Stars and planetary systems in fiction
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- This page lists fictional references to real stars and their possible planetary systems. For other uses, see Star names in popular culture.
The planetary systems of stars other than the Sun and its Solar System are a staple element in much science fiction.
[edit] Overview
The notion that there might be inhabited planets near stars other than the Sun may be traced at least as back as Giordano Bruno, who, in his De l'infinito universo e mondi ("Concerning the Infinite Universe and Worlds", 1584), declared that "Innumerable suns exist; innumerable Earths revolve about these suns ... Living beings inhabit these worlds". Allusions to inhabitants of other stars' planetary systems remained rare in literature for many centuries afterwards. One of these is Voltaire's Micromégas (1752), which features a traveller from Sirius.
As science fiction became established in the early twentieth century, destinations such as the Moon, Mars, Venus or other bodies within the Solar System became stereotyped. Authors began to invoke a variety of mechanisms for superluminal travel and placed their stories on planets in systems around other stars, a move giving them freedom to construct more exotic fictional worlds and themes. This tendency became predominant once exploration of the Solar System made it increasingly unlikely that any highly-developed form of extraterrestrial life existed in the Solar System.
Although some of the stars named in works of science fiction are purely imaginary, many authors and artists have preferred to use the names of real stars which are well known to astronomers, either through being notably bright in the sky as seen from Earth or being relatively near to Earth.
Some of these stars appear to be unsuitable for planets with advanced life, assuming that Earth is typical. The solar system was already a billion years old before life appeared on Earth. Complex life appeared three billion years later, in the 'Cambrian explosion'. Inherently bright stars like Sirius and Vega have much shorter total life-times. Red giant stars are a relatively short phase near the end of a star's lifetime and are some 100 times brighter than the original star. Except for a few unusually close stars, those stars which are not intrinsically so bright as to raise this short lifetime constraint, appear so inconspicuous in the Earth's sky that they lack the proper names that would make them attractive to science fiction authors.
[edit] General uses of star names
Stars may be referred to in fictional works for their metaphorical or mythical associations, but not as locations in space or centers of planetary systems:
- Oedipus the King, play by Sophocles. The Corinthian Shepherd references 'the rising of Arcturus' as a time marker while trying to jog the memory of the Theban Shepherd about their acquaintance prior to the Theban's entrusting the child Oedipus to the Corinthian rather than killing him as he had been instructed.
- Polaris, short story by H.P. Lovecraft. Describes a lost polar civilization on which the star Polaris always shines.
- Doorways in the Sand, novel by Roger Zelazny. Phecda along with the other stars of Ursa Major is mentioned during the protagonists' jaunts atop the steeples of Old Europe.
- Children of Dune, novel by Frank Herbert. Fomalhaut is called Foum al-Hout, the polar star of the south.
[edit] List of planetary systems in fiction
Planetary systems appearing in fiction are:
[edit] 36 Ophiuchi
- Dune and other novels in the Dune universe by Frank Herbert. 36 Ophiuchi B is orbited by the planet Giedi Prime.
[edit] 40 Eridani
- Star Trek film and television franchise. 40 Eridani A is the location of the planet Vulcan, home of the Vulcan species. Although this was never stated on any TV show or film, both the authorized Star Trek book Star Trek: Star Charts and Gene Roddenberry (see [1]) give this location. In addition, Commander Tucker's statement in Star Trek: Enterprise that Vulcan is 16 light years from Earth confirms this.
[edit] 47 Ursae Majoris
- Coyote series of novels by Allen Steele. Much of the action of the series takes place on Coyote, a fictional habitable moon of 47 Ursae Majoris b, which is given the name Bear.
[edit] 61 Cygni
- The Foundation Series, novels by Isaac Asimov. 61 Cygni (Foundation universe) is one of the planets where the human race might have originated, mentioned by the Imperial politician Lord Dorwin.
- Time and Again (1951), novel by Clifford D. Simak. 61 Cygni is a mysterious system whose planets are impossible to approach.
- Mission of Gravity, novel, and other stories (1953-) by Hal Clement. 61 Cygni A is the sun around which the planet Mesklin revolves.
- Danny Dunn and the Voice from Space (1967), children's book. A modulated radio signal coming from 61 Cygni turns out to be a pictogram from aliens.
- Revelation Space stories (2000-) by Alastair Reynolds. 61 Cygni (or 'Swan') is the sun of the planet Sky's Edge.
- Blake's 7, television program. The region around 61 Cygni is the only area near Earth that has not been surveyed, since it is home to an alien race which is hostile to mankind, going so far as to release a virus on a Federation base via a piece of space debris.
- Earth & Beyond, online role-playing game. 61 Cygni is a system in the outskirts of the universe.
[edit] 70 Ophiuchi
- Dune and other novels in the Dune universe by Frank Herbert. Sikun is the third planet from 70 Ophiuchi.
- The Ophiuchi Hotline, novel by John Varley. Humanity survives with the aid of a technology derived from information in the Ophiuchi Hotline, a radio signal apparently beamed from the star 70 Ophiuchi.
[edit] 107 Piscium
- Absolution Gap, novel by Alastair Reynolds. The 107 Piscium system has a gas giant named Haldora and a habitable moon named Hela, which is colonized by humans in the 27th and 28th centuries.
[edit] Achernar (Alpha Eridani)
- Stories by Jack Vance. Achernar appears in fourteen of Vance's stories, most of the time as a reference to the star.[citation needed]
- Tékumel, books and games by M. A. R. Barker. Achernar is the solar system from which originate the nonhuman species called the Ahoggyá, or Knobbed Ones.
- Frontier: Elite II, computer game by David Braben. Achernar (spelled Achenar) is the seat of the Emperor.
[edit] Aldebaran
See Aldebaran in fiction.
[edit] Alkalurops (Mu Boötis)
- Dune and other novels in the Dune universe by Frank Herbert. Ix is the ninth planet (hence its name) from the star Alkalurops (named Rodale in the Legends of Dune prequel novels) and is the pre-eminent source of high technology.
[edit] Alnilam (Epsilon Orionis)
- Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964), film. Alnilam is the home of aliens in this movie.
[edit] Alpha Centauri
See Alpha Centauri in fiction.
[edit] Alpha Ceti
- "Space Seed'", episode of Star Trek (TOS) television series, and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, film. Ceti Alpha V (presumably the fifth planet from Alpha Ceti) was the planet on which Khan Noonian Singh and his crew were imprisoned.
[edit] Altair
See Altair in fiction.
[edit] Antares (Alpha Scorpii)
- Dray Prescot series of novels by Kenneth Bulmer. A planet called Kregen orbiting Antares is the setting for this series.
- Star Trek film and television franchise:
- "A Piece of the Action", episode of Star Trek (TOS) television series. Kirk fabricates a fictional card game called Fizzbin, allegedly played on Beta Antares IV, as a ruse to escape from his captors on Sigma Iotia II.
- "Charlie X and other episodes of Star Trek (TOS) television series. Lt. Uhura sings the romantic song "Beyond Antares". [2]
- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, film. Khan says that he will chase Admiral Kirk "around the [...] Antares Maelstrom".
- "Invasion of the Turtle Snatchers" (1989), episode of the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated television series. The Earth is visited by a family from a fictional planet orbiting Antares. They call themselves "Antarians", and hate violence.
- Earth & Beyond, online role-playing game. Antares is mentioned.
- Master of Orion 2: Battle at Antares, computer game. A conflict occurs between the "Orions" and the Antarans, who come from a planet called Antares.
[edit] Arcturus (Alpha Boötis)
- A Voyage to Arcturus (1920), novel by David Lindsay. Arcturus is an inhabited binary system.
- The Foundation Series, novels by Isaac Asimov. Arcturus is the capital of the Sirius Sector in the Galactic Empire.
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979) series by Douglas Adams. The "Arcturan Megadonkey", "Arcturan Megafreighter" and other things with similar names presumably originate on a planet orbiting Arcturus. See The Ultra-Complete Index for a more extensive list.
- Marvel comics. The Arcturan system is binary and has at least four planets.
- Aliens (1986), film. Arcturus is a planet the space marines visited for a furlough.
- Spaced Invaders (1990), comic film. The Martians are fighting a war with the "Arcturians," from the Arcturus system.
- 2300 AD (1987), role-playing game. Arcturus is the location of Arcturus Station, a human research station invaded by the alien race of Kafers. In the module 'Mission Arcturus', players are bound to retake the station from the Aliens.
[edit] Barnard's Star
- The Legion of Space (1934), novel by Jack Williamson. Barnard's Star is home to the ancient and dreadful race of the Medusae.
- The Black Corridor (1969), novel by Michael Moorcock. Barnard's Star is the destination for a group of people fleeing from social breakdown on Earth.
- Spacecraft 2000 to 2100 AD (1978), a Terran Trade Authority book by Stewart Cowley. A fictional planet near Barnard's Star is the location of a mysterious apparition that takes the form of an unidentified spacecraft.
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979), novel by Douglas Adams. Barnard's Star is a way station for interstellar travellers.
- Hyperion (1989-1997), novels by Dan Simmons. Barnard's Star has a farm-like habitable planet which is the homeworld of Rachel and Sol Weintraub, both being members of the 7 pilgrims.
- Rocheworld (1990), novel by Robert L. Forward. The Barnard's Star system contains one Giant planet called Gargantua and a binary rocky planed system called Roche. The first manned interstellar mission is send to Barnard's Star using a ship with a huge solar sail impulsed by a Laser.
- The Garden of Rama (1991), novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee. There is a way station at Barnard's Star for the arrival and departure of massive cylindrical world ships.
- Frontier: Elite II, computer game by David Braben. Barnard's Star is an important Federation industrial system with heavy mining and refining industry close to Earth and the other Core Systems. It proved to be the ideal beginners trading place—no pirates and high profits, exporting robots or computers to Sol and importing Luxury Goods from there could make you a millionaire in no time at all.
[edit] Beta Aquilae
- SpaceWreck: Ghost Ships and Derelicts of Space (1979), a Terran Trade Authority book by Stewart Cowley. Beta Aquilae goes by its other name, Alshain, in the story "The Warworld of Alshain". The story is set on the fictional world named Alshain IV, a dying world, home to a once technological race, now reduced to cannibalistic savages living in the wreckage of their once great civilization.
- FreeSpace 2, computer game. The Beta Aquilae system is the location of the Beta Aquilae Convention (BETAC) that established the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Eye of the Beholder" has set artwork in the form of computer screen graphics that establish planet Beta Aquilae II as Federation territory in the 24th century, home to a human population and a Starfleet training installation.
[edit] Beta Aurigae
- Wheelworld (1981), novel by Harry Harrison. Beta Aurigae has a system of six planets, Halvmörk being the only habitable one. Contrary to astronomic facts Beta Aurigae is a white dwarf in this novel.
- "Turnabout Intruder", television episode of Star Trek: The Original Series. The crew of the Enterprise is en route to the Beta Aurigae system to study the system's two large binary components.
[edit] Beta Hydri
- Stellvia of the Universe, anime series. The star Hydrus Beta is loosely based on Beta Hydri.
[edit] Betelgeuse
[edit] Canopus (Alpha Carinae)
- Dune and other novels in the Dune universe by Frank Herbert. The planet Dune, also called Arrakis, is the third planet from Canopus.
- Star Kings and Return to the Stars, novels by Edmond Hamilton. Canopus is a capital of the Middle Galactical Empire.
- Canopus in Argos novels by Doris Lessing. A civilization of benevolent beings is based in Canopus and plays a part in human history. The main description of the Canopans is found in the novel Shikasta.
- "Where No Man Has Gone Before", episode of Star Trek (TOS) television series. A sonnet called "Nightingale Woman" is written in 1996 by Tarbolde of Canopus.
- "The Kidnappers" (1967), episode of The Time Tunnel television series. The time travelers are transported to a planet orbiting Canopus to rescue Dr. Ann MacGregor, whose abductor left behind a metallic computer card that would provide the coordinates.
- BattleTech wargame and related products. The Magistracy of Canopus is an interstellar government.
[edit] Capella (Alpha Aurigae)
- Starship Troopers, novel by Robert A. Heinlein. The distance from Sol to Capella is used to illustrate the speed at which Navy ships under the "Cherenkov Drive" travel.
- Marvel comic books. The alien Badoon are natives of Capella II.
- "Friday's Child", episode of Star Trek (TOS) television series. Action takes place on Capella IV.
- Descent: FreeSpace, computer game. Capella is one of the core systems of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance and is home to over 300 million Terrans. It is invaded by Shivan forces, and the star itself is destroyed.
- Earth & Beyond, online role-playing game. Capella is mentioned.
- BattleTech, wargame and related products. Capella is formerly the governing system for the Capellan Confederation Successor State.
- Escape Velocity, computer game. Capella is a star system with hyperspace routes to Levo, Arrakis and Zebetrious.
[edit] Chi Draconis
[edit] Delta Pavonis
- Dune (1965), novel by Frank Herbert. The planet Caladan is the third world of the Delta Pavonis system.
- Revelation Space (2000), novel by Alastair Reynolds. The planet Resurgam and the neutron star Hades are part of the Delta Pavonis system.
[edit] Deneb
See Deneb in fiction.
[edit] Epsilon Eridani
See Epsilon Eridani in fiction.
[edit] Epsilon Indi
- Worldwar novels by Harry Turtledove. Epsilon Indi is one of the subject systems ("Halless") of The Race. Halless also refers to the native planet, Halless, of the Hallesi, one of the two subject species (excluding Humans).
- Known Space novels and stories by Larry Niven. Home, the most Earthlike planet among the human colony worlds, orbited Epsilon Indi.
- Star Trek film and television franchise:
- "And the Children Shall Lead", episode of Star Trek (TOS) television series. Epsilon Indi is the home system of an evil energy being known as Gorgan.
- "The Child", episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation television series. Wesley Crusher mentions Epsilon Indi while wistfully looking out the window of 10 Forward.
- Space: Above and Beyond, television series. The Epsilon Indi system is the site of the Tellus colony.
[edit] Epsilon Pegasi (Enif)
- Descent: FreeSpace, computer game. Epsilon Pegasi is the site of a major outpost and the location of the "Enif Station".
[edit] Eta Cassiopeiae
- "Terra Nova", episode of Star Trek: Enterprise television series. The planet Terra Nova, also known as Eta Cassiopeia III (sic), is located in the Eta Cassiopeiae system.
- Frontier: Elite II, computer game by David Braben. The Federation has a naval base in the Eta Cassiopeiae system.
[edit] Fomalhaut (Alpha Piscis Austrini)
- The House on Curwen Street (1944) and other stories of the Cthulhu Mythos by August Derleth and others. Fomalhaut is the home of the god Cthugha.
- The Forever War, novel by Joe Haldeman. Fomalhaut is the name of a planet near a collapsar.
- Rocannon's World, novel by Ursula K. Le Guin. Rocannon's World is the second planet of Fomalhaut.
- Childe Cycle novels by Gordon R. Dickson. Fomalhaut 3 is the homeworld of the Dorsai.
- Return from the Stars, novel by Stanislaw Lem. The protagonist astronaut Hal Bregg returns to Earth from an expedition to the Fomalhaut system.
- The Unteleported Man (later republished as Lies, Inc.), novel by Philip K. Dick. Whale's Mouth is a colony located in the Fomalhaut system.
- Radio Free Albemuth, novel by Philip K. Dick. Fomalhaut is the origin of an alien satellite.
- FTL:2448, role-playing game by Tri Tac Games. Fomalhaut is the location of a major space station, Alverez Station, orbiting the planet America (Fomalhaut V).
- Frontier: Elite II, computer game by David Braben. Fomalhaut is home to a terraformed agricultural colony that grows grain and exports them to other systems for a profit. To prevent pollution, manufacturing is forbidden.
[edit] Gamma Andromedae
- The Foundation Series, novels by Isaac Asimov. Gamma Andromeda is an inhabited planet, presumably in the Gamma Andromedae system.
[edit] Gamma Draconis
- Planet of Exile, novel by Ursula K. Le Guin. Action takes place on Werel, a planet orbiting Gamma Draconis.
- Descent: FreeSpace, computer game. Despite being an unpopulated system, Gamma Draconis plays a central role in the Galactic-Terran Vasudan Alliance's second war against the xenophobic Shivans.
- Master of Orion II, computer game. Gamma Draconis is the Elerian home system.
[edit] Groombridge 34
- Space: Above and Beyond, television series. Groombridge 34 is the location of the largest extrasolar USMC fleet base, and is the expected target of the chigs in the pilot episode (though this intelligence is later revealed to be incorrect). It is also the location of the first part of the episode "Mutiny".
- Macross Plus, OVA anime television series and compilation film. Groombridge 34 is a possible location of the fictitious "Groombridge 1816" (Helios) system, stated to be 11.7 light years[1] from the Solar System, about the same distance as Groombridge 34 (11.62 ly). Planet Eden, located within the Groombridge 1816 system, is the location of the New Edwards Test Flight Center [2] and its major city, Eden City. The name Groombridge 1816 may be an alteration of the name of the real star Groombridge 1618.
- Halo computer game series. The Groombridge 34 system is the site of a decommissioned construction platform. In 2531, a group of Spartan-IIs are sent to investigate rebel activity at the platform.
[edit] Groombridge 1618
- Mindbridge, novel by Joe Haldeman. A planet orbiting Groombridge 1618 serves as the homeworld for the psi-amplifying "Groombridge Bridge".
[edit] Iota Horologii
- Iota Cycle, novel by Russell Lutz. Iota Horologii is a setting for colonization and terraforming. It has six planets, the second, Asia, being Iota Horologii b. The planets are named after the continents of Earth, in order from closest to the star: Australia, Asia, Europe, Africa, America, and Antarctica.
- Outre Mer, novel by Michael Puttré. The earthlike moon Outre Mer orbits the gas giant Adonis, the second planet of Iota Horologii. It is populated by human refugees, decendents of adbuctees taken by the Greys, inhabitants of the systems of Zeta Reticuli. The world is also the home of the duranni, an intelligent aboriginal species.
[edit] Izar (Epsilon Boötis)
- "Whom Gods Destroy", episode of Star Trek (TOS) television series. Fleet Captain Garth is presumed to be a native of a planet in the Izar system.
[edit] Kapteyn's Star
- Doctor Who novels by Kate Orman. Kapteyn's Star is mentioned as home system to several dozen intelligent species who occupy many terrestrial and aquatic ecological niches.
[edit] Lalande 21185
- Rogue Queen (1951), novel by L. Sprague de Camp. Lalande 21185 is the sun of the planet Ormazd.
- Lalande 21185 (1966), novel by Janusz A. Zajdel.
- Across the Sea of Suns (1983), novel by Gregory Benford. Lalande 21185 is renamed Ra.
- Revelation Space stories by Alastair Reynolds. The planet Zion orbits Lalande 21185.
- Star Corps (2006), novel by Ian Douglas. One of Lalande 21185's gas giants has an Earth-like moon where an alien race holds humans in slavery, resulting in a force of US Marines being sent in 2148 to free them.
- Civilization II: Test of Time, computer game. Lalande 21185 is mentioned.
[edit] Lambda Serpentis
- Blue Planet, roleplaying game by Biohazard Games and Fantasy Flight Games. Lambda Serpentis is orbited by a habitable planet called Poseidon, named after the Greek god of the sea.
[edit] Mintaka (Delta Orionis)
- "Who Watches the Watchers?", episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation television series. Mintaka III is a planet inhabited by Mintakans, a Vulcan-like race at a pre-industrial level of development under observation by Federation personnel. After the events in this episode, a tapestry provided by the Mintakans to Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise-D would be seen adorning the chair in his office or quarters.
- Red Shift, novel by Alan Garner. The lead characters are fixated on Orion in general and Mintaka in particular.
[edit] Mira (Omicron Ceti)
- A Relic of the Empire, short story by Larry Niven. Pirates raiding Puppeteer ships hide on a planet orbiting Mira Ceti.
- Star Trek film and television franchise:
- "This Side of Paradise", episode of Star Trek (TOS) television series. The Enterprise arrives at Omicron Ceti III, the site of a colony established years earlier but whose inhabitants were believed killed by radiation. Upon visiting the planet, the Enterprirse crew is surprised to find the original colonists alive and behaving somewhat oddly.
- "Conspiracy", episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation television series. The Enterprise secretly meets three other Federation starships above Dytallix B, the fifth planet in orbit of Mira and one of seven once mined for the Federation by the Dytallix Mining Company. It is a tidally locked planet long deserted. On its surface, Capt. Picard meets with the captains of the three other starships to discuss suspicions of a possible conspiracy and infiltration of Starfleet Command. In the same episode, Lt. Cmdr. Data names the "red giant known as Mira" but an on-screen graphic identifies this system as the fictional Mira Antlia, perhaps to distinguish it from the Omicron Ceti system mentioned in the original series.
[edit] Mizar (Zeta Ursae Majoris)
- Enigma and Empery (books 2 and 3 of the Trigon Disunity series of novels) by Michael P. Kube-McDowell. The Mizar system is home to powerful and xenophobic aliens.
- The Demon Princes series of novels by Jack Vance. Mizar has at least two inhabited planets and at least six in total.
- The Heart of a Star, issue 3 of The Sandman: Endless Nights comic book. Mizar appears as an anthropomorphic star, a female made of blue flame. Mizar serves as the host of an assembly of various cosmic entities, and as the creator of the palace where they meet; she is described as having "power to spare".
- "Allegiance", episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation television series. Mizar II is the home planet of the pacifistic green humanoid Mizarians.
- BattleTech wargame and related products. Mizar hosts a habitable planet noted for its luxurious resorts and vain inhabitants.
- The Daedalus Encounter, video game. Takes place on Mizar[citation needed].
- Sign In Stranger, song in The Royal Scam album by Steely Dan. Contains the lyric, "Have you heard about the boom on Mizar Five? / People got to shout to stay alive"
[edit] Nu Ophiuchi
- Tékumel, books and games by M. A. R. Barker. Nu Ophiuchi is the sun (Tuleng) for the system which includes the planet Tékumel.
[edit] Omicron Persei
- Futurama, animated television series. The Omicronians claim to be from Omicron Persei VIII, 1000 light-years from Earth. Living in the 31st century, the Omicronians receive and are fans of 21st-century television broadcasts from Earth.
[edit] Phecda (Gamma Ursae Majoris)
- Frontier: Elite II and Frontier: First Encounters, computer games. The star Phekda appears in the northern territories, and is a notoriously dangerous system swarming with pirates and freebooters.
[edit] Polaris (Alpha Ursae Minoris)
- DC Comics. The Polaris system includes the planets Rann and Thanagar, home planet of the Hawks.
- "Camera Bugged" (1989), episode of the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated television series. The Polarisoids (a pun on Polaroids) are described as the most obnoxious tourists in the entire galaxy, as their cameras can actually suck up landmarks to take back home.
- Escape Velocity Nova, computer game by Ambrosia Software. Polaris is the name of a faction that settled planets in the vicinity of Polaris.
- Descent: FreeSpace, computer game. Polaris is the capital system of the Neo-Terran Front during their rebellion against the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.
- Atlantika, a fantasy TV series about a fictional sea kingdom has a huge ball of light called 'Polaris' as its source of energy and security.
[edit] Pollux (Beta Geminorum)
- "Who Mourns for Adonais?", episode of Star Trek (TOS) television series. The Enterprise, as it nears the planet Pollux IV, encounters a being who claims to be the Greek god Apollo.
[edit] Procyon
- Viagens Interplanetarias, series of novels by L. Sprague de Camp. The Procyon system contains the inhabited planets of Osiris, Isis, and Thoth.
- Known Space series by Larry Niven. The human colony world of We Made It orbits Procyon. Pierson's Puppeteers are said to have evolved in a solar system with a star similar to Procyon (which later became a red giant).
- Terran Trade Authority books by Stewart Cowley. Procyon is orbited by three planets, the middle of which, Sisuphos, is a barely habitable mining world.
- Star Trek, film and television franchise:
- Star Trek: Star Charts, reference book. Procyon VIII, or Andor, is stated to be the planet which the moon Andoria orbits. This conjecture is not supported by onscreen evidence in any Star Trek film or television episode.
- "Azati Prime", episode of Star Trek: Enterprise, television series. Procyon is the scene of the Battle of Procyon V, a Federation victory in a war against an alien species known as the Sphere Builders. The USS Enterprise-J took part in this battle. In 2153, Captain Jonathan Archer was brought 400 years forward in time to witness part of the battle.
- Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters, computer game. Procyon is the name of the star of the homeworld of the crystalline Chenjesu race. However, in the Star Control timeline classical star names were reassigned to stars based on physical proximity to each other, and it has nothing in common with the real star.[citation needed]
- Frontier: Elite II, computer game by David Braben. Procyon is represented as an uninhabited, worldless binary star system.
- Lost Colony, computer game. The planet Procyon III orbits the star Procyon.
- Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon, video game. Procya in the Procyon system is the homeworld of the Empire's worst enemy, the Procyon Expanse.
[edit] Proxima Centauri
- Terran Trade Authority books by Stewart Cowley. Proxima Centauri is the home system of the Proximans, adversaries of Terrans and Alphans during the Proximan War.
- The World in Peril (1955-6), third series of the Journey Into Space radio series by Charles Chilton. At the end of the series , the Martian Invasion Fleet, including many humans who have led unhappy lives on Earth, leave for Proxima Centauri, even though they will not reach it within their life-spans.
- Babylon 5 television series. There is a human colony at Proxima.
- "The Birdbot of Ice-catraz" (2001), episode of Futurama, animated television series. A sign is floating in space that reads, "PLUTO - Last restroom before Proxima Centauri".
- Event Horizon, film. An ill-fated spacecraft uses an experimental faster-than-light technology to travel to Proxima Centuri. A malfunction of the stardrive sends the ship to an out-reality dimension that could be identified as Hell.
- Destroy All Humans!, computer game. The planet Gorta is located in the Proxima Centauri system.
[edit] Regulus (Alpha Leonis)
- Star Trek film and television franchise. Regulus is controlled by the Vulcans.
- Babylon 5 television series. Regulus is the site of the Earth Alliance's first extrasolar colony.
- BattleTech wargame and related products. Regulus is the capital system of the Duchy of Regulus, one of the founding states of the Free Worlds League.
- Descent: FreeSpace, computer game. Regulus is the greatest stronghold of the Neo-Terran Front during their rebellion against the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance.
[edit] Rigel (Beta Orionis)
[edit] Ross 128
- Across the Sea of Suns (1984), novel in the Galactic Center Saga by Gregory Benford. Ross 128 is the home system of the Ganymede-like moon Pocks within which an amphibious alien race hides from the interstellar killing machines known as Watchers.
- "Galactic North", short story by Alastair Reynolds. Ross 128 is the source of an outbreak of self-replicating machines known as greenfly, which become a major threat to life in the galaxy.
- Descent: FreeSpace, computer game. Ross 128 is where the first known encounter between the Galactic Terran Alliance and the Shivans takes place.
- Frontier: Elite II, computer game by David Braben. One of the inner planets of Ross 128 is home to a prison colony.
[edit] Ross 154
- Frontier: Elite II, computer game by David Braben. The moon Merlin orbits a gas giant planet of Ross 154. Merlin is an ice world similar to Europa. Its primary export is fish, harvested from the liquid ocean that exists below the icy crust. Importing luxury goods from Sol and illegally exporting animal skins to Barnard's Star is a profitable enterprise.
- Night’s Dawn Trilogy, by Peter F. Hamilton: Nyvan, a “terracompatible planet” orbiting Ross 154, was the second Human colony of more than 600 as of 2611, the trilogy’s fictional present. An important part of the 2nd volume plays in Tonala, one of Nyvan’s many countries. (See Ross 154 in the Confederation Handwiki)
[edit] Rukbat (Alpha Sagittarii)
- Dragonriders series of novels by Anne McCaffrey. Rukbat is the star about which the planet of Pern orbits. McCaffrey calls Rukbat a yellow class G star, but it is actually a blue class B dwarf star.
- Sailormoon manga comics., The Galaxy Cauldron, source of all life, lies within Zero Star, which is in the center of Alpha Sagittarii.
[edit] Sheliak (Beta Lyrae)
- "The Soft Weapon", short story in the Known Space series by Larry Niven. Humans and Kzinti dispute the ownership of a slaver stasis box at Beta Lyrae. The story was later adapted to become the Star Trek: The Animated Series episode "The Slaver Weapon".
- "The Ensigns of Command", episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation television series. Sheliak is the home system of Sheliaks, who view humans as inferior. The Enterprise-D is dispatched to evacuate human colonists from Tau Cygni V, which is ceded to the Sheliak by the Treaty of Armens.
- The Tail of Beta Lyrae (1983), computer game by Philip Price. Set in an asteroid belt within the Beta Lyrae system.
- Frontier: Elite II and Frontier: First Encounters, computer games. Beta Lyrae is one of the few hand-coded systems. It has an unusual property: If the system is entered, the game crashes as a result of the code being unable to handle the mechanics of a "contact" binary. This can not be observed, however, without manipulating the game in some way, as Beta Lyrae is so distant from the core systems.
[edit] Sigma Draconis
- Honor Harrington series of novels by David Weber. The Sigma Draconis system includes the technologically advanced planet Beowulf, adjacent to a wormhole.
- "Spock's Brain", episode of Star Trek (TOS) television series. Planets III, IV and VI of Sigma Draconis are all Class M, capable of supporting human life, but III and IV are still incapable of space flight, while VI is in an ice age; a visit to VI reveals that the planet once supported a civilization with very high technology.
[edit] Sirius
See Sirius in fiction.
[edit] Tarazed (Gamma Aquilae)
- Andromeda, television series. Tarazed is the provisional capital of the Restored Systems Commonwealth.
[edit] Tau Ceti
See Tau Ceti in fiction.
[edit] Van Maanen's Star
- A World Out of Time (1976), novel by Larry Niven. Van Maanen's Star is the first target intended for protagonist Jerome Corbell's terraforming loop.
- Frontier: Elite II, computer game by David Braben. The Van Maanen's Star system is the home of a radical religious sect that believes in suffering as the key to salvation. Mining is done without machines, and any surplus money that is not needed to satisfy basic requirements like oxygen, food and water is burned in a sacred ceremony. The system is only accessible with a special permit.
[edit] Vega
See Vega in fiction.
[edit] Wolf 359
- There Will Be Dragons (2003), novel by John Ringo. Wolf 359 is repeatedly mentioned as a candidate for terraforming.
- Invaders from Mars (1953), film. Wolf 359 is mentioned.[citation needed]
- Wolf 359 (1964), episode of The Outer Limits television series.
- "The Best of Both Worlds", episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation television series. The Battle of Wolf 359 is a pivotal confrontation between the United Federation of Planets and the Borg in 2367 that resulted in a Federation victory.
- Descent: FreeSpace, computer game. A player character is assigned to fly support in the "remote Wolf 359 system" if a certain mission is failed.
- Escape Velocity Nova, computer game by Ambrosia Software.Wolf 359 is the location of the planet New England.
- Frontier: Elite II, computer game by David Braben. Wolf 359 is an industrial and mining colony.
- Space Empires computer game series. Wolf 359 is a possible system.
[edit] Wolf 424
- The Arrival (1996), film. Wolf 424 is the point of origin of an invading alien race.
[edit] Zeta Orionis
- "The City on the Edge of Forever", episode of Star Trek (TOS) television series. Captain Kirk mentions that in the year 2030 there is a famous novelist from "a planet circling the far left star in Orion's Belt."
[edit] Zeta Reticuli
- The Silicon Embrace (1996), novel by John Shirley. A race of aliens from Zeta Reticuli influences the evolution of humanity.
- Alien (1979), film. Lambert, the navigator, declares that the spaceship Nostromo is "just short of Zeta II Reticuli" presumably referring to Zeta2 Reticuli. The system contains a moon called LV-426 or Acheron.
- Space: Above and Beyond (1995), television series. Zeta Reticuli is the home system of the Chigs and the location of celestial body 2063F (the Chig homeworld), 2064K codenamed Anvil, 2064F's moon, 2064R and Ixion.
[edit] References
- ^ Egan Loo (1977-05-11). Atlas: Eden. Macros Compendium. Retrieved on 1997-05-11.
- ^ Egan Loo (1977-05-11). Atlas: Universe. Macros Compendium. Retrieved on 2002-09-16.
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