Listă cronologică de limbaje de programare
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O listă de limbaje de programare este alcătuită din cele mai cunoscute limbaje de programare care există în prezent sau care au existat de la începutul erei computerelor.
Această listă de limbaje de programare este una cronologică. Altele sînt ordonate după alte criterii, după cum urmează:
- Alfabetică
- După categorie
- Cronologică
- După generaţie
Cuprins |
[modifică] Legendă
- ( Limbaj ) înseamnă un limbaj de programare ne-universal
- * <AN> înseamnă un limbaj fără "strămoşi" direcţi
Predecesor(i) | An | Nume | Dezvoltator, Companie |
[modifică] Înainte de 1950 |
* | ~ 1837 | Analytical Engine order code | Charles Babbage şi Ada Lovelace |
* | 1943-1945 | Plankalkül (concept) | Konrad Zuse |
* | 1943-1946 | ENIAC coding system | John Von Neumann, John Mauchly, J. Presper Eckert, Herman Goldstine după [Alan Turing]] |
ENIAC (sistemul de codificare ENIAC) | 1946 | ENIAC Short Code | Richard Clippinger, John Von Neumann după Alan Turing |
ENIAC (sistemul de codificare ENIAC) | 1946 | Von Neumann and Goldstine graphing system (Notation) | John Von Neumann and Herman Goldstine |
ENIAC (sistemul de codificare ENIAC) | 1947 | ARC Assembly | Kathleen Booth |
Analytical Engine order code | 1948 | CPC Coding scheme | Howard Aiken |
ENIAC (sistemul de codificare ENIAC) | 1948 | Curry notation system | Haskell Curry |
ENIAC Short Code | 1948 | Brief Code | John Mauchly |
ENIAC Short Code | 1949 | C-10 | Betty Holberton |
CPC Coding scheme | 1949 | Seeber coding scheme (concept) | Robert Seeber |
[modifică] Anii 1950 |
Brief Code | 1950 | Short Code | William F Schmidt, A.B. Tonik, J.R. Logan |
ARC | 1950 | Birkbeck Assembler | Kathleen Booth |
* | 1951 | ALGAE | Edward A Voorhees and Karl Balke |
Short Code | 1951 | Intermediate Programming Language | Arthur Burks |
EDSAC | 1951 | Regional Assembly Language | Maurice Wilkes |
Aiken CPC system | 1951 | Boehm unnamed coding system | Corrado Boehm |
Plankalkül | 1951 | Klammerausdrücke | Heinz Rutishauser |
Short Code | 1951 | OMNIBAC Symbolic Assembler | Charles Katz |
* | 1951 | Stanislaus (Notation) | Fritz Bauer |
EDSAC | 1951 | Whirlwind assembler | Charles Adams and Jack Gilmore at MIT Project Whirlwind |
EDSAC | 1951 | Rochester assembler | Nat Rochester |
* | 1951 | Sort/Merge | Betty Holberton |
C-10 and Short Code | 1952 | A-0 | Grace Hopper |
Aiken CPC | 1952 | AUTOCODE | Alick Glennie after Alan Turing |
SORT/MERGE | 1952 | Editing Generator | Milly Koss |
* | 1952 | COMPOOL | RAND/SDC |
* | 1953 | Whirlwind algebraic systems | Laning, Zierler, Adams at MIT Project Whirlwind |
* | 1953 | READ/PRINT | Don Harroff, James Fishman, George Ryckman |
Glennie Autocode | 1954 | Mark I Autocode | Tony Brooker |
A-0 | 1954-1955 | FORTRAN "0" (concept) | Team led by John W. Backus at IBM |
A-0 | 1954 | ARITH-MATIC | Team led by Grace Hopper at UNIVAC |
A-0 | 1954 | MATH-MATIC | Team led by Grace Hopper at UNIVAC |
* | 1954 | MATRIX MATH | H G Kahrimanian |
* | 1954 | IPL I (concept) | Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, Herbert Simon |
A-0 | 1955 | FLOW-MATIC | Team led by Grace Hopper at UNIVAC |
FORTRAN, A-2 | 1955 | PACT I | SHARE |
Boehm | 1955-6 | Sequentielle Formelübersetzung | Fritz Bauer and Karl Samelson |
Laning and Zerler | 1955-6 | IT | Team led by Alan Perlis |
IPL I | 1958 | IPL II (implementation) | Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, Herbert Simon |
IPL | 1956-1958 | LISP (concept) | John McCarthy |
FLOW-MATIC | 1957 | COMTRAN | Bob Bemer |
FORTRAN 0 | 1957 | FORTRAN "I" (implementation) | John W. Backus at IBM |
* | 1957 | COMIT (concept) | |
FORTRAN I | 1958 | FORTRAN II | Team led by John W. Backus at IBM |
FORTRAN, IT and Sequentielle Formelübersetzung | 1958 | ALGOL 58 (IAL) | ACM/GAMM |
IPL II | 1958 | IPL V | Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, Herbert Simon |
FLOW-MATIC, COMTRAN | 1959 | COBOL (concept) | The Codasyl Committee |
* | 1959 | BNF | John Backus after Emil Post |
IPL | 1959 | LISP (implementation) | John McCarthy |
1959 | TRAC (concept) | Mooers | |
[modifică] Anii 1960 |
ALGOL 58 | 1960 | ALGOL 60 | |
FLOW-MATIC, COMTRAN | 1960 | COBOL 61 (implementation) | Comitetul Codasyl |
* | 1961 | COMIT (implementation) | |
* | 1962 | APL (concept) | Iverson |
ALGOL 58 | 1962 | MAD | Arden, et al. |
ALGOL 60 | 1962 | SIMULA (concept) | |
FORTRAN II, COMIT | 1962 | SNOBOL | Griswold, et al. |
ALGOL 60 | 1963 | CPL | Barron, Strachey, şi alţii |
SNOBOL | 1963 | SNOBOL3 | Griswold, et al. |
ALGOL 60 | 1963 | ALGOL 68 (concept) | van Wijngaarden, şi alţii |
ALGOL 58 | 1963 | JOSS I | Cliff Shaw, RAND |
MIDAS | 1964 | MIMIC | H. E. Petersen, et al. |
CPL, LISP | 1964 | COWSEL | Burstall, Popplestone |
ALGOL 60, COBOL, FORTRAN | 1964 | PL/I (concept) | IBM |
FORTRAN II, JOSS | 1964 | BASIC | Kemeny and Kurtz |
1964 | TRAC (implementation) | Mooers | |
1964? | IITRAN | ||
JOSS | 1965 | TELCOMP | BBN |
JOSS I | 1966 | JOSS II | Chuck Baker, RAND |
FORTRAN IV | 1966 | FORTRAN 66 | |
LISP | 1966 | ISWIM | Landin |
ALGOL 60 | 1966 | CORAL66 | |
CPL | 1967 | BCPL | Richards |
FORTRAN, TELCOMP | 1967 | MUMPS | Massachusetts General Hospital |
* | 1967 | APL (implementation) | Iverson |
ALGOL 60 | 1967 | SIMULA 67 (implementation) | Dahl, Myhrhaug, Nygaard ls Norsk Regnesentral |
SNOBOL3 | 1967 | SNOBOL4 | Griswold, et al. |
PL/I | 1967 | XPL | W. M. Mckeeman, et al. at University Of California Santa Cruz, California J. J. Horning, et al. at Stanford University |
DIBOL | 1968 | DIBOL-8 | DEC |
COWSEL | 1968 | POP-1 | Burstall, Popplestone |
1968 | FORTH (concept) | Moore | |
LISP | 1968 | LOGO | Papert |
* | 1968 | REFAL (implementation) | Valentin Turchin |
ALGOL 60 | 1969 | ALGOL 68 (implementation) | van Wijngaarden, et al. |
ALGOL 60, COBOL, FORTRAN | 1969 | PL/I (implementation) | IBM |
BCPL | 1969 | B | Ken Thompson, with contributions from Dennis Ritchie |
[modifică] Anii 1970 |
1970? | FORTH (implementation) | Moore | |
POP-1 | 1970 | POP-2 | |
ALGOL 60 | 1971 | Pascal | Wirth, Jensen |
Pascal, XPL | 1971 | Sue | Holt et al. at University of Toronto |
SIMULA 67 | 1972 | Smalltalk-72 | Xerox PARC |
PL/I, ALGOL, XPL | 1972 | PL/M | Kildall at Digital Research |
B, BCPL, ALGOL 68 | 1972 | C | Ritchie |
* | 1972 | INTERCAL | |
2-level W-Grammar | 1972 | Prolog | Colmerauer |
Pascal, BASIC | 1973 | COMAL | Christensen, Løfstedt |
Pascal, Sue | 1973 | LIS | Ichbiah et al. at CII Honeywell Bull |
BASIC | 1974 | GRASS | DeFanti |
LISP | 1975 | Scheme | Sussman, Steele |
Pascal | 1975? | Modula | Wirth |
BASIC | 1975 | Altair BASIC | Gates, Allen |
ALGOL 68, BLISS, ECL, HAL | 1975 | CS-4 | Brosgol at Intermetrics |
Smalltalk-72 | 1976 | Smalltalk-76 | Xerox PARC |
C, FORTRAN | 1976 | Ratfor | Kernighan |
* | 1977 | FP | John Backus |
* | 1977 | Bourne Shell (sh) | Bourne |
Fortran | 1977 | IDL | David Stern of Research Systems Inc |
MUMPS | 1977 | Standard MUMPS | |
SNOBOL | 1977 | ICON (concept) | Griswold |
ALGOL 68, LIS | 1977 | Green | Ichbiah et al. at CII Honeywell Bull for US Dept of Defense |
ALGOL 68, CS-4 | 1977 | Red | Brosgol et al. at Intermetrics for US Dept of Defense |
ALGOL 68, | 1977 | Blue | Goodenough et al. at SofTech for US Dept of Defense |
ALGOL 68, | 1977 | Yellow | Spitzen et al. at SRI International for US Dept of Defense |
FORTRAN IV | 1978 | FORTRAN 77 | |
Modula | 1978? | Modula-2 | Wirth |
* | 1978? | MATLAB | Moler at the University of New Mexico |
Algol60 | 1978? | SMALL | Brownlee at the University of Auckland |
* | 1978 | VISICALC | Bricklin, Frankston at VisiCorp |
PL/I, BASIC, EXEC 2 | 1979 | REXX | Cowlishaw |
C, SNOBOL | 1979 | Awk | Aho, Weinberger, Kernighan |
SNOBOL | 1979 | ICON (implementation) | Griswold |
* | 1979 | Vulcan dBase-II | Ratliff |
[modifică] Anii 1980 |
C, SIMULA 67 | 1980 | C with Classes | Stroustrup |
Smalltalk-76 | 1980 | Smalltalk-80 | Xerox PARC |
Smalltalk, C | 1982 | Objective-C | Brad Cox |
Green | 1983 | Ada 83 | U.S. Department of Defense |
C with Classes | 1983 | C++ | Stroustrup |
BASIC | 1983 | True BASIC | Kemeny, Kurtz at Dartmouth College |
COBOL | 1983? | ABAP | SAP |
sh | 1984? | Korn Shell (ksh) | Dave Korn |
* | 1984 | Standard ML | |
dBase | 1984 | CLIPPER | Nantucket |
LISP | 1984 | Common Lisp | Guy Steele and many others |
1977MUMPS | 1985 | 1984 MUMPS | |
dBase | 1985 | PARADOX | Borland |
Interpress | 1985 | PostScript | Warnock |
BASIC | 1985 | QuickBASIC | Microsoft |
1986 | Miranda | David Turner at University of Kent | |
1986 | LabVIEW | National Instruments | |
SIMULA 67 | 1986 | Eiffel | Meyer |
1986 | Informix-4GL | Informix | |
C | 1986 | PROMAL | |
INFORM | 1986 | CorVision | Cortex |
Smalltalk | 1987 | Self (concept) | Sun Microsystems Inc. |
* | 1987 | HyperTalk | Apple |
* | 1987 | SQL-87 | |
C, sed, awk, sh | 1987 | Perl | Wall |
MATLAB | 1988 | Octave | |
dBase-III | 1988 | dBase-IV | |
Awk, Lisp | 1988 | Tcl | Ousterhout |
REXX | 1988 | Object REXX | Simon Nash |
Ada | 1988 | SPARK | Bernard A. Carré |
Turbo Pascal, Object Pascal | 1989 | Turbo Pascal OOP | Hejlsberg at Borland |
C | 1989 | Standard C89/90 | ANSI X3.159-1989 (adopted by ISO in 1990) |
Modula-2 | 1989 | Modula-3 | Cardeli, et al. |
Modula-2 | 1989 | Oberon | Wirth |
[modifică] Anii 1990 |
Oberon | 1990 | Object Oberon | Wirth |
APL, FP | 1990 | J | Iverson, R. Hui at Iverson Software |
Miranda | 1990 | Haskell | |
1984 MUMPS | 1990 | 1990 MUMPS | |
SML 84 | 1990 | SML 90 | Milner, Tofte and Harper |
Fortran 77 | 1991 | Fortran 90 | |
Object Oberon | 1991 | Oberon-2 | Wirth |
ABC | 1991 | Python | Van Rossum |
1991 | Q | ||
QuickBASIC | 1991 | Visual Basic | Alan Cooper at Microsoft |
SQL-87 | 1992 | SQL-92 | |
Turbo Pascal OOP | 1992 | Borland Pascal | |
ICI | 1992 | Tim Long | |
ksh | 1993? | Z Shell (zsh) | |
Smalltalk | 1993? | Self (implementation) | Sun Microsystems Inc. |
Forth | 1993 | FALSE | Wouter van Oortmerssen |
FALSE | 1993 | Brainfuck | Müller |
HyperTalk | 1993 | Revolution Transcript | |
HyperTalk | 1993 | AppleScript | Apple |
APL, Lisp | 1993 | K | Whitney |
Smalltalk, Perl | 1993 | Ruby | Yukihiro Matsumoto |
1993 | Lua | Roberto Ierusalimschy et al. at Tecgraf, PUC-Rio | |
C | 1993 | ZPL | Chamberlain et al. at University of Washington |
Lisp | 1994 | Dylan | many people at Apple Computer |
Ada 83 | 1995 | Ada 95 | ISO |
Borland Pascal | 1995 | Delphi | Anders Hejlsberg at Borland |
1995 | ColdFusion | Allaire | |
C, SIMULA67 OR C++, Smalltalk, Objective-C | 1995 | Java | James Gosling at Sun Microsystems |
1990MUMPS | 1995 | 1995 MUMPS | |
Self, Java | 1995? | LiveScript | Brendan Eich atNetscape |
Fortran 90 | 1996 | Fortran 95 | |
APL, Perl | 1996 | Perl Data Language (PDL) | Karl Glazebrook, Jarle Brinchmann, Tuomas Lukka, and Christian Soeller |
REXX | 1996 | NetRexx | Cowlishaw |
Joule, Original-E | 1997 | E | Mark S. Miller |
LiveScript | 1997? | JavaScript | Brendan Eich at Netscape |
SML 90 | 1997 | SML 97 | Milner, Tofte, Harper and MacQueen |
PHP 3 | 1997 | PHP | |
Scheme | 1997 | Pico | Free University of Brussels |
Smalltalk-80, Self | 1997 | Squeak Smalltalk | Alan Kay, et al. at Apple Computer |
JavaScript | 1997? | ECMAScript | ECMA TC39-TG1 |
Smalltalk, APL, Objective-C | 1997 | F-Script | Philippe Mougin |
C++, Standard C | 1998 | Standard C++ | ANSI/ISO Standard C++ |
Prolog | 1998 | Erlang | Open Source Erlang at Ericsson |
Standard C89/90 | 1999 | Standard C99 | ISO/IEC 9899:1999 |
[modifică] Anii 2000 |
Java | 2000 | Join Java | G Stewart von Itzstein |
FP, Forth | 2000 | Joy | von Thun |
C, C++ | 2000 | D | Walter Bright at Digital Mars |
C, C++, Java, Delphi | 2000 | C# | Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft(ECMA) |
Self, NetwonScript | 2002 | Io | Steve Dekorte |
Whitespace | 2003 | Whitespace | Brady and Morris |
Perl, C++ | 2003 | S2 | Fitzpatrick, Atkins |
C#, ML, MetaHaskell | 2003 | Nemerle | University of Wrocław |
Joy, Forth, Lisp | 2003 | Factor | Slava Pestov |
Fortran 95 | 2004 | Fortran 2003 | |
* | 2004 | Subtext | Jonathan Edwards |
Python, C#, Ruby | 2004 | Boo | Rodrigo B. de Oliveira |
Object Pascal, C# | 2004 | Chrome programming language | RemObjects Software |
* | 2005 | Corn | |
* | 2005 | Seed7 | Thomas Mertes |
[modifică] Vezi şi
- Limbaj de programare
- Timeline of computing - în engleză
- History of computing hardware - în engleză