Обсуждение участника:Rin
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Obersachse 21:21, 12 октября 2006 (UTC)
Hi, Can you tell me why I've been added to the spam list? Thanks! Rin
- Sorry, I can't. Can you give me a link to the spamlist? --Obersachse 15:34, 15 октября 2006 (UTC)
Hi,I don't actually have a link, but I did get a message (in Russian! I can read a little) saying that I was a spammer - which I'm definitely not - and I couldn't post the link that I wanted to post... It was a link for Jane Austen. Rin 17:31, 15 октября 2006 (UTC)
- Dear Rin, sorry, your description is not clear enough. Have you added a link to an external web-site? If yes, please put here the complete link. Also, please specify the article where you indended to put the link. Then hopefully I will be able to help. Dr Bug (Владимир² Медейко) 21:10, 15 октября 2006 (UTC)
Hi, Actually, I did try to add a link (to Jane Austen) but it wouldn't 'stick'. Instead, I received a message saying I had been added to the spam list. The link I tried to add was: * Jane Austen 'Bookweb' on literary website The Ledge, with suggestions for further reading. I had been successful earlier with another link, which I believe is still there, for Orhan Pamuk: the link goes to a wonderful literary site called The Ledge, one of the major literary sites in the Netherlands (it's in English). So I don't really understand why the first link worked and the second one didn't! sincerely, Rin 06:55, 16 октября 2006 (UTC)
- If you managed to add this link to your talk page - you can add it everywhere. The problem is that you tried to edit article with blacklisted link please tell me which one, and I'll remove or whitelist it. MaxSem 07:23, 16 октября 2006 (UTC)
Hi! This is the link I tried to add: * Jane Austen 'Bookweb' on literary website The Ledge, with suggestions for further reading. The article was about Jane Austen (British author)... good luck! and thanks, Rin 10:03, 16 октября 2006 (UTC)
- Остин, Джейн? --Obersachse 11:07, 16 октября 2006 (UTC)
Yes! That's her... ; ) Rin 14:15, 16 октября 2006 (UTC)