Ulster Scots leid
Frae Wikipedia
Ulster Scots, kent as Ulstèr-Scotch an Ullans an aw, is the dialect o the Scots leid spak in Northren Ireland as weel as pairts o the Republic o Ireland (maistly in the border coonties). It is maistly spak bi the Ulster-Scots community awtho mony wirds, sic as glaikit an wee, haes been borraed intae the ilkaday speak of ither fowks. Scots isna yet an offeecial leid o Northren Ireland.
In the North/South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) Northern Ireland Order 1999 Ulster Scots is defined as: the variety of the Scots language which has traditionally been used in parts of Northern Ireland and in Donegal in Ireland [1].
The declaration made by the Unitit Kinrick Govrenment adae wi the European Chairter for Regional an Minoritie Leids is as follaes:
The United Kingdom declares, in accordance with Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Charter that it recognises that Scots and Ulster Scots meet the Charter's definition of a regional or minority language for the purposes of Part II of the Charter [2].
The defineetion frae the North/South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) Northern Ireland Order 1999 abuin wis uised in the 1 Julie 2005 Second Periodical Report by the Unitit Kinrick tae the Secretar General o the Cooncil o Europe shawin hou the UK meets its obligations unner the European Chairter for Regional an Minoritie Leids.[3]