Passé composé
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Tempo verbal francês de difícil aprendizado estrangeiro, com verbos auxiliares Être e Avoir, sem seguir nenhum padrão. Os verbos todos devem ser alterados neste tempo, seguindo, alguns, um padrão semi-irregular para cada terminação.
Os verbos regulares terminados em ER são auxiliados pelo verbo avoir e terminam em é, (corta-se o R e acentua-se agudamente o E). Os verbos Avoir e Être são ambos auxiliados pelo verbo Avoir, que têm como particípio o verbo EU. Os verbos com auxiliar Être devem ser concordados em número e gênero com o substantivo anterior, adicionando-se ao particípio as letras E (feminino) e S (plural).
Passé Composé is the most commonly used past tense in the modern French language. It is used to express that an action has been completed at the time of speech, or at some (possibly unknown) time in the past. Passé Composé was originally a present perfect, and is still occasionally used as such (ex: Ça yest, j'ai fini = I'm finished), while its main use is as a past tense. It is commonly used as a "narration tense" for oral and written narration. Narration tense is a feature of roman languages, which divide events in a story between timeline events, which appear successively in the narration in the same order they happened in real life (or "fictional real life"), and background events, which don't follow such a strict order of appearance and are to be situated relatively to timeline events (anterior, simultaneous, posterior). Narration tense is used for timeline events only, so string of successive events are frequently expressed with Passé Composé. Passé Composé is formed using an auxiliary verb and the past participle of a verb.
O verbo auxiliary tipicamente usado é o avoir ("ter"), mas algumas vezes é usado o être ("ser")
Segue a conjugação do avoir :
j'ai (eu tenho) nous avons (nós temos) tu as (tu tem) vous avez (vós tens) il/elle a (ele tem) ils/elles ont (eles/elas tem)
Segue a conjugação do être :
je suis (eu sou ) nous sommes (nós somos) tu es (tu és) vous êtes (vós sois) il est (ele é) ils sont (eles são)
Abaixo segue uma lista de verbos que usam être como verbo auxiliary no Passé Composé:
Aller - ir arriver - chegar descendre - descer devenir - entrer - entrar monter - escalar mourir - morrer naître - nascer partir - partir passer (par) - rentrer - reentrar rester - ficar retourner - retornar revenir - to come back sortir - sair tomber - cair venire - vir
- An often used mnemonic device to remember these verbs is DRMRSVANDERTRAMPP, or DR & MRS VANDERTRAMPP or DR MRS P VANDERTRAMP
- Note that many of these verbs have to do with motion or movement
- In addition to the above verbs, all reflexive/pronominal verbs (se laver, se maquiller, s'asseoir, se raser, etc.) use être as their auxiliary verb.
Para formar o passado particípio para os verbos terminados em -ER, apenas troque -er por -é.
parler (falar) - er + é = parlé (falei) aller (sair) - er + é = allé (sai) arriver (chegar) - er + é = arrivé (cheguei)
Para formar o passado particípio para os verbos terminados em -IR, apenas troque -ir por -i.
finir (terminar) - ir + i = fini (terminei) choisir (escolher) - ir + i = choisi (escolhi) sortir (sair) - ir + i = sorti (sai)
Para formar o passado particípio para os verbos terminados em -RE verbs, apenas troque -re por -u.
vendre (vender) - re + u = vendu (vendi) fondre (derreter) - re + u = fondu (derreti) descendre (descer) -re + u = descendu (desci)
- Entretanto, exitem alguns verbos que não respeitam a regra acima que são os verbos irregulares abaixo:
acquérir: acquis (acquired) apprendre: appris (learnt) atteindre: atteint (attended) avoir: eu (had) boire: bu (drunken) comprendre: compris (understood) conduire: conduit (driven) connaître: connu (known) construire: construit (constructed) courir: couru (ran) couvrir: couvert (covered) craindre: craint (feared) croire: cru (believed) décevoir: déçu (disappointed) découvrir: découvert (discovered) devoir: dû (must) dire: dit (disse) écrire: écrit (escreveu) être: été (ser) faire: fait (fez) instruire: instruit (preparou/instruiu) joindre: joint (joined) lire: lu (read) mettre: mis (put, placed) mourir: mort (died) offrir: offert (offered) ouvrir: ouvert (opened) naître: né (was born) paraître: paru (came out) peindre: peint (painted) pouvoir: pu (been able to) prendre: pris (taken) produire: produit (produced) recevoir: reçu (received) savoir: su (known) souffrir: souffert (hurt) suivre: suivi (followed) tenir: tenu (held) venir: venu (came) vivre: vécu (lived) voir: vu (seen) vouloir: voulu (wanted)
Para escrever os verbos na forma completa do Passé Composé simplesmente siga o exemplo abaixo:
Verbo Auxiliar + Passado Particípio
J'ai vu (Eu vi)
Tu as parlé (Você falou)
Il est sorti (Ele saiu)
- In addition to "have/has verbed", Passé Composé can be translated as "did verb" or simply "verbed". For instance, J'ai vu can be translated as 'I have seen' or 'I saw.'
- Past Participles only change to feminine or plural forms after the auxiliary verb 'être.' It can also vary with the verb 'avoir' in a subordinate sentence where the complément d'objet direct precedes the past participle. Recall that in French an -e is added if the subject is feminine and an -s is added if the subject is plural.
Elle a voulu ses enfants. (She wanted her children) becomes Elle les a voulus. (She has wanted them. -- les is the direct object, before the verb, and is plural) , Ses enfants l'ont voulue (Her children have wanted her.) and: Ses filles l'ont voulue (Her daughters have wanted her)
Les hommes sont arrivés (The men have arrived.)
Les filles sont venues (The girls have come.)
- For more information, see French verbs.
- Here are some practice sentences to practice translating:
1 Vous avez pris. 2 Jacques est allé. 3 J'ai vendu. 4 Tu as fini? 5 Elles ont eu. 6 Nous sommes morts! 7 I have been. 8 You (sg.) were born. 9 Jean and Martin have fallen. 10 He has written. 11 We have come. 12 You (pl.) have drunk.
Answers: 1-You have taken/ 2-Jacques has gone/ 3-I have sold/ 4-You have finished ?/ 5-They have had/ 6-We have died/ 7-J'ai été/ 8-Tu es né(e)/ 9-Jean et Martin sont tombés/ 10-Il a écrit/ 11-Nous sommes venu(e)s/ 12-Vous avez bu
[editar] Referências
Passé Composé. In: WIKIPÉDIA: a enciclopédia livre. Wikimedia, 2007. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 abr. 2007.