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Eh'm Mendor. Eh'm fae Dundee ken. A wis born in 1986 an that maks me 20 (bi ma coont, oniewey). A'm studyin lingueestics in the Varsity o Edinburrie the nou.
A dinna conseeder masel a native speaker o Scots (A am Scottish, but A wisna brocht up tae speak the Scots, an o coorse the eddication seestem in Scotland gars us think that Scots is for poems an naething mair) but somehou A got made an admin oniewey. A'm no compleenin, mind.
Cairds on the table: A'm a humanist, an a socialist. Sae, there mibbe bias a' ower the shop in oniething A write. Leuk oot for it. Houaniver, A'm faur mair o a stub-writer nor an airticle-scriever.
Ye can hae a leuk at ma translate o the SSP's Declaration o Calton Hill — for an unthirlt Scots republic — here. Onie comments is walcome.
Mendor 16:09, 11 Juin 2006 (UTC)
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