Frae Wikipedia
A bridie or Farfar bridie is a Scots kin o maet pastry or pie, oreiginally frae the toun o Farfar, seimlar tae a Cornish pasty. It's made o minced beef, whiles wi ingans and spices, stappit intae pastry (aither shortcrust or puff) nickit intae a hauf-muin shape; the hail thing is bakkit in an uin.
Whit's in the bridie is indicate bi the nummer o holes in the tap; juist the ae hole shaws that the'r nae ingans in the ingredients an twa holes shaws that ingans haes been uised.
It is the subject o the Dundee shibboleth Twa plain bridies an an ingan ane an aa, supposedly impossible tae say gin ye dinna come frae that toun.
[edit] Fremmit airtins
- The Famous Farfar Bridie. A wabpage anent bridies, in Inglis wi some Scots.
Categories: Stubs | Scots fuid | Pies