Hej, är det korrekt att placera makedonskan som underställd bulgariskan? /El Grillo 4 mars 2005 kl.17.44 (CET)
Hej! Sorry, bur unfortunately I can not understand and I am not very good with IT, too. But I met that you place Serbocroatian language(s) in one (The part og linguistics think that this is correct, me too) and then you divided them (The languages divided by political reasons after 1991). If we want to be correct we have to do the same with Bulgarian-Macedonian. They are two subdivisions (variants) of one language. The Macedonian literary language is formed 1944-1945 by political reasons. Maybe the more correct will be: Bulgarian-Macedonian (like Srbocroatian)
- Bulgarian
- Macedonian.
Actually this is discutable question, but the Slavistiks in Bulgaria think so and the biggest part of foreign scientists before 1950. Todey they are different stances. I am citizen of Bulgaria but we (especially the Bulgarians from Western parts of the country)haven't problems to understand the citizens of Republic of Macedonia. We have problems only with some words because there is some Serbian influence in Macedonian and Russian influence - in Bulgarian. Infact Macedonian is regional variant of Bulgarian.
Regards, Anton Keckarov
- As long as it's disputed, which it clearly is, they should have seperate articles. "Bulgarian" and "Macedonian" are such well known and accepted seperate entities that even if they share a common past and are very similar, they should not be grouped together. Eventually, I don't think we'll group Serbian and Croatian together, if only to appease nationalist sentiment among former Yugoslavs.
- But this doesn't mean that we can't put up links between bulgariska and makedonska and mention how similar they are and that the idea of thinking of them as one language is heavily favored by Bulgarian linguists. - karmosin 5 mars 2005 kl.04.51 (CET)
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