corvidae
- Platylophus galericulatus Crested Jay - NT
- Platysmurus leucopterus Black Magpie - NT
- Cissa chinensis Green Magpie - LC
- Cissa thalassina Short-tailed Magpie - LC
- Dendrocitta occipitalis Sunda Treepie - LC
- Crypsirina temia Racket-tailed Treepie - LC
- Corvus splendens House Crow - LC
- Corvus enca Slender-billed Crow - LC
- Corvus typicus Piping Crow - LC
- Corvus unicolor Banggai Crow - CR
- Corvus florensis Flores Crow - EN
- Corvus validus Long-billed Crow - LC
- Corvus fuscicapillus Brown-headed Crow - NT
- Corvus tristis Grey Crow - LC
- Corvus macrorhynchos Large-billed Crow - LC
- Corvus orru Torresian Crow - LC
[edit] Paradisaeidae
- Lycocorax pyrrhopterus Paradise-crow - LC
- Manucodia ater Glossy-mantled Manucode - LC
- Manucodia chalybatus Crinkle-collared Manucode - LC
- Manucodia jobiensis Jobi Manucode - LC
- Manucodia keraudrenii Trumpet Manucode - LC
- Paradigalla carunculata Long-tailed Paradigalla - NT
- Paradigalla brevicauda Short-tailed Paradigalla - LC
- Astrapia nigra Arfak Astrapia - LC
- Astrapia splendidissima Splendid Astrapia - LC
- Parotia sefilata Western Parotia - LC
- Parotia carolae Carola's Parotia - LC
- Pteridophora alberti King-of-Saxony Bird-of-paradise - LC
- Lophorina superba Superb Bird-of-paradise - LC
- Ptiloris magnificus Magnificent Riflebird - LC
- Epimachus fastuosus Black Sicklebill - VU
- Epimachus meyeri Brown Sicklebill - LC
- Epimachus albertisi Black-billed Sicklebill - LC
- Epimachus bruijnii Pale-billed Sicklebill - NT
- Cicinnurus magnificus Magnificent Bird-of-paradise - LC
- Cicinnurus respublica Wilson's Bird-of-paradise - NT
- Cicinnurus regius King Bird-of-paradise - LC
- Semioptera wallacii Wallace's Standardwing - LC
- Seleucidis melanoleucus Twelve-wired Bird-of-paradise - LC
- Paradisaea rubra Red Bird-of-paradise - NT
- Paradisaea minor Lesser Bird-of-paradise - LC
- Paradisaea apoda Greater Bird-of-paradise - LC
- Paradisaea raggiana Raggiana Bird-of-paradise - LC
[edit] Petroicidae
- Poecilodryas brachyura Black-chinned Robin - LC
- Poecilodryas hypoleuca Black-sided Robin - LC
- Poecilodryas placens Olive-yellow Robin - NT
- Poecilodryas albonotata Black-throated Robin - LC
- Peneothello sigillatus White-winged Robin - LC
- Peneothello cryptoleuca Smoky Robin - LC
- Peneothello cyanus Blue-grey Robin - LC
- Peneothello bimaculata White-rumped Robin - LC
- Heteromyias albispecularis Grey-headed Robin - LC
- Tregellasia leucops White-faced Robin - LC
- Eopsaltria pulverulenta Mangrove Robin - LC
- Pachycephalopsis hattamensis Green-backed Robin - LC
- Pachycephalopsis poliosoma White-eyed Robin - LC
- Monachella muelleriana Torrent Robin - LC
- Microeca hemixantha Golden-bellied Flyrobin - NT
- Microeca flavigaster Lemon-bellied Flyrobin - LC
- Microeca griseoceps Yellow-legged Flyrobin - LC
- Microeca flavovirescens Olive Flyrobin - LC
- Microeca papuana Canary Flyrobin - LC
- Eugerygone rubra Garnet Robin - LC
- Petroica bivittata Alpine Robin - LC
- Petroica archboldi Snow Mountain Robin - DD
- Drymodes superciliaris Northern Scrub-robin - LC
- Amalocichla sclateriana Greater Ground-robin - LC
- Amalocichla incerta Lesser Ground-robin - LC
[edit] Paridae
- Parus major Great Tit - LC
- Melanochlora sultanea Sultan Tit - LC
[edit] Hirundinidae
- Riparia riparia Sand Martin - LC - VAGRANT
- Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow - LC
- Hirundo tahitica Pacific Swallow - LC
- Hirundo daurica Red-rumped Swallow - LC - VAGRANT
- Hirundo striolata Striated Swallow - LC
- Hirundo nigricans Tree Martin - LC
- Hirundo ariel Fairy Martin - LC
- Delichon dasypus Asian House-martin - LC
[edit] Aegithalidae
- Psaltria exilis Pygmy Tit - LC
[edit] Alaudidae
[edit] Cisticolidae
- Cisticola juncidis Zitting Cisticola - LC
- Cisticola exilis Golden-headed Cisticola - LC
- Prinia polychroa Brown Prinia - LC
- Prinia atrogularis Hill Prinia - LC
- Prinia familiaris Bar-winged Prinia - LC
- Prinia flaviventris Yellow-bellied Prinia - LC
- Prinia inornata Plain Prinia - LC
[edit] Pycnonotidae
- Pycnonotus zeylanicus Straw-headed Bulbul - VU
- Pycnonotus leucogrammicus Cream-striped Bulbul - LC
- Pycnonotus tympanistrigus Spot-necked Bulbul - NT
- Pycnonotus melanoleucos Black-and-white Bulbul - NT
- Pycnonotus atriceps Black-headed Bulbul - LC
- Pycnonotus melanicterus Black-crested Bulbul - LC
- Pycnonotus squamatus Scaly-breasted Bulbul - NT
- Pycnonotus cyaniventris Grey-bellied Bulbul - NT
- Pycnonotus aurigaster Sooty-headed Bulbul - LC
- Pycnonotus eutilotus Puff-backed Bulbul - NT
- Pycnonotus nieuwenhuisii Blue-wattled Bulbul - DD
- Pycnonotus bimaculatus Orange-spotted Bulbul - LC
- Pycnonotus flavescens Flavescent Bulbul - LC
- Pycnonotus goiavier Yellow-vented Bulbul - LC
- Pycnonotus plumosus Olive-winged Bulbul - LC
- Pycnonotus simplex Cream-vented Bulbul - LC
- Pycnonotus brunneus Red-eyed Bulbul - LC
- Pycnonotus erythropthalmos Spectacled Bulbul - LC
- Setornis criniger Hook-billed Bulbul - VU
- Tricholestes criniger Hairy-backed Bulbul - LC
- Iole olivacea Buff-vented Bulbul - NT
- Ixos malaccensis Streaked Bulbul - NT
- Alophoixus finschii Finsch's Bulbul - NT
- Alophoixus ochraceus Ochraceous Bulbul - LC
- Alophoixus bres Grey-cheeked Bulbul - LC
- Alophoixus phaeocephalus Yellow-bellied Bulbul - LC
- Alophoixus affinis Golden Bulbul - LC
- Hemixos flavala Ashy Bulbul - LC
- Hypsipetes virescens Green-winged Bulbul - LC
[edit] Sylviidae
- Orthotomus cuculatus Mountain Tailorbird - LC
- Orthotomus sutorius Common Tailorbird - LC
- Orthotomus atrogularis Dark-necked Tailorbird - LC
- Orthotomus sericeus Rufous-tailed Tailorbird - LC
- Orthotomus ruficeps Ashy Tailorbird - LC
- Orthotomus sepium Olive-backed Tailorbird - LC
- Megalurus timoriensis Tawny Grassbird - LC
- Megalurus palustris Striated Grassbird - LC
- Megalurus albolimbatus Fly River Grassbird - VU
- Megalurus gramineus Little Grassbird - LC
- Buettikoferella bivittata Buff-banded Grassbird - LC
- Tesia superciliaris Javan Tesia - LC
- Tesia everetti Russet-capped Tesia - LC
- Urosphena subulata Timor Stubtail - LC
- Urosphena whiteheadi Bornean Stubtail - LC
- Cettia vulcania Sunda Bush-warbler - LC
- Cettia carolinae Tanimbar Bush-warbler – NT
- Bradypterus seebohmi Russet Bush-warbler - LC
- Bradypterus castaneus Chestnut-backed Bush-warbler - LC
- Locustella lanceolata Lanceolated Warbler - LC
- Locustella certhiola Pallas's Grasshopper-warbler - LC
- Locustella ochotensis Middendorff's Grasshopper-warbler - LC
- Locustella fasciolata Gray's Grasshopper-warbler - LC
- Acrocephalus bistrigiceps Black-browed Reed-warbler - LC
- Acrocephalus arundinaceus Great Reed-warbler - LC
- Acrocephalus stentoreus Clamorous Reed-warbler - LC
- Acrocephalus australis Australian Reed-warbler - LC
- Phylloscopus inornatus Inornate Warbler - LC - VAGRANT
- Phylloscopus borealis Arctic Warbler - LC
- Phylloscopus coronatus Eastern Crowned-warbler - LC
- Phylloscopus trivirgatus Mountain Leaf-warbler - LC
- Phylloscopus sarasinorum Sulawesi Leaf-warbler - LC
- Phylloscopus presbytes Timor Leaf-warbler - LC
- Phylloscopus poliocephalus Island Leaf-warbler - LC
- Seicercus castaniceps Chestnut-crowned Warbler - LC
- Seicercus montis Yellow-breasted Warbler - LC
- Seicercus grammiceps Sunda Warbler - LC
- Abroscopus superciliaris Yellow-bellied Warbler - LC
[edit] Timaliidae
- Pellorneum capistratum Black-capped Babbler - LC
- Trichastoma rostratum White-chested Babbler - NT
- Trichastoma celebense Sulawesi Babbler - LC
- Trichastoma bicolor Ferruginous Babbler - LC
- Trichastoma buettikoferi Sumatran Babbler - NT
- Trichastoma pyrrogenys Temminck's Babbler - LC
- Malacocincla abbotti Abbott's Babbler - LC
- Malacocincla sepiaria Horsfield's Babbler - LC
- Malacocincla perspicillata Black-browed Babbler - VU
- Malacocincla malaccensis Short-tailed Babbler - NT
- Malacopteron magnirostre Moustached Babbler - LC
- Malacopteron affine Sooty-capped Babbler - NT
- Malacopteron cinereum Scaly-crowned Babbler - LC
- Malacopteron magnum Rufous-crowned Babbler - NT
- Malacopteron albogulare Grey-breasted Babbler - NT
- Pomatorhinus montanus Chestnut-backed Scimitar-babbler - LC
- Rimator malacoptilus Long-billed Wren-babbler - LC
- Ptilocichla leucogrammica Bornean Wren-babbler - VU
- Kenopia striata Striped Wren-babbler - NT
- Napothera macrodactyla Large Wren-babbler - NT
- Napothera rufipectus Rusty-breasted Wren-babbler - LC
- Napothera atrigularis Black-throated Wren-babbler - NT
- Napothera marmorata Marbled Wren-babbler - LC
- Napothera crassa Mountain Wren-babbler - LC
- Napothera epilepidota Eyebrowed Wren-babbler - LC
- Pnoepyga pusilla Pygmy Wren-babbler - LC
- Stachyris rufifrons Rufous-fronted Babbler - LC
- Stachyris chrysaea Golden Babbler - LC
- Stachyris grammiceps White-breasted Babbler - NT
- Stachyris nigriceps Grey-throated Babbler - LC
- Stachyris poliocephala Grey-headed Babbler - LC
- Stachyris striolata Spot-necked Babbler - LC
- Stachyris leucotis White-necked Babbler - NT
- Stachyris nigricollis Black-throated Babbler - NT
- Stachyris thoracica White-bibbed Babbler - LC
- Stachyris maculata Chestnut-rumped Babbler - NT
- Stachyris erythroptera Chestnut-winged Babbler - LC
- Stachyris melanothorax Crescent-chested Babbler - LC
- Macronous gularis Striped Tit-babbler - LC
- Macronous flavicollis Grey-cheeked Tit-babbler - LC
- Macronous ptilosus Fluffy-backed Tit-babbler- NT
- Timalia pileata Chestnut-capped Babbler - LC
- Garrulax palliatus Sunda Laughingthrush - LC
- Garrulax rufifrons Rufous-fronted Laughingthrush - NT
- Garrulax leucolophus White-crested Laughingthrush - LC
- Garrulax lugubris Black Laughingthrush - LC
- Garrulax mitratus Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush - LC
- Leiothrix argentauris Silver-eared Mesia - LC
- Pteruthius flaviscapis White-browed Shrike-babbler - LC
- Pteruthius aenobarbus Chestnut-fronted Shrike-babbler - LC
- Alcippe brunneicauda Brown Fulvetta - NT
- Alcippe pyrrhoptera Javan Fulvetta - LC
- Crocias albonotatus Spotted Crocias - NT
- Heterophasia picaoides Long-tailed Sibia - LC
- Yuhina everetti Chestnut-crested Yuhina - LC
- Yuhina zantholeuca White-bellied Yuhina - LC
- Malia grata Malia - LC
[edit] Zosteropidae
- Zosterops palpebrosus Oriental White-eye - LC
- Zosterops salvadorii Enggano White-eye - LC
- Zosterops atricapilla Black-capped White-eye - LC
- Zosterops everetti Everett's White-eye - LC
- Zosterops montanus Mountain White-eye - LC
- Zosterops flavus Javan White-eye - NT
- Zosterops chloris Lemon-bellied White-eye - LC
- Zosterops citrinella Ashy-bellied White-eye - LC
- Zosterops grayi Pearl-bellied White-eye - NT
- Zosterops uropygialis Golden-bellied White-eye - NT
- Zosterops consobrinorum Pale-bellied White-eye - LC
- Zosterops anomalus Lemon-throated White-eye - LC
- Zosterops wallacei Yellow-spectacled White-eye - LC
- Zosterops atrifrons Black-crowned White-eye - LC
- Zosterops nehrkorni Sangihe White-eye - CR
- Zosterops stalkeri Seram White-eye - NE
- Zosterops atriceps Creamy-throated White-eye - LC
- Zosterops minor Black-fronted White-eye - LC
- Zosterops mysorensis Biak White-eye - NT
- Zosterops fuscicapilla Capped White-eye - LC
- Zosterops buruensis Buru Yellow White-eye - LC
- Zosterops kuehni Ambon Yellow White-eye - NT
- Zosterops novaeguineae New Guinea White-eye - LC
- Tephrozosterops stalkeri Bicoloured White-eye - LC
- Madanga ruficollis Rufous-throated White-eye - EN
- Lophozosterops javanicus Javan Grey-throated White-eye - LC
- Lophozosterops squamiceps Streaky-headed White-eye - LC
- Lophozosterops superciliaris Yellow-browed White-eye - LC
- Lophozosterops pinaiae Grey-hooded White-eye - LC
- Lophozosterops dohertyi Crested White-eye - LC
- Oculocincta squamifrons Pygmy White-eye - LC
- Heleia crassirostris Thick-billed White-eye - LC
- Heleia muelleri Spot-breasted White-eye - NT
- Chlorocharis emiliae Mountain Blackeye - LC
[edit] Irenidae
[edit] Sittidae
- Sitta frontalis Velvet-fronted Nuthatch - LC
- Sitta azurea Blue Nuthatch - LC
[edit] Sturnidae
- Aplonis crassa Tanimbar Starling - NT
- Aplonis cantoroides Singing Starling - LC
- Aplonis mysolensis Moluccan Starling - LC
- Aplonis minor Short-tailed Starling - LC
- Aplonis panayensis Asian Glossy Starling - LC
- Aplonis metallica Metallic Starling - LC
- Aplonis magna Long-tailed Starling - LC
- Aplonis mystacea Yellow-eyed Starling - NT
- Mino anais Golden Myna - LC
- Mino dumontii Yellow-faced Myna - LC
- Basilornis celebensis Sulawesi Myna - LC
- Basilornis galeatus Helmeted Myna - NT
- Basilornis corythaix Long-crested Myna - LC
- Streptocitta albicollis White-necked Myna - LC
- Streptocitta albertinae Bare-eyed Myna - NT
- Enodes erythrophris Fiery-browed Myna - LC
- Scissirostrum dubium Finch-billed Myna - LC
- Gracula religiosa Hill Myna - LC
- Acridotheres tristis Common Myna - LC - INTRODUCED
- Acridotheres cinereus Pale-bellied Myna - LC
- Leucopsar rothschildi Bali Starling - CR
- Sturnus sturninus Purple-backed Starling - LC
- Sturnus philippensis Chestnut-cheeked Starling - LC
- Sturnus contra Asian Pied Starling - LC
- Sturnus melanopterus Black-winged Starling - EN
[edit] Turdidae
- Myophonus melanurus Shiny Whistling-thrush - LC
- Myophonus glaucinus Javan Whistling-thrush - LC
- Myophonus castaneus Chestnut-winged Whistling-thrush - NE
- Myophonus borneensis Bornean Whistling-thrush - LC
- Myophonus caeruleus Blue Whistling-thrush - LC
- Geomalia heinrichi Geomalia - NT
- Zoothera schistacea Slaty-backed Thrush - NT
- Zoothera dumasi Buru Thrush - NT
- Zoothera joiceyi Seram Thrush - NT
- Zoothera interpres Chestnut-capped Thrush - LC
- Zoothera leucolaema Enggano Thrush - NT
- Zoothera erythronota Red-backed Thrush - NT
- Zoothera mendeni Red-and-black Thrush - NT
- Zoothera dohertyi Chestnut-backed Thrush - NT
- Zoothera peronii Orange-banded Thrush - NT
- Zoothera citrina Orange-headed Thrush - LC
- Zoothera sibirica Siberian Thrush - LC
- Zoothera andromedae Sunda Thrush - LC
- Zoothera dauma Scaly Thrush - LC
- Zoothera machiki Fawn-breasted Thrush - NT
- Zoothera lunulata Olive-tailed Thrush - LC
- Cataponera turdoides Sulawesi Thrush - LC
- Turdus poliocephalus Island Thrush - LC
- Turdus obscurus Eyebrowed Thrush - LC
- Cochoa beccarii Sumatran Cochoa - VU
- Cochoa azurea Javan Cochoa - VU
- Chlamydochaera jefferyi Black-breasted Fruit-hunter - LC
- Brachypteryx leucophrys Lesser Shortwing - LC
- Brachypteryx montana White-browed Shortwing - LC
- Heinrichia calligyna Great Shortwing - LC
[edit] Muscicapidae
- Philentoma pyrhoptera Rufous-winged Philentoma - LC
- Philentoma velata Maroon-breasted Philentoma - NT
- Luscinia cyane Siberian Blue Robin - LC
- Copsychus saularis Oriental Magpie-robin - LC
- Copsychus malabaricus White-rumped Shama - LC
- Trichixos pyrropyga Rufous-tailed Shama - NT
- Cinclidium diana Sunda Robin - LC
- Enicurus velatus Sunda Forktail - LC
- Enicurus ruficapillus Chestnut-naped Forktail - NT
- Enicurus leschenaulti White-crowned Forktail - LC
- Saxicola torquatus Common Stonechat - LC
- Saxicola caprata Pied Bushchat - LC
- Saxicola gutturalis White-bellied Bushchat - NT
- Monticola solitarius Blue Rock Thrush - LC
- Rhinomyias additus Streaky-breasted Jungle-flycatcher - NT
- Rhinomyias oscillans Russet-backed Jungle-flycatcher - LC
- Rhinomyias olivaceus Fulvous-chested Jungle-flycatcher - LC
- Rhinomyias umbratilis Grey-chested Jungle-flycatcher - NT
- Rhinomyias ruficauda Rufous-tailed Jungle-flycatcher - LC
- Rhinomyias colonus Henna-tailed Jungle-flycatcher - NT
- Rhinomyias gularis Eyebrowed Jungle-flycatcher - LC
- Muscicapa griseisticta Grey-streaked Flycatcher - LC
- Muscicapa sibirica Dark-sided Flycatcher - LC
- Muscicapa dauurica Asian Brown Flycatcher - LC
- Muscicapa segregata Sumba Brown Flycatcher - NT
- Muscicapa ferruginea Ferruginous Flycatcher - LC
- Ficedula zanthopygia Yellow-rumped Flycatcher - LC
- Ficedula narcissina Narcissus Flycatcher - LC
- Ficedula mugimaki Mugimaki Flycatcher - LC
- Ficedula solitaris Rufous-browed Flycatcher - LC
- Ficedula hyperythra Snowy-browed Flycatcher - LC
- Ficedula dumetoria Rufous-chested Flycatcher - NT
- Ficedula rufigula Rufous-throated Flycatcher - NT
- Ficedula buruensis Cinnamon-chested Flycatcher - LC
- Ficedula henrici Damar Flycatcher - VU
- Ficedula harterti Sumba Flycatcher - LC
- Ficedula bonthaina Lompobattang Flycatcher - EN
- Ficedula westermanni Little Pied Flycatcher - LC
- Ficedula timorensis Black-banded Flycatcher - NT
- Cyanoptila cyanomelana Blue-and-white Flycatcher - LC
- Eumyias thalassina Verditer Flycatcher - LC
- Eumyias panayensis Island Flycatcher - LC
- Eumyias indigo Indigo Flycatcher - LC
- Cyornis sanfordi Matinan Flycatcher - EN
- Cyornis hoevelli Blue-fronted Flycatcher - LC
- Cyornis hyacinthinus Timor Blue-flycatcher - LC
- Cyornis concretus White-tailed Flycatcher - LC
- Cyornis ruckii Rueck's Blue-flycatcher - CR
- Cyornis unicolor Pale Blue-flycatcher - LC
- Cyornis banyumas Hill Blue-flycatcher - LC
- Cyornis superbus Bornean Blue-flycatcher - LC
- Cyornis caerulatus Large-billed Blue-flycatcher -VU
- Cyornis turcosus Malaysian Blue-flycatcher - NT
- Cyornis tickelliae Tickell's Blue-flycatcher - LC
- Cyornis rufigastra Mangrove Blue-flycatcher - LC
- Cyornis omissus Sulawesi Blue-flycatcher - LC
- Niltava grandis Large Niltava - LC
- Niltava sumatrana Rufous-vented Niltava - LC
- Muscicapella hodgsoni Pygmy Blue Flycatcher - LC
- Culicicapa ceylonensis Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher - LC
- Culicicapa helianthea Citrine Canary-flycatcher - LC
[edit] Chloropseidae
- Chloropsis sonnerati Greater Green Leafbird - LC
- Chloropsis cyanopogon Lesser Green Leafbird - NT
- Chloropsis cochinchinensis Blue-winged Leafbird - LC
- Chloropsis kinabaluensis Bornean Leafbird - LC
- Chloropsis media Sumatran Leafbird - LC
- Chloropsis venusta Blue-masked Leafbird - NT
[edit] Dicaeidae
- Prionochilus maculatus Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker - LC
- Prionochilus percussus Crimson-breasted Flowerpecker - LC
- Prionochilus xanthopygius Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker - LC
- Prionochilus thoracicus Scarlet-breasted Flowerpecker - NT
- Dicaeum annae Golden-rumped Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum agile Thick-billed Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum everetti Brown-backed Flowerpecker - NT
- Dicaeum chrysorrheum Yellow-vented Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum aureolimbatum Yellow-sided Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum trigonostigma Orange-bellied Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum concolor Plain Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum nehrkorni Crimson-crowned Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum erythrothorax Flame-breasted Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum vulneratum Ashy Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum pectorale Olive-crowned Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum geelvinkianum Red-capped Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum igniferum Black-fronted Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum maugei Red-chested Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum ignipectus Fire-breasted Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum monticolum Black-sided Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum celebicum Grey-sided Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum sanguinolentum Blood-breasted Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum hirundinaceum Mistletoebird - LC
- Dicaeum cruentatum Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker - LC
- Dicaeum trochileum Scarlet-headed Flowerpecker - LC
[edit] Nectariniidae
- Anthreptes simplex Plain Sunbird - LC
- Anthreptes malacensis Plain-throated Sunbird - LC
- Anthreptes rhodolaema Red-throated Sunbird - NT
- Anthreptes singalensis Ruby-cheeked Sunbird - LC
- Hypogramma hypogrammicum Purple-naped Sunbird - LC
- Nectarinia sperata Purple-throated Sunbird - LC
- Nectarinia aspasia Black Sunbird - LC
- Nectarinia calcostetha Copper-throated Sunbird - LC
- Nectarinia jugularis Olive-backed Sunbird - LC
- Nectarinia buettikoferi Apricot-breasted Sunbird - LC
- Nectarinia solaris Flame-breasted Sunbird - LC
- Aethopyga duyvenbodei Elegant Sunbird - EN
- Aethopyga eximia White-flanked Sunbird - LC
- Aethopyga siparaja Crimson Sunbird - LC
- Aethopyga mystacalis Scarlet Sunbird - LC
- Arachnothera longirostra Little Spiderhunter - LC
- Arachnothera crassirostris Thick-billed Spiderhunter - LC
- Arachnothera robusta Long-billed Spiderhunter - LC
- Arachnothera flavigaster Spectacled Spiderhunter - LC
- Arachnothera chrysogenys Yellow-eared Spiderhunter - LC
- Arachnothera affinis Grey-breasted Spiderhunter - LC
- Arachnothera everetti Bornean Spiderhunter - LC
- Arachnothera juliae Whitehead's Spiderhunter - LC
[edit] Passeridae
[edit] Ploceidae
- Ploceus manyar Streaked Weaver - LC
- Ploceus philippinus Baya Weaver - LC
- Ploceus hypoxanthus Asian Golden Weaver - NT
[edit] Estrildidae
- Amandava amandava Red Avadavat - LC
- Oreostruthus fuliginosus Mountain Firetail - LC
- Taeniopygia guttata Zebra Finch - LC
- Erythrura hyperythra Tawny-breasted Parrotfinch - LC
- Erythrura prasina Pin-tailed Parrotfinch - LC
- Erythrura tricolor Tricolored Parrotfinch - LC
- Erythrura trichroa Blue-faced Parrotfinch - LC
- Erythrura papuana Papuan Parrotfinch - LC
- Lonchura striata White-rumped Munia - LC
- Lonchura leucogastroides Javan Munia - LC
- Lonchura fuscans Dusky Munia - LC
- Lonchura molucca Black-faced Munia - LC
- Lonchura punctulata Scaly-breasted Munia - LC
- Lonchura leucogastra White-bellied Munia - LC
- Lonchura tristissima Streak-headed Munia - LC
- Lonchura leucosticta White-spotted Munia - LC
- Lonchura atricapilla Chestnut Munia - LC
- Lonchura ferruginosa White-capped Munia - LC
- Lonchura quinticolor Five-colored Munia - LC
- Lonchura maja White-headed Munia - LC
- Lonchura pallida Pale-headed Munia - LC
- Lonchura grandis Grand Munia - LC
- Lonchura vana Grey-banded Munia - VU
- Lonchura nevermanni Grey-crowned Munia - LC
- Lonchura spectabilis Hooded Munia - LC
- Lonchura castaneothorax Chestnut-breasted Munia - LC
- Lonchura stygia Black Munia - NT
- Lonchura teerinki Black-breasted Munia - LC
- Lonchura montana Snow Mountain Munia - LC
- Padda oryzivora Java Sparrow - VU
- Padda fuscata Timor Sparrow - NT
[edit] Motacillidae
- Dendronanthus indicus Forest Wagtail - LC
- Motacilla flava Yellow Wagtail - LC
- Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail - LC
- Anthus rufulus Paddyfield Pipit - LC
- Anthus novaeseelandiae Australasian Pipit - LC
- Anthus gustavi Pechora Pipit - LC
- Anthus cervinus Red-throated Pipit - LC
- Anthus gutturalis Alpine Pipit - LC
[edit] Fringillidae
- Serinus estherae Mountain Serin - LC
[edit] Emberizidae
- Emberiza spodocephala Black-faced Bunting - LC - VAGRANT
Previous page: List of Indonesian birds: non-passerines
Next page: Endemic birds of Indonesia
[edit] References
- Birdlife International, The World List of Threatened Birds, ISBN 1-56098-528-3
- Birdlife International, Endemic Bird Areas of the World, ISBN 1-56098-574-7
- Morten Strange, A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Indonesia, ISBN 0-691-11495-1
- Periplus Ac+ion Guides, Birding Indonesia, ISBN 962-593-071-X
- The Howard and Moore, Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World, ISBN 0-691-11701-2