Talk:Romanian Land Forces
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The section on Post World War I says Jews were allowed to serve in the Armed forces before Antonescu took power.
This implies that the situation changed under Antonescu - but this is not stated at all.
Maybe it was stated, but subsequent editing deleted it. I don't know - this is not an area where I have any knowledge, but there's no need to drag any group into the story without a good reason.
[edit] Humvees
It would be interesting to know more about current Romanian Army equipment, like jeeps, AV, tanks, light armament etc. For example, on the Humvee page it says that Romania are users of HUMVEEs - is that true? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs).
- Yep, they have 8 of them. HAHAHA!!! No but seriously, it seems that ze Amyerikans will give them a few more. I think they signed a contract to buy about 50 or 100 of them (I am not quite sure). Dapiks 04:13, 29 January 2007 (UTC)
- The Humvees were given to the Romanian Military Police by the US Government, according to this article: Humvee pentru Poliţia Militară (Humvee for the Military Police), Ziua, November 13, 2006 (only in Romanian). Mentatus 20:58, 1 February 2007 (UTC)
- Check also this link out: Mentatus 11:14, 11 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Ranks
I may be wrong, but OF-7, OF-8 and OF-9 are not named “General-maior”, “General-locotenent” and “General” anymore. They're “General de divizie”, “General de corp de armată” and “General de armată” respectively. Also, as far as I know, there is an equivalent to OF-1o and that's “Mareşal”, although nobody has that rank at the moment (and very few people had it throughout romanian history). 15:55, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
- You're partially right, the General ranks were named like that but only until 2001, when the Government Ordinance 90/2001 modified the Law regarding the Status of Military Personnel (80/1995), 2nd article:
- "Gradele cadrelor militare în ordinea lor ierarhică în Ministerul Apărării Naţionale sunt:
- [...]
- c) generali şi amirali:
- - general de brigadă- cu o stea, respectiv general de flotilă aeriană - cu o stea, pentru cei din arma aviaţie şi contraamiral de flotilă - cu o stea, pentru cei din arma marină;
- - general-maior - cu două stele, respectiv contra-amiral - cu două stele, pentru cei din arma marină;
- - general-locotenent - cu trei stele, respectiv viceamiral - cu trei stele, pentru cei din arma marină;
- - general - cu patru stele, respectiv amiral - cu patru stele, pentru cei din arma marină."
- The Marshal rank is mentioned in the Law 80/1995, at the end of the 2nd article: "În afara acestor grade, pentru merite militare excepţionale, în timp de război, Preşedintele României poate acorda generalilor de armată gradul de mareşal, care este cel mai înalt grad militar", so it is only a wartime rank. However, this paragraph is not mentioned in the Government Ordinance 90/2001, so I'm not sure it is still valid. On the other hand, there is no Marshal rank insignia displayed on the Romanian Ministry of Defense website (see or, that's why I didn't add it to the template. Mentatus 10:35, 11 February 2007 (UTC)
- Alright, thanks for clarifying that. 00:17, 14 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Graphic of the Army Structure
I'm currently working on a project to create graphics of the structure of the most important Armies. i.e. French Army; German Army; Italian Army I also want to make a graphic of the structure of the Romanian Land Forces, but the information at this point is not sufficient, as there is no information how the units are structured (i.e. What Regiments/Batallions belong to which Divisions/Brigades, what type the units are; and so on) Does anyone have this information- and also the Regiments/Battalions names and/or numbers and where they are based? Thanks noclador