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kent fobye as? Tak a keek at Talk:Robert Burns
A wis telt bit Derek that's hou tae say it, A'll hae a keek an see gin a can fin a wey tae uiss the richt wirdin. Thanks, Nou Uiserr
- RRSSC recommends uisin the spellin ui for vouel 7 see IPA chairt for Scots. Schuil.
- Ye uised ΓΌ in ae wird an nou u(Consonant)e in this ane? Whit for?
A fand it on DSL an a leetin aw furms o the wird...As for Schule monie spaekers hae uised it as in "schule o thocht" an a chuist that furm for the teetle, yet a dae wonder why it maiters gin aw the pages gae tae the same place? Nou Uiserr
- There's nocht wrang wi redirectin fae ither forms tho uisin ui in the airticle itsel wad haud the spellin o vouel 7 conseestant ootthrou Wikipaedia.