Talk:River Phoenix
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Does this article suggest that only the very poor can't afford to buy brand new cars? 16:03, 17 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- I, you're living in abject poverty if your car is secondhand? Perhaps that line should be removed, simply because it completely trivialises the idea of poverty. Then again, if their view of poverty was that they couldn't afford a new car, that says something about them. -- Dandelions 23:18, 19 November 2005 (UTC)
no. that article isn't even about only the "very poor" can't afford to buy brand new cars. the article about the life of river phoenix. why would they even ask that sort of question?
i think that river jude phoenix's death was a critical, horrible thing to hear about.i was only 7 when i heard about his death. i love all of his mom bought me all of his movies ever since he died. i have posters of him all over my in peace, river jude phoenix. aug 23,1970-oct 31,1993 a.k.a. rio or riv.
What evidence is there that he was gay/bisexual?
Brian J. Robb's book "River Phoenix: A Short Life". Also I believe Gus Van Sant made a comment about Phoenix's sexuality during an interview.
I find it unbelievable that some of you in here deem it apporpriate to delete stuff you don't want to see in here and dismiss it as nonsense! I went to great lengths to put in stuff about his death from a recent "Final 24" episode on Discovery Channel and you just deleted ALL OF IT and accuse ME of vandalism!I wonder who the vandalist is in here! Most of the info in here is not cited as it is hard to determine the exact source. The same goes for my source: I could not cite "Final 24" as it has yet to appear on the imdb ( I submitted the title and it's still being checked) Yes, River did use drugs for years, even before My Own Private Idaho, just like his friend Matt Ebert said on the documentary! His abuse deteriorated during MOPI where he would swallow all sorts of pills, as Ebert said. And yes, it is true that River got snubbed by Flea right before their performance in the Viper Room and that's what drove him to the bathroom to ingest a speedball. That's what the investigating LIEUTENANT said on the docu! And yes, he had an eightfold cocaine overdose, as the coroner said on the docu, too! And yes, Judy Davis was hard to work with and River was deeply hurt by her behavior, as the director George Sluizer said on the docu! So either all these people are lying or you are just refusing to accept my input. So now I wonder why you deemed it appropriate to delete my info and leave all the uncited stuff in there. Is it because one of you in here prefers to control all the input? I stand by what I wrote in there. Is the info I submitted so hard to believe or outrageous that it doesn't fit the whole picture? I suggest you watch the documentary yourself!
Sliponshoe 17:13, 27 December 2006 (UTC)
Contents |
[edit] NPOV
"was one of the most promising movie actors of his generation." seems very biased. Not knowing anything about him i'm not sure haw to fix it. I'm adding it to NPOV tho.
He was listed in John Willis' Screen World as a "Promising New Actor of 1986" (one of twelve). I think that would qualify the statement in the article, though it should probably be actually mentioned.
[edit] Death and age
Died of Speedball, as did John Belushi, outside The Viper Room; see for details. Alf melmac 09:15, 8 September 2005 (UTC)
According to "Classic Cases in Medical Ethics" by Gregory Pence, Phoenix died by "mixing barbiturates, alcohol, and benzodiazapines," not by mixing cocaine and heroin.
Born Aug 23 1970: age 0
- Therefore this birthdays on each August 23rd are;
- '71=1, '72=2, '73=3, '74=4, '75=5, '76=6, '77=7, '78=8, '79=9, '80=10,
- '81=11, '82=12, '83=13, '84=14, '85=15, '86=16, '87=17, '88=18, '89=19, '90=20,
- '91=21, '92=22, '93=23
- he died in October of '93 which makes 23 at the time of his death. --Alf melmac 13:09, 1 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Rumour
An unconfirmed rumor claims that actress Christina Applegate "stood there and watched."
If it's an unconfirmed rumour why is it in the article? 19:26, 19 November 2005 (UTC)
Married With Children star Christina Applegate was at the club that night and witnessed the seizures, which she later reenacted at an anti-drug dance piece.
[edit] Melissa Etheridge
Does anyone know which song she apparently wrote about River? I'm fairly sure it was Natalie Merchant instead (with, sensibly enough, River), and will be editing that. If people know that Etheridge did indeed write a song about him, feel free to add her back in, but I've turned up nothing on Google. -- Dandelions 23:06, 19 November 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Paternal Parentage Unconfirmed Rumor & Other Uncomfirmed Rumors
The rumors on the internet are that the father of the Phoenix clan might not be River's father genetically. The cults which the parents were in were very much into orgies, and also, pedophilia.
There are rumors on the internet that River was raped as a child by adults in the COG, and it contributed to his mental imbalances, which also led to his drug addictions.
- That's "paternity" unconfirmed. One's paternity is who one's father was. Paternal Parentage is grammatically correct but redundant. Kasreyn 00:33, 31 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Needs To Be Re-edited or Re-written
Someone re-edited this article to include unverifiable rumors of R. Phoenix parenting a child in 1988. The whole document has been cut and pasted together without continuance.
Much of this article is un-cited. I AM NOT SURE I BELIEVE THIS
I dont believe this is true that he died of a speedball. And I dont believe he injected. I have read that he snorted the heroin, and had meth in his system. I dont think he injected.
Oh.... snorting the Heroin is much better isn;t it. It still managed to kill him. What I don;t get is... HE WAS A HEALTH NUT. He was a Vegan and he had all these views on holistic medicine but apparently that goes out the window when one wants a heroine high. What a hypocrit.
Everyone lives in a glasshouse and everyone makes mistakes, his was fatal.
- yes. Anyway, this article as it is now suggests the overdose came out of nowhere. I really don't know whether this is true. The article should make explicit what his drug habits were before the overdose: many?, none?, some?, unknown?, maybe documented controversy? Pukkie 21:54, 4 August 2006 (UTC)
- ..His family never made a public announcement to drug addiction. There is the letter his mother wrote to the LA Times stating he was not a regular user and there seems to be a statement from then girlfriend that he had been clean for 3 months before he died. Anthony Kiedis did make a statement in his book Scar Tissue that River Phoenix had been drinking heavily and using since they had been introduced.
(The autopsy also revealed traces of cough syrup, crystal meth and cannabis in his blood.) Where in his autopsy does it specify what drugs he died of, can anyone verify that the autopsy report specified chemical ingestion? [1] and [2] show only acute multiple drug ingestion. As for ephedrine it is found in cough syrup, crystal meth, and some vitamin supplements.
[edit] Musical References
The song "Anyone Can Play Guitar" on Radiohead's album Pablo Honey is about River Phoenix. Deleted Thom York wrote it concerning reading Morrison's lyrics as poetry. [3]
The band Snow Patrol wrote the song "Run" about River. If it can be referenced somewhere add it back in. I've found nothing to confirm that the song had anything to do with Phoenix. --Elthearosa 23:05, 19 July 2006 (UTC)