Supergate (Stargate)
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In the Stargate science fiction universe, a Supergate (Goa'uld: Chappa'kol) is an enormously large Stargate, measuring some 300 to 400 meters (1000 to 1300 feet) in diameter. They were designed and constructed by the Ori as a means to transport a fleet of Ori battlecruisers from their home galaxy to the Milky Way.
The gate is comprised of 80 smaller wedge-shaped modules, connected to form the outer ring of the gate. The size and construction of the individual blocks that make up the Supergate has fluctuated. The first encountered Supergate was comprised of modules which were small enough to pass through an ordinary Stargate [1], although the second Supergate's modules were much larger. [2] The gate is powered by a micro black hole, and can remain open indefinitely. [1]
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[edit] History
[edit] First Supergate
After a Prior was sent to Kallana in an attempt to convert its people, the Jaffa living there refused to accept the Ori as gods. Realizing that the Jaffa living on the planet would never convert, the Prior erected an energy shield around both himself and the still active Stargate, designed to crush the mass of the planet into a micro black hole.
However, as even the Ori were unable to project enough energy through a Stargate to both sustain a wormhole across galaxies and maintain a shield large enough to encompass an entire planet, they were forced to rely on outside help to provide the necessary energy. Knowing both the Free Jaffa Nation and the SGC would react, they convinced Nerus to relay information regarding the invasion to SG-1, who subsequently sent the Prometheus to the planet.

Playing right into the Ori's hands, SG-1 and several Ha'taks fired on the force field and detonated a Mark IX nuclear warhead inside the shield. Their combined effords provided enough energy to allow the shield to completely envelop the planet, which subsequently crushed the planet into a micro black hole. In the meantime, the Supergate's individual modules had been sent through the conventional Stargate, each component flying autonomously up into nearby space to self-assemble into the Supergate's ring.
When SG-1 eventually realized they had been taken advantage of, Vala Mal Doran inserted a Goa'uld Tel'tak in place of the last link of the gate, causing a power surge that prevented the completion of the device. However, she was unable to ring back to the Prometheus before the modules were destroyed, and as the matter stream was sucked into the black hole, Vala was transported to the Ori home galaxy instead. [1]
The leftover black hole was eventually used by the SG-1 from an alternate reality as a means to travel between universes by directing the Stargate's wormhole through it. However, due to the attempt, Earth had become a hub for several different alternate realities, with teams from several alternate universes arriving at the SGC. Although the alternate SG-1 nearly succeeded in accomplishing their mission, to steal Atlantis' ZPM, they were eventually sent back to their proper realities. [3]
[edit] Second Supergate
As Vala Mal Doran, who was transported to the Ori home galaxy several months earlier, was aware of the Ori's recent plans to send another invasion fleet to the Milky Way, she used an Ancient communication device to warn the SGC about the successful completion of a second Supergate. [4]
After the Supergate was discovered near P3Y-229, the SGC dispatched the Odyssey to join a large contingent of the Free Jaffa Nation's Ha'tak ships, as well as several of the Tok'ra's Ha'taks, which had been trying to destroy the Supergate to no avail. Although Samantha Carter unsuccessfully attempted to activate the Supergate before the Ori dialed in, effectively blocking them out, the gate activated. In what would later become known as the Battle of P3Y-229, four Ori battlecruisers emerged, laying waste to everything that stood in their way. [2]
However, several weeks later, SG-1 was able to activate the Supergate in order to prevent additional battleships from gating to the Milky Way. SG-1 positioned a Milky Way Stargate next to the Supergate, and a Pegasus Stargate near a black hole in the Pegasus Galaxy. They subsequently dialed from Pegasus to the Milky Way, using a nuclear warhead to cause the wormhole to jump from the Stargate to the Supergate. Powered by two black holes, the gates should remain connected indefinitely. In the process, an Ori battlecruiser was destroyed by the giant vortex of the activating Supergate, while a Wraith Hive-Ship was destroyed at the other end to provide the energy to make the wormhole 'jump' in the first place, scoring a triple victory against some of humanity's greatest foes. [5]
The Supergate was deactivated several months later, when the Stargate in the Pegasus Galaxy it was connected to was destroyed by a Mark IX Nuclear warhead deployed from the Daedalus. Under the instructions of Daniel Jackson, who had managed to infiltrate the Ori by allowing himself to be transformed into a Prior, the Supergate subsequently was 'dialled' to connect to the Ori home galaxy, and an Ori Battlecruiser was sent through, along with an activated Sangraal in order to destroy the Ori. Although the plan appeared to be successful, the Supergate was reopened later from the Ori home galaxy, allowing another six Ori Battlecruisers into the Milky Way to join the seventh that was parked in front of the supergate. [6]
[edit] References
- ^ a b c "Beachhead" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ a b "Camelot" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Ripple Effect" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "Crusade" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "The Pegasus Project" (Stargate SG-1)
- ^ "The Shroud" (Stargate SG-1)
[edit] External links
- "Supergate" at GateWorld Omnipedia.
- "Supergate" at StargateWiki.
- Supergate activates at YouTube.
Technology in Stargate | Edit | |
Tau'ri | GDO | Horizon | IDC | Stargate Iris | Kull Disruptor | P90 | MALP | The Seeker Project | Naqahdah Generator Wraith retrovirus | F-302 | Prometheus (BC-303) | Daedalus-class Battlecruiser |
Goa'uld/Tok'ra | Al'kesh | Death Glider | Ha'tak Mothership | Hand Device | Healing Device | Intar | Memory Recall Technology | Sarcophagus | Staff Weapon Tel'tak | TER | Tunnel Crystals | Zat | Zatarc detector |
Ancient | Ancient City Ship | Ancient Control Chair | ATA Gene | Atlantis | Aurora-class Battleship | Dakara Weapon | DHD DNA Resequencer | Drone Weapon | Healing Device | Project Arcturus | Puddle Jumper | Repository of Knowledge Ring Transporter | Sangraal | Stargate | Time Dilation Device | Zero Point Module |
Asgard | Beliskner-class ship | Daniel Jackson-class ship | O'Neill-class ship | Thor's Hammer | |
Other | Wraith Dart | Wraith Hive-Ship | Supergate | Ori Mothership | |
Lists by race | All | Tau'ri | Ancient, Aschen, Asgard, Goa'uld, Ori, Tok'ra, Tollan, Wraith | Other |