Ernest Nagel
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Ernest Nagel (* 16. november 1901, Nové Město – † 22. september 1985, New York) bol americký filozof, logik a teoretik vedy. Profesor Columbijskej univerzity, predstaviteľ novopozitivisticky orientovanie filozofie vedy.
[úprava] Diela
- On the Logic of Measurement, 1930
- (spolu s M. R. Cohenom) An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method, 1934
- Principles of the Theory of Probability, 1939
- The Formation of Modern Conceptions of Formal Logic in the Development of Geometry, 1939
- Sovereign Reason and Other Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 1954
- Logic without Metaphysics and Other Essays in the Philosophy of Science, 1956
- (spolu s J. R. Newmanom) G"del's Proof, 1958
- The Structure of Science: Problems in the Logic of Scientific Explanation, 1961
- (spolu s R. B. Brandtom) Meaning and Knowledge. Systematic Readings in Epistemology, 1965
- (spolu s S. Brombergerom a A. Gr�nbaumom) Observation and Theory in Science, 1971
- Teleology Revisited and Other Essays in the Philosophy and History of Science, 1979
[úprava] Externé odkazy
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