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There are a few parts of the Bible that some Christians disagree about. They disagree about the Apocrypha. The King James Authorised Version called these books ‘Apocrypha’. It separated them, because the Bible said so in 2 Esdras 14:46. But keep the seventy last, that thou mayest deliver them only to such as be wise among the people: For in them is the spring of understanding, the fountain of wisdom, and the stream of knowledge. Roman Catholic Bibles have these books in the Old Testament They do not call them Apocrypha. They call them deuterocanonical, which means that they belong to the second canon. Canon just means a list. The first list is of books first written in Hebrew. This second list is of books first written in Greek.
[edit] Some say
The books of the Apocrypha were added by the Roman Catholic Church in 1546. They consist of the following books that are of unsure origins and were therefore excluded in the Protestant Bible. They were kept in Catholic Bibles because it is believed that the Bible Jesus read was a Bible that included the books of the "Apocrypha," the deuterocanonical books. It has been concluded that the most popular Bible at the time of Jesus was that of the Greek language--which included these extra books--and thus is why it is believed that Jesus had more than likely read out of Bibles that included these controversial books.
Books of the Apocrypha [may not be in order]:
Esdras, Book of Tobit, Book of Judith, Book of Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, Suzanna, 1st & 2nd Maccabees
Note: Other candidates for Apocryphal scriptures include supposedly lost portions of Esther and Sirach.
The Apocrypha, as well as other Roman Catholic doctrines and scriptures are under the following weight of testimony that depicts its possibly false, Satanic and heretical origins:
i. The Apocrypha was written in the times of the exile between the period of 400 -> 0 AD, where in religious view, God had stopped sending prophets due to their disobedience.
ii. The majority of the Apocrypha was not written in the Native languages of the Bible, such as Hebrew or Greek.
iii. Jewish sects may believe the apocrypha as works of the Devil and are not of God.
iv. Antioch, Syria where True Christians of the Early Church had in their possession of the Holy Sciptures in manuscript format, highly disregarded manuscripts that were found corrupted in Alexandria Egypt.
Similar books and collections are under similar scrutiny such as the Pseudopigraphia and deuterocanonicals all of which are also Roman Catholic based.
[edit] Others say
Christians disagree about the ‘Apocrypha’. Others point out that the ‘Apocrypha’ was in every Christian Bible until 1828.
In 1828 these books were taken out of some Bibles.
The translators of the King James Bible said that these books were written to prepare the people for Jesus, in the same way as John the Baptist did.
They said that the apostles used these books. There is no question that these books have always been part of the Bible in Oriental Orthodox Churches, so they were definitely not added in the 1500's. Around the year 80 AD, the Jewish Council (Sanhedrin) decided to cut the books from the Hebrew Bible, but they stayed in the Christian Bible. Then soon after Christianity became the only religion of Roman Empire in the 4th century, the Romans decided to cut out all of the same books that the Sanhedrin had cut out, and they moved some of them to the "apocrypha".