Talk:Rukia Kuchiki
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[edit] Rukia's rank
Just curious, do we know the rank of Rukia? It's actually likely that she was a high-ranking officer, since she went on trips alone with the captain and Kaien (where he got killed), and also she knows 'high-level' shinigami spells, as well as being adopted into a noble family (this probably increases rank or at least prestiege). But on the other hand, she is sent into the human world to do average missions. But, do we have any concrete leads as to her rank? -- Ynhockey 01:48, 4 August 2005 (UTC)
- I don't think she is very high-ranked. However, since she does come from a noble family, she does get access to certain privileges that she would not normally receive. It happens all the time in the real military, and with teacher's pets. I suspect that (and bear in mind I'm using a modern-day equivalent), if her squad has a captain, a lieutenant, and a few sergeant majors to run the individual teams, she's probably (at best) a corporal...who happens to be related to a Senator. Hope that makes sense.--Mitsukai 02:55, 4 August 2005 (UTC)
- As far as we know, she is a completely unseated Shinigami. Any rank she may previously have held was probably stripped from her due to her arrest anyway.--Tjstrf 05:59, 4 August 2005 (UTC)
- Yes, as tjstrf said, she is unranked as far as we know. And Mitsukai, your analogy is a bit off. Real life armies have generals, colonels, majors, etc. Soul Society is run by 13 captains, drawing an army analogy would skew the system by a lot. Your thinking on the noble/priviliges thing is correct though. - Hobbeslover 03:10, 28 August 2005 (UTC)
Wait are you talking about the shadow part?Because if you can see after Rukia climbs that tree you can see those lines when she's laughing.
In view of the latest manga chapter, 202, I have reason to believe that Rukia has in fact the abilities to gain a seat, only Byakuya seemed to have connived with the other captains to not give her any to protect her. There was also this portion where she started to say what she was in the 13th Division, but she kind of stopped herself and settled for telling the Arrankar the name of her sword.Jute 08:18, 7 November 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Cleanup
OK, this article is a mess. I just realized that. It has a promotion-like synopsis at the start (which I've put into 'introduction', before it was in 'character outline'), and the articy is just messy overall. What parts do we need to have, and what parts do we not need? I think it should be organized like the other character articles - outline, synopsis, soul cutter. In Rukia's case, there would also be 'Rukia's powers', and a section about her interaction with the human world (residence, school, etc.), which I think should be called... 'Human world'. Any other ideas? -- Ynhockey || Talk 08:11, 10 November 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Stats
Someone should put her statistics like height/weight, measurements, etc. IIRC, she's around 4'8 and 75lbs.
- They are already there, look at the infobox on the right. -- Y Ynhockey || Talk Y 21:31, 4 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Synopsis
Can we stick a synopsis section into this article? About Rukia's actions in the Human World, her actions after being sent back to Soul Society, and her actions during the arrancar arc? For a main character of Bleach, her article is greatly lacking... Ynhockey, this might be your area of expertise...--GhostStalker 04:21, 25 July 2006 (UTC)
- Done up to Soul Society--Gdo01 23:07, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Age of Rukia and how she died
How old is Rukia?She said she ten times older than Ichigo,and does that mean she's 25?Also,I noticed in episode 32 the Rukia when she was little had these bruises things on her neck.Is that a sign to how she died? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Narutofan134 (talk • contribs) 00:31, September 30, 2006 (UTC)
- If what she said was true, then she'd be 150, not 25, because Ichigo is 15. On the other hand, given her tone during that conversation (iirc, using "kisama" or "temae" for "you" in every instance), she was very likely exaggerating. If I had to guess, I'd say around 100, but that isn't verifiable. I have no clue about the bruises, that sounds like speculation at best. --Anaraug 00:37, 30 September 2006 (UTC)
- She has said she is ten times older than Ichigo meaning shes 150 not 25. As for your other question, I don't think the back of her neck has ever been shown in any episode due to her hair covering it. If you have a certain time index in that episode, it would help. Gdo01 00:38, 30 September 2006 (UTC)
- JINX!--Anaraug 00:40, 30 September 2006 (UTC)
It was after Renji gave Rukia the Confeti.When I paused the video showing Rukia's face,I say saw a black marking on the front of her neck.
- You mean this screenshot [1]. That would be the shadow formed by her chin plus it looks nothing like a bruise. Anyway, I highly doubt any of the souls keep their injuries when they go to Soul Society since after all they are souls. Since when do souls keep the injuries of the body they were in. Gdo01 01:01, 30 September 2006
Yeah you're right about that.But when I went further after she went outside and climbed that tree you can see those lines on the fron of her neck as she's laughing at Reji.
- Looks more like an adam's apple, that's how they are drawn in manga. Look at any of the older male characters with one, you'll see similar 'lines' occasionally. -- Ynhockey (Talk) 08:41, 30 September 2006 (UTC)
There's a problem with those estimates, though. Did Rukia mean ten times Ichigo's current lifespan (fifteen at the time), or did she mean in the sense of the average human lifespan (40-70+ depending on time period and part of world)? OR, is the fact that she said it very flippantly more than enough to suggest that she wasn't really thinking about technical details and just used a convenient round generalization? The latter seems the most probable case, I don't think her remark there should be taken litterally or very seriously. --ACDragonMaster 06:33, 27 October 2006 (UTC)
- It's more than likely an exaggeration -- Kubo tells us that it was only sixty years ago that Rukia met up with Renji and she looked much younger there. Even taking Soul Society's haphazard aging into account, it's still unlikely she spent half of her unlife like a six year old. Even Hitsugaya's grown somewhat in the last fifty years. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Norainu (talk • contribs) 04:47, 3 January 2007 (UTC).
[edit] Power/Zanpakuto
ice elemental zanpakuto? I don't think calling it ice elemental is right. shooting ice is one of its abilities, but doesn't classify it as ice elemental. remember hitsugaya's zanpakuto is ice elemental because it only has ice abilities. however, rukia isn't limited to ice magic. does it say somewhere in the manga that it is an ice elemental, if not then I think it should be removed. also the powers section has story elements in it that should be left in the synopsis, like her adventures in the bount arc. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Noman953 (talk • contribs) .
- I don't think the manga has ever made a distinction between ice magic and ice elemental. At this point, we can only assume that it is an ice elemental like Hitsugaya since there is no other reference point. On your other point, I think the info about the Bount arc present in the powers section is valid. It specifically talks about the current state of Rukia's shinigami powers in the anime and how they might have been hindered due to Mabashi so it is relevant to the section. Gdo01 07:44, 20 November 2006 (UTC)
- I think we can pretty much confirm that is an ice elemental seeing as its third ability is also an ice ability —The preceding unsigned comment was added by ReshenKusaga (talk • contribs) March 24, 2007.
Somebody keeps editing "Mae" and turning it to "Mai" -- this is incorrect (and is fairly obvious from the Japanese shown on the page), so I changed it back. Norainu 04:44, 3 January 2007 (UTC)
- Could one of the other Japanese speakers please confirm this? Sorry, but we get so many people butchering the translations on a daily basis that I went and reverted you pending confirmation. --tjstrf talk 04:48, 3 January 2007 (UTC)
- A quick look at a hiragana chart will prove that. The "え" character is 'e'. Norainu 04:49, 3 January 2007 (UTC)
- Actually:
- 舞え = mae = whirl (as in dancing),
- 舞 = mai = dance.
- In her releasing command, she orders the spirit of her zanpakuto to whirl; with her next commands (first dance / next dance) she orders Sode no Shirayuki to dance. Lord Air 06:20, 25 January 2007 (UTC)
That is not exactly correct. All (or most) zanpakutō commands are a verb in its 'command' form (I believe this is officially called the imperative form). This form always has the ending e (while verbs always end in u). Therefore, the command is "dance!" (mae). The verb infinitive, to dance, would be mau. Nouns derived from verbs however, end in i. Therefore, mai is the noun of the verb "to dance", which is, a dance. -- Ynhockey (Talk) 18:32, 26 January 2007 (UTC)
I just read 265 of the manga chapter, and according to Arroniro, Rukia developed her techniques with him(Kaien or whoever). That disturbs me a little, because wouldn't that mean she could use her Shikai from the very begining? She couldn't have used her shikai on the Fish face from the start? Or is Arroniro bluffing? Or did she not have absolute control over her Zanpakto? I also want to note that I read a dubbed version, so it might be a translation error. I want to get this out of the way as soon as posible, even if it means next week. (Hopefully, I didn't do the wrong thing by putting it under this tab, but it relates to her powers.)( 07:13, 3 March 2007 (UTC))
- You are correct in what you read, Rukia has had her shikai, in theory at least, since day 1. In other words, it's a plot motivated powerup-by-retcon explained as her just having a really bad day that night and losing to a generic hollow. --tjstrf talk 00:46, 6 March 2007 (UTC)
She was injured by that generic hollow because Ichigo was being an idiot and caused her to intervene. She could have easily defeated it on her own if he hadn't kept getting in the way.