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Upanişadele (în limba Devanagari, उपनिषद्, IAST, upaniṣad) sunt o parte din Vede şi formează Scripturile Hinduse, care discută în principal despre filozofie, meditaţie şi fiinţa divinităţii; formează principiul spiritual al hinduismului vedic. Considerate a fi contemplări mistice sau spirituale ale Vedelor, Upanishadele sunt cunoscute ca Vedānta ("sfârşitul/punctul culminant al Vedelor").
Upanishadele au fost compuse timp de cateva secole. Cele mai vechi, Brhadaranzaka şi Chandogza, au fost datate în jurul secolului opt î.Hr.
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[modifică] Legături externe
[modifică] Textul originar
- Devanagari text in Wikisource -- Textul în davanagari
- Sri Aurobindo, The Upanishads [1]. Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. 1972.
[modifică] Traduceri
- The Upanishads Translated and Commentated by Swami Paramananda From the Original Sanskrit Text
- 11 principal Upanishads with translations
- Translations and Essays on the Upanishads at Hinduwebsite.com
- Upanishads at Sanskrit Documents Site
- Upanishad page from hindunet.org
- Translations of principal Upanishads at sankaracharya.org
- English translations of major Upanishads.
- Upanishads Vedanta Treatises in Hinduism
- Ishopanishad The complete text, with transliteration, word-for-word meanings, and commentary
- Sri Aurobindo, The Upanishads [2]. Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. 1972.
- Shweta-shwatrupanishad Bhashya, by Pandit Raghunath Vinayak Dhulekar
- Prashnapanishad Saral Bhashya, by Pandit Raghunath Vinayak Dhulekar
- Kathopnishad Saral Bhasyha, by Pandit Raghunath Vinayak Dhulekar
[modifică] Conexiuni, selecţii, comentarii, sumarizări
- Overview of 18 Upanisads; 108 main Upanisads
- Vaishnava explanation of Upanisads, list of Vaishnava commentaries
- The Upanishads (www.advaita-vedanta.org)
- Selections from the Upanishads
- Essence of Upanishads
- Sacred-Texts (www.sacred-texts.com)
- The One and the Many: A Fundamental Philosophical Problem in the Prinicipal Upanishads by Georg Feuerstein, JOY: The Journal of Yoga, September 2002, Volume 1, Number 1