Talk:Socialist-Revolutionary Party
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"although some Left SRs did become part of the government"
The Left SR party was a coalition partner in the Soviet Government. Will change this to;
"The Left SR party became the coalition partner of the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Government,"
Any objections? TheInquisitor 00:50, 3rd Oct 2005
Also removed the bit about Victor Chernov being a Left SR and member of Soviet Government. He was actually Right SR and member of Provisional Government.
It also seems like the statement about SRs joining the Whites is overstated. Even the anti-communist historian Richard Pipes concedes that "The White Movement" was extremely reactionary in character representing the most privileged and feudal oriented sections of society and that it was steeped in anti-semitism. Thus they were considered in essence partisans of restoration of the monarchy and the old order and were loathed by all progressives and radicals who viewed the Reds as the lesser evil. This concern became more pronounced after the "Kolchak Coup" of 1919 in which Admiral Kolchak arrested-and executed some-of the SR and liberal members of the White Government. Things got so bad that Kerensky went to so far as to approach President Wilson and ask that he not aid the Whites, as he saw the Reds as an unstable and fleeting phenomenon, with the prospect of the resotoration of autocracy being more ominous. The peasants, some of whom had been born in serfdom and who were the social base of the SRs, had little use for their ancient oppressors whom they had a jaundiced view of. In this vein when the Bolshevik traitor Grigorev approached Makhno, the Ukrainian "anarchist" leader of the Ukrainian Army of Insurgent Peasants, who were on and off allies then enemies of the Soviet Government, about forming an alliance against the Bolsheviks, Makhno had him summarily executed, denouncing Grigorev as a scab and a class traitor. It is not an exagerration at all to characterize the Whites as proto-fascist given the loud praise Hitler heaped on them early in his career (actually in 1919-20 the "Freikorps" that Hitler was a member of at the time and who boasted about their recent murder of Leibnecht and Luxemburg and the suppression of the German Revolution, played a role in the Russian Civil War in the area around Kaliningrad where German troops had remained and ethnic German elements existed) and what happened in Russia twenty five years later. Tom Cod 22:32, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
- There is much more about the SRs' role in 1918 under Russian Constituent Assembly. It will need to be included in this article at some point. Ahasuerus 04:37, 27 August 2006 (UTC)
- The whole political landscape in the Russian Civil War was much more complex than SRs joining either Whites or the Reds. They were opposed to the Bolsheviks as the SRs were the main part of the Provisional Government following the February Revolution of 1917. SRs also won the elections following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917; the parliament that was elected following these elections was closed by the Bolsheviks. On the other hand, the SRs were against the monarchist element in the White movement, whom they saw as as the continuation of the imperial Russia, against which the SRs fought before 1917. SRs also controlled municipal administrations in a number of large cities both in Southern Russia and in Siberia and the Russian Far East, where the Russian Civil War was at its most intense. This meant that the SR mayors and municipal administrations had to have at least some working relationship with the White governors and military commanders, especially when it was about fighting against such common enemies as the Bolsheviks or Petlyra's Ukrainian Nationalists. Thus, the SR position during the Russian Civil War was very very complicated indeed, and the article would need to reflect these nuances in SR history. Hope it helps. IgorYeykelis 05:39, 25 December 2006 (UTC)