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[edit] Otto Rank
In Otto Rank's The Myth of the Birth of the Hero, he tells the story more or less as follows: King Sigmund returns home from travel to learn of accusations of his wife's illicit relations with a menial. He orders her tongue to be cut out in the forest as punishment. In executing the order, she secretly births a child and places it in a glass vessel which falls into a river and travels downstream. It is found by a doe who nurses the young child, and subsequently found by a wise smith of the forest, Mimir who names him Siegfried and takes him as his own. But growing large and wilful, Mimir gets rid of him by conspiring with his brother, Regin, a dragon, to kill him. But Siegfried slays the dragon and then slays his unloyal father.
Now, I don't see anything even remotely resembling this in the Wikipedia article. Is Rank just plain mistaken, or what?
--1000Faces 22:51, 8 March 2007 (UTC)
Ahh, the answer is found here, Regin: The Thidrekssaga relates a slightly different tale, with Regin as the dragon and Mimir as his brother and foster father to Sigurd.
[edit] Sigfried in Popular Culture
Sigfried is also a minor and mysterious character of Final Fantasy VI.