Wikipedia:Unsuccessful adminship candidacies
Frae Wikipedia
Frae Wikipedia:Requests for adminship
Below ae candidacies that were nae promotit since September 2005, when separate records were first kept.
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- Ye'r keekin at a closed Request for adminship. Mynd that the debate is closed an please dinna post onie mair comments. The raeson this request is closed is shawn ablo
Expired wi out support ✎ Wizardry Dragon (Ma Collogue) (Ma Contreibutions) 23:38, 3 Dizember 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Naraku4656 20:35, 3 Februar 2006 (UTC)
Vote here (0/1/0) ending 20:35 10 Februar 2006 (UTC) Naraku4656 (talk • contribs) - I think, even though i'm new, i have been on other wikipedias for a while now, and i think i can do this wikipedia a world of good if i became an administrater. Also i have worked on maitenence on other sites, and can help with technical problems. --Naraku4656 20:35, 3 Februar 2006 (UTC)
- Candidate, please indicate acceptance of the nomination here:
- Oppose see mrmattkatt's comments from me. Redsportscar323 21:52, 14 Februar 2006 (UTC)
Quaistens for the candidate
A feow generic quaistens tae gie guidance tae the voters:
- 1. Whit sysop chores, if ony, wad ye foresee yersel holpin wi? (Please read the page aboot administrators an the administrators' readin leet.)
- A.
- 2. Amang yer ain airticles or contreibutions tae Wikipaedia, are there ony that ye'r rael prood o, an whit wey?
- A.
- 3. Haev ye bin in ony fechts ower editin in the past or div ye feel that ither uisers hae caused ye pain? Whit haev ye duin aboot it and whit will ye dae aboot it in the future?
- A.
- The above discussion is preserved as a refelctor of the debate. Please dinnae chynge it. Nae more edits suid be made to this page.
- Ye'r keekin at a closed Request for adminship. Mynd that the debate is closed an please dinna post onie mair comments. The raeson this request is closed is shawn ablo
Expired wi out support. ✎ Wizardry Dragon (Ma Collogue) (Ma Contreibutions) 23:17, 3 Dizember 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Mrmattkatt 21:07, 3 Februar 2006 (UTC)
Vote here (1/2/0) ending 21:07 10 Februar 2006 (UTC) Mrmattkatt (talk • contribs) - i have been on here for over 3 months, and i can help with vandalism and technical problems as well, i am an admin on a forum, so i know how to work as one. --Mrmattkatt 21:07, 3 Februar 2006 (UTC)
- I Will help to make the scots wikipedia a better place, and help with the maitenece and any other problem
- If you're really serious about doing that, I recommend that you start writing some articles for the encyclopaedia. The most basic thing for any user, admin or not, is to add articles in Scots. So far you have shown no signs of doing anything but asking to be an administrator (in badly spelled English). -- Derek Ross 06:58, 7 Februar 2006 (UTC)
- support Naraku4656 02:06, 11 Februar 2006 (UTC)
- And if you expect your vote to be taken seriously I suggest that you too do something more than nominate yourself for administrator and vote for other nominees with no track record. -- 04:01, 11 Februar 2006 (UTC)
- Oppone Juist realised that Naraku votit efter the deidline an aw! Nae wantin tae be nasty, but the candidate a) disna seem tae ken hou a Wiki wirks b) disna spaek the leid the Wiki's written in c) juist shawed up an askit for adminship. Sae, aw in aw, naw. Mendor 10:53, 11 Februar 2006 (UTC)
- Oppose I don't think someone as new as i am should be given admin power right off the bat, i think he should wait until he is more experience in being a user than being an admin, and as the guy below me told me, everyone has equal power, so if this is true than i think there is no reason why someone just as new as me should get an adminship just yet. Redsportscar323 21:48, 14 Februar 2006 (UTC)
- Comment (no a vote syne it's efter the deidline: wad hae been oppone gin it wisna). A think A'v juist seen the pynt o the "Wikipædia isna a democracie" policie. Mendor 10:47, 11 Februar 2006 (UTC) PS: Whoops, see ma oppone vote abuin. Mendor 10:53, 11 Februar 2006 (UTC)
- not sure the guy above me is right, but i also think that everyone deserves a chance at some form of power so i'll submit my vote sometime later. Redsportscar323 02:33, 14 Februar 2006 (UTC)
- Well, if you're looking for power you've come to the right place. Wikipedia gives you power alright: the power to write articles for other people around the world to read. And luckily it gives us more than a chance at it -- in fact it gives you the power straight off, no questions asked. All we ask is that people make use of that power. Sadly, many don't. So now that you've registered an account, we look forward to seeing your first article in Scots. Welcome ! -- Derek Ross 06:59, 14 Februar 2006 (UTC)
Thanks, i can read scots but i'm not so good at writing it though. Redsportscar323 21:48, 14 Februar 2006 (UTC)
Quaistens for the candidate
A feow generic quaistens tae gie guidance tae the voters:
- 1. Whit sysop chores, if ony, wad ye foresee yersel holpin wi? (Please read the page aboot administrators an the administrators' readin leet.)
- A. i can foresee myself helping to fix vandalism and ban those users, and help to clean up wikipedia.
- 2. Amang yer ain airticles or contreibutions tae Wikipaedia, are there ony that ye'r rael prood o, an whit wey?
- A.
- 3. Haev ye bin in ony fechts ower editin in the past or div ye feel that ither uisers hae caused ye pain? Whit haev ye duin aboot it and whit will ye dae aboot it in the future?
- A. no, i have ot been in any fights over editing, and if they did i would ask them to stop nicely and after that, if it's advice, i would take it friendly, and if it was a fight, i would try to stop them, and if that didn't work i'd just ignore them
- The above discussion is preserved as a refelctor of the debate. Please dinnae chynge it. Nae more edits suid be made to this page.
- Ye'r keekin at a closed Request for bureaucratship. Mynd that the debate is closed an please dinna post onie mair comments. The raeson this request is closed is shawn ablo
Closed - we been telt that we be too smaa' fer b'crats. Mebbe open this again when we hae more articles. ✎ Wizardry Dragon (Ma Collogue) (Ma Contreibutions) 22:57, 29 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Mendor
Vote here (2/0/0) ending 05:06 24 July 2006 (UTC)
Mendor (talk • contribs) - Mendor haes duin a pile o wark sortin things oot here. We hae need o a bureaucrat on this wiki an I jalouse that he's the man for the job. --Derek Ross 05:06, 17 Julie 2006 (UTC)
Aye, he's just done a braa wee joab fixin aa the vandalism oan ma pages! ----Bazza 12:24, 17 Julie 2006 (UTC)
*blush* Jings. Fixin yon vandalism wisna haurd (there a laid o "rowback" buttons maks it eith) but A'm chuffed tae be nominate, an A accept the nomination. Mendor 18:23, 17 Julie 2006 (UTC)
- Support -- Derek Ross 05:57, 17 Julie 2006 (UTC)
- Support -- Bazza 12:24, 17 Julie 2006 (UTC)
- Support --Be a good lad Wizardry Dragon 21:38, 28 November 2006 (UTC)
- The above discussion is preserved as a refelctor of the debate. Please dinnae chynge it. Nae more edits suid be made to this page.