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I dinnae think that Stalinism is a kind o Socialism. Totalitarianism, aye, but nae Socialism. That's the wey we learnt it, an whit Ae've read. Maoism as well. Anarchism is related, but it's nae a kind o Socialism; Socialism implies a state.Canaen 07:06, 10 Mairch 2006 (UTC)
- Stalinism is a kind o Socialism. Unkle Joe wis the hie heid ane o the Soviet Socialist Republics. A wee bittie like his pal an syne unfreend Adolf Hitler. He wis the heid bummer o Naitional Socialism
- Socialism's whan some numptie tells ye whit's guid for ye. Thae numpties haed decidit whit's guid for fowk.
- 12:37, 10 Mairch 2006 (UTC)
The temptation's muckle but A'm no gaunae get intae an airgiement aboot the numptieness or non-numptieness o socialism. Me masel personally, A think whither a bodie/state wis "socialist" (in the maist braid sense -- ma kin o socialism is naething like Stalinism) or not is adae wi wha wis aucht the means o production. In the USSR the means o production wis aa naitionalised. Nou, there an ongaun debate aboot whither the USSR wis syne state caipitalist or no, but monie fowk dis conseeder Stalinism a brainch o socialism -- a gey scunnersome ane, but still a brainch o socialism.
Houaniver, Hitler wisna a socialist. He cryed hissel a socialist but fowk can cry thairsels monie things for propaganda ettles. Fascism isna a form o socialism; there wis aye plenty private owerance o the means o production in Nazi Germany.
For a bit o a mair unbiased leuk at things ye micht cuid hae a leuk at en:Socialism, that dis include Stalinism an Mao Zedong Thocht alang wi social democracy, Trotskyism, "yellae socialism" (whitsomiver that micht be) an monie ithers. It haes Anarchism in't an aw -- frae the en: airticle: "Socialism can be divided into the libertarian schools, generally called libertarian socialist or anarchist, and the more authoritarian schools that support some degree of state coercion". A ken an anarchist that gets gey uppity whan ye suggest that anarchism isna a brainch o Socialism. His thinkin is that socialism implees a state if ye'r a Marxist juist, an he isna a Marxist; socialism disna hiv tae implee a state. Mendor 15:34, 10 Mairch 2006 (UTC)
- Anarchism canna be socialism acause it the dictatorship o laggery.
- 15:47, 10 Mairch 2006 (UTC)