Robert Vesterlund
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Robert Vesterlund, alias Robert Wennerstedt, born October 28, 1976, is mostly known for his involvement in the murder of Björn Söderberg. He became involved with nazism in 1993. On May 1, 1993 he was arrested together with Niklas Irrberger, then the leader of Riksfronten, at Vänsterpartiet's may day gathering in Kungsträdgården, Stockholm. In Irrberger's bag the police found a hand grenade.
In 1993 Sverigedemokratisk Ungdom, a youth organisation of Sverigedemokraterna, was founded and Robert Vesterlund became the leader under the alias of Robert Wennerstedt, and during the following years he worked his way up in the party and had a seat on their national board.
The same person who held high positions in Sverigedemokratisk Ungdom ran at the same time the organisation SUNS (Stockholms Unga NationalSocialister). SUNS took over the job of VAM built up a network of nazistic organisations in Sweden. A gathering factor was the magazine Info 14 with Robert Vesterlund as editor. In 1996 the network Info 14 changed its name to Nationella Alliansen with Christopher Rangne as leader. The same year Info 14 started a sabotage campaign against the anti-racist magazine Expo. Efter Nationella Alliansen was evicted and the media attention they got after their campaign against Expo Nationella Alliansen collapsed in internal fights.
Robert Vesterlund continued publishing Info 14, but now as an independent publication. However he came into contact with NationalSocialistisk Front (NSF). NationalSocialistisk Front was founded 1994 in Karlskrona, but didn't start expanding nationally until 1997. Robert Vesterlund took part in the yearly memorial march for Rudolf Hess in Copenhagen.
Robert Vesterlund got the part as an independent organiser for NationalSocialistisk Front and among other things he arranged the anti Jewish demonstration in Stockholm November 8, 1997 and NFS' first may day demonstration in Ludvika May 1, 1999.
May 1, 1998 he was arrested together with NFS' entire demonstration for rioting in Nora. He was sentenced to four months imprisonment that he served during the winter of 1998/1999. While in prison he made contact with the prison based Nazi organisation Ariska Brödraskapet (Aryan Brotherhood).
The latest issue of Info 14 was published in July 1999 and contained the supplement Kampnytt with an article celebrating the police murders in Malexander and the car bomb in Nacka.
On September 16, 1999, the syndicalistic newspaper Arbetaren revealed that Robert Vesterlund had been elected for a position in Handelsanställdas förbund at Svanströms' warehouse in Stockholm. The same day the article was published a photo of Björn Söderberg was requested to Info 14's mail box.
Ariska Brödraskapet was founded the autumn of 1996 by the Gothenburg based Niklas Löfdahl and the Nazi-Skinheads who killed John Hron. Ariska Brödraskapet worked mainly as a mail club for Nazis in prison and built up contacts with Combat 18. During a leave in 1997 Niklas Löfdahl sent a mail bomb to minister of justice Laila Freivalds. During the autumn of 1998 Niklas Löfdahl left Ariska Brödraskapet and was replaced by Patrik Huisman. In the circles around Patrik Huisman was Mats Nilsson and Tony Olsson, both involved in the bankrobbery that led up to the police murders in Malexander. In British Nazi magazine have Ariska Brödraskapet claimed responsibility for the car bomb against the journalist in Nacka.