Talk:Robert Burns
Frae Wikipedia
This kent forbye as isna a Scots eediom. Tak a keek tae this an lear yersel hou tae uise the wird richt. Mair oot ower A dinna ken whit for its necessar tae eik an e tae the hintend o a wird that comes aboot bi pittin fore an by thegither.
A haed a bit google for "kent forbye as" aw it fand wis this orra uiss on Wikipaedia. "kent forby as" wisna ony better. Forby thon A s' no say ony mair.
- Jings, caum yersel! A'v chynged it nou, but the'r nae need tae get uppity aboot it. Ma Scots is fair "depletit urban", sae na, A'm no aye gaunae ken hou tae uise words like forby(e) that's ne'er (or haurdly iver) uised in Dundee/Embra. In the futur, ye can juist chynge ma darg -- A dinna mynd ma Scots bein chynged tae something that's grammatical/mair ídiomatic.
- Is whit A'v chynged it tae onie mair acceptable? Wad "...kent as x, y an z forby(e)" be richt grammar?
- A spelt it "forbye" juist bi reference tae the RRSSC, that spells it that wey. Why thay dae that dinna speir at me. Mibbe for tae discourage the pronoonciation /'fɔrbi/ frae lairners. Mendor 16:18, 22 October 2005 (UTC)
If it wis spelt forbye tae hinder learners sayin /'fərbi/ whit's tae hinder thaim comin oot wi /'forbji/? That hail argiement's daft. Some o thon RRSSC wisna thocht throu richt. In the frequent word shortleet it haes for an by an syne eiks the twa thegither as forebye. Aside thon, Scots shoud be written for them that speaks it. A canna see native speakers no follaein the logic o forby. Whit ye chynged it tae is fine.