Talk:TNA X Division Championship
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[edit] Title change dates
While it is understood that TNA iMPACT (as well as many Professional Wrestling events) are not performed live, but pretaped, the keyfabe relies on the airdates as the occurance of the event. Let's give an example, and yes, I am using the current dispute. AJ Styles won the title on October 24th, but the event is aired November 2nd. On November 9th, the following iMPACT, the announcers will refer to the title that was won "Last week". They will not refer to the championship reign as having lasted only 2 days, but a week and a half, if they even mention title length. If someone else wins the title, it will be referred to as being held "for a week", instead of as being held for however long it was ACTUALLY held.
I think the point I'm trying to make is this. Keyfabe relies on what is being presented to the audience as a whole, and not what is actually happening. To a very large majority of the people who watch TNA Wrestling, they watched the title change hands on iMPACT, and not at the taping of iMPACT a week earlier.
If anyone else wants to argue AGAINST my POV, they can just go to the official page (thanks vDub for the link) Edward Hyena
Couldn't have said it better myself. :-) vDub 12:00, 5 November 2006 (UTC)
That's a pretty big ruiling to make here. Basically, when TNA or WWE changes their history, wiki has to follow it. There's no way to reflect that. For example, in Pat Patterson's article, are we suppost to say that he won the Intercontiental Championship in Rio whatever and completely igonre that has was given the title? Remember when Edge said that he never lost a TLC match? Should we show that in an Edge or TLC match article? 01:03, 10 November 2006 (UTC)
My question is : Why not? Part of the enjoyment in professional wrestling, and in fact, most TV and cinema, is a suspension of disbelief. You're not supposed to watch an event wondering if these people are really fighting and competing to be the most powerful athelete, or whether they've rehearsed their match and are performing to a script. You're just supposed to watch and enjoy. The same goes for movies. You're not supposed to think of the greenscreen and the computers rendering the effects when Keanu Reeves fights against computerized Agents, you're just supposed to watch, and enjoy. The issue with the way the article was being edited is that someone was trying to remove the kayfabe, which is a problem. Without kayfabe, what do we have? Edward Hyena 04:49, 10 November 2006 (UTC)
Since TLC III never happend according to WWE, should the article reflect that? Go ahead and change it. 16:03, 10 November 2006 (UTC) Also, you can't go by what the company officially says because it's full of inconsistancies. I recall two instances when WWE announced a title change at Smackdown right after the taping ended that Tuesday: when Mr. McMahon won the WWF Title on September 14, 1999 and when Kurt Angle won the World Title on January 10, 2006. According to offical title history on, as you point to as your undisputable source, McMahon's title change occured on Thursday the 16th (when it aired), while Angle's occured on Tuesday the 10th (when it was taped). So how can we suspend disbelief when the company admits otherwise? 16:28, 10 November 2006 (UTC)
Without violating NPOV and giving any opinions on WWE, I will just say that WWE and TNA are two entirely different companies, and if we are going to nitpick at WWE, we should do it over in their entries. Are there any such inconsistancies in TNA's official history? Edward Hyena
Actually TNA does have some inconsistancies. In the beginning of TNA, the first Wednesday PPV was live, and the second week was taped right after on the same night. The first NWA Champion (Ken Shamrock) and X Division Champion (AJ Styles) of this era was determined that night. TNA lists each title change as occuring on June 19th, 2002, but lists the appropiate event (PPV 1 and PPV 2) that it occured.
Nonetheless, you want these articles to reflect the offical title history on a company's official website. If we're going to do this for NWA/TNA Championships, then we should do it for WWE Championshps as well. We're not going to have two separate guidlines for each company. 19:25, 12 November 2006 (UTC)
I've already been working on tweaking the WWE championship histories using their official title history pages found on vDub 14:08, 14 November 2006 (UTC)
And I'm going to change them back. I've made my point, and until a final ruiling is made here, I'm going to do it my way. 19:51, 14 November 2006 (UTC)
- vDub, don't vandalize the pages like that. TJ Spyke 03:20, 17 November 2006 (UTC)
It's not considered vandalism when I'm going by official sources. vDub 12:22, 17 November 2006 (UTC)
- "Official sources" are inconsistant. Both WWE and TNA mix in TV tapings dates and TV airing dates in the same list. That's why it was agreed a long time ago to use the day a wrestler WINS the title, not when it airs. TJ Spyke 05:46, 18 November 2006 (UTC)