Frae Wikipedia
Whit's a prience? Gin its a prince hou can a Beeshop an Jacques Chirac the preses o a republic be princes? 10:01, 22 November 2006 (UTC)
- Chirac is the Preses o Fraunce but a co-prince o Andorrae. Aw French preses (an beeshops of La Seu d'Urgell) durin thair terms o office is co-princes o Andorrae ex officio. A believe it uisst tae be the Keeng o Fraunce that wis the co-prince, but efter Louis Capet got his heid cut aff the responsibeelity gaed tae the preses o the French Republic. Mendor 00:33, 24 November 2006 (UTC)
Weel-a-weel! A body learns something new ilka day;-) 12:28, 24 November 2006 (UTC)