Septum (disambiguation)
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A septum is a partition of two cavities or spaces.
Septum may also refer to:
- Septum (biology), in marine biology, a thin membrane separating each shell chamber in cephalopods that retained their external shell
- Septum nasi or septum, the cartilage wall separating the nostrils
- Septum pellucidum or septum lucidum, a thin structure separating two fluid pockets in the brain
- Interatrial septum, the wall of tissue that separates the left and right atria of the heart
- Interventricular septum or median septum, the wall separating the left and right ventricles of the heart
- Lingual septum, a vertical layer of fibrous tissue that separates the halves of the tongue
- Orbital septum, a palpabral ligament in the upper and lower eyelids
- Uterine septum or uterus didelphys, a malformation of the uterus
- Septum, in mycology, the wall partitioning fungal hyphae into discrete cells