The Chicago Maroon
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The Chicago Maroon, known as "the independent student newspaper of the University of Chicago since 1892," is a semi-weekly publication with a circulation of 7,500. During autumn, winter and spring quarters of the academic year at the University, the Maroon publishes every Tuesday and Friday. The paper consists of four sections: news, op-eds ("Viewpoints"), arts/entertainment ("Voices"), and sports. In the late summer and early fall, it publishes its annual Orientation Issue for entering first-years, including sections on the University, the City, and a regular Maroon issue.
Some of the Maroon's former Editors in Chief have gone on to become some of the most respected names in journalism, including Daniel Hertzberg (see below for more on him). Also former Maroon Editors in Chief are famed historian William H. McNeill, and award-winning author and blogger John Scalzi.
The Maroon's office is located in the basement of Ida Noyes Hall, at 1212 East 59th Street.
[edit] Notable Alumni
The University of Chicago has produced a number of notable journalists, many of whom were Chicago Maroon staffers.
- Seymour Hersh (A.B. 1958) Pulitzer prize-winning investigative journalist and frequent writer for The New Yorker
- David Brooks (A.B. 1983) Op-Ed Columnist for the New York Times; senior editor of The Weekly Standard; regular commentator on The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
- David S. Broder (A.B. 1947, A.M. 1951) Pulitzer prize-winning journalist, currently with The Washington Post.
- Daniel Hertzberg (A.B. 1968) Pulitzer prize-winning journalist and Managing Editor for The Wall Street Journal
- Ana Marie Cox (A.B. 1994) Editor of Wonkette weblog
- Thomas Frank (A.M. 1989, Ph.D. 1994) Editor-in-chief of The Baffler; author of The Conquest of Cool (1997) and What's the Matter with Kansas? (2004)
- Nathan Hare (A.M. 1957, Ph.D. 1962) Author, activist, and sociologist; founding publisher of The Black Scholar, later cited as, "the most important journal devoted to black issues since the Crisis," by the New York Times
- Carl H. Lavin (A.B. 1979) Deputy Managing Editor, news, The Philadelphia Inquirer
- Greg Palast (A.B. 1974, M.B.A. 1976) Progressive investigative journalist
- John Podhoretz (A.B. 1982) Conservative commentator for National Review, New York Post, The Weekly Standard, inter alia; son of Norman Podhoretz
- Joshua Cooper Ramo (A.B. 1992) Foreign Editor of Time magazine, Author "No Visible Horizon," "Beijing Consensus", Managing Director Kissinger Associates
- Robert Silver (A.B. 1947) Co-founding Editor of The New York Review of Books
- Brent Staples (A.M. 1976, Ph.D. 1982) Editorial writer for the New York Times (1990-present); winner of the Anisfield Wolff Book Award for his memoir Parallel Time: Growing Up in Black and White (1994)
- Ray Suarez (A.M. 1993) Senior Correspondent on PBS news program The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
- Kinsey Wilson (A.B. 1979) Executive Editor of USA Today
[edit] Recent Maroon Editors in Chief and Managing Editors
The Editor in Chief (EIC) and Managing Editor (ME) of the Maroon in recent history have been elected Seventh Week of Winter Quarter by the Maroon community (writers, editors, copy editors, designers, etc.).
- 2007-2008 Kat Glass/Tim Hotze
- 2006-2007 Tara Kadioglu / Michael Rinaman
- 2005-2006 George Anesi / Stephanie Mielcarek
- 2004-2005 Garth Johnston / Laura Oppenheimer
- 2003-2004 Carolina Bolado / Garth Johnston
- 2002-2003 Pete Beatty / Whet Moser
- 2001-2002 Eugene Ford / Hannah Major-Monfried