Daptar Statistikawan
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Statistikawan atawa jalma nu mere kontribusi kana tiori statistik, atawa hal anu aya hubunganna jeung kamungkinan, atawa machine learning:
- Peter Armitage
- Thomas Bayes
- Ladislaus Bortkiewicz
- George Box
- Pafnuty Chebyshev
- Alexey Chervonenkis
- William Cochran
- (Sir) David R. Cox
- Richard Threlkeld Cox
- Harald Cramér (Sweden, 1893 - 1985)
- Bruno de Finetti
- W. Edwards Deming
- Persi Diaconis
- (Sir) Richard Doll
- Francis Ysidro Edgeworth
- A. K. Erlang
- (Sir) Ronald A. Fisher
- Francis Galton
- Seymour Geisser
- Corrado Gini
- I. J. Good
- William Sealey Gosset (known as "Student")
- Emil Julius Gumbel
- Pierre Gy
- Austin Bradford Hill
- Edwin Thompson Jaynes
- Harold Jeffreys
- David Kendall
- (Sir) Maurice Kendall
- Alfred J. Lotka
- Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis
- Matosaburo Masuyama
- Jerzy Neyman
- Egon Pearson
- Karl Pearson
- Edwin James George Pitman
- Adolphe Quetelet
- C. R. Rao
- Herbert Robbins
- Leonard Jimmy Savage
- Walter A. Shewhart
- Mike Dugas
- P. V. Sukhatme
- Genichi Taguchi
- Pafnuty Tchebycheff, see Pafnuty Chebyshev
- Pafnuty Tchebyscheff, see Pafnuty Chebyshev
- Leonard H. C. Tippett
- John Tukey
- Vladimir Vapnik (Russia, ~1935 - )
- Samuel Wilks
- Frank Yates
- Marvin Zelen
- Carl Eric Sarndal
- Alexander Mood
- Franklin Graybill
- Duane Boes
- Michael Hidiroglou
- Yves Berger
- Andi Hakim Nasution
See also: List of mathematicians | List of people by occupation | List of people