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Velikost predogleda: 800 × 481 točk
Slika v višji resoluciji (1142 × 687 točk, velikost datoteke: 89 KB, MIME-vrsta: image/jpeg)
- Description: Golden Gate Bridge
Photograph taken 19 April 2002 by Peter Craig
Photo placed in the public domain by photographer.
View from the Presidio in San Francisco to the northwest, towards the Marin County headlands.
Русский: Мост Золотые Ворота
This image has been (or is hereby) released into the public domain by its author, Carpaltnl at the English Wikipedia project. This applies worldwide.
In case this is not legally possible:
Carpaltnl grants anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
- Source: English Wikipedia, see file history
[edit] File history English Wikipedia
* (del) (cur) 22:03, 12 November 2005 . . Neutrality . . 1142x687 (90709 bytes) (Color-modified, sharpened.)
* (del) (rev) 21:45, 8 June 2004 . . MykReeve . . 1142x687 (90709 bytes) (Reverted to earlier revision)
* (del) (rev) 02:32, 9 May 2004 . . Nick2588 . . 343x207 (12683 bytes) (Reverted to earlier revision)
* (del) (rev) 02:32, 9 May 2004 . . Nick2588 . . 1142x687 (90709 bytes) (Reverted to earlier revision)
* (del) (rev) 07:02, 6 June 2003 . . Carpaltnl . . 343x207 (12683 bytes) (Golden Gate Bridge)
* (del) (rev) 06:52, 6 June 2003 . . Carpaltnl . . 1142x687 (90709 bytes) (Golden Gate Bridge)
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