Diskussion:Finland under medeltiden
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Knut den Store kan omöjligt ha varit i Estland och härjat på 1100-talet eftersom han var rejält död vid det laget.:-) Gunnar Larsson 3 februari 2005 kl.22.15 (CET)
- Hemskt pinsamt för mig, jag tror jag måste ha menat Knut VI, Knut Valdemarsson (1163-1202). Thuresson 6 februari 2005 kl.10.34 (CET)
This article has its merits, but it also contains very severe weaknesses. Too much political history and very little social or economical history. Important topics like urbanisation, social changes, settlement expansion, Swedish immigration etc. are barely touched. Too bad I cannot write anything in Swedish.
Someone who can write Swedish (and not just read it, as I do) should remove following little errors in the present text:
Övergången till ett nytt gravskick har inträffat på Åland omkring år 1000 och i Egentliga Finland ett halvt sekel senare, i Tavastland cirka 1150
- In fact, later in both Egentiliga Finland and Tavastland.
Omkring år 1158 har kung Erik organiserat ett fälttåg till Finland.
- This is a legend from Erikskrönikan. It might or might not be true. Modern historians have not much belief in it.
Fälttåget hade påvens välsignelse
- Did it? I think this another of those romantic fantasies of nationalist historiography.
och den engelske Henrik medföljde vilket gör att fälttåget också har kallats ett korståg.
- No one knows if Henrik was an Englishman.
jarlen anlade en fästning, Tavastehus, för att kunna behålla kontrollen.
- Tavastehus might not be that old...according to one study, its oldest parts date from the 1260´s.
Möjligheten att finna sanningen försvann förmodligen när novgoroderna brände biskopsarkivet när de förhärjade Åbo den 11 juni 1318.
- This, again, might be a correct or an uncorrect interpretation of imprecise documents.
- The article is based on the book "Finlands historia" by historians Torsten Edgren, Lena Törnblom and Märtha Norrback (ISBN 9515005663). The article does use words like "förmodligen" and "omkring" to stress uncertainties. It is true that it contains mostly political history but on the other hand this is a wiki and anybody can add what they think is missing. Thuresson 3 mars 2005 kl.15.03 (CET)
- I know the book, but I am surprised if it contains so old-fashioned view of the early middle ages in Finland. However, I am afraid that the more update books are mainly in Finnish.
- I think I try to make some corrections myself. They will be in very poor Swedish, but I hope someone can correct the language.
- OK, go ahead, and I will correct your spelling (if necessary). Thuresson 3 mars 2005 kl.15.43 (CET)
- Thanks for corrections, after a second reading I think that my earlier criticism for this informative article is a bit too harsh.