Imagine:Musical notes.svg
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Musical_notes.svg (400 × 300 pixel, file size: 3 KB, MIME type: image/svg+xml)
Legăturile imaginii
Următoarele pagini leagă la această imagine:
- Planet Telex
- The Bends (cântec)
- High and Dry
- Fake Plastic Trees
- Bones (cântec)
- Just (cântec)
- My Iron Lung
- Bullet Proof... I Wish I Was
- Black Star
- Sulk
- Street Spirit (Fade Out)
- You (cântec)
- Creep
- How Do You?
- Stop Whispering
- Thinking About You
- Anyone Can Play Guitar
- Ripcord
- Vegetable
- Prove Yourself
- I Can't
- Lurgee
- Blow Out (cântec)
- Airbag (cântec)
- Paranoid Android
- Subterranean Homesick Alien
- Exit Music (For a Film)
- Let Down
- Karma Police
- Fitter Happier
- Electioneering (cântec)
- Climbing Up the Walls
- No Surprises
- Lucky (cântec)
- The Tourist
- Kid A (cântec)
- The National Anthem
- How to Disappear Completely
- Treefingers
- Optimistic
- In Limbo
- Idioteque
- Morning Bell
- Motion Picture Soundtrack
- Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
- Pyramid Song
- Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors
- You And Whose Army?
- I Might Be Wrong
- Knives Out
- Morning Bell / Amnesiac
- Dollars and Cents
- Hunting Bears
- Like Spinning Plates
- Life in a Glasshouse
- 2 + 2 = 5 (cântec)
- Sit Down, Stand Up
- Sail to the Moon
- Backdrifts
- Go to Sleep
- Where I End and You Begin
- We suck Young Blood
- The Gloaming
- There There
- I Will
- A Punchup at a Wedding
- Myxomatosis
- Scatterbrain
- A Wolf at the Door
- Format:Ciot-melodie
- Everything in Its Right Place
- Nice Dream