Talk:The Notorious Byrd Brothers
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[edit] Historical background
Some very interesting historical detail has been lost in the last of the current series of reversions. Please would User:PetSounds restore them with inline sources for each assertion. —Theo (Talk) 00:40, 23 July 2005 (UTC)
I tried finding how to do inline sourcing, but couldn't locate it. Would you be able to give me the page? Thanks PetSounds 18:38, 23 July 2005 (UTC)
Inline sources can be added using Template:Inote or something similar. The syntax is: {{Inote|Text of note|Label}}. For example: {{Inote|Jones (2004)|Jones2004}} where one of the references is "Jones, Alfred. 'The perfect inline note', Inline notation in Wikipedia (2004)". —Theo (Talk) 23:45, 23 July 2005 (UTC)