Transformers Classics
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Transformers Classics are a line of Transformers toys that are based on and resemble the first generation characters and figures introduced in the 1980s. The toyline is intended to fill the gap in Transformers product release between the end of the Transformers: Cybertron series and the start of the toyline based on the live-action movie to be released in summer 2007, and also acts as a tie-in to the Transformers: The Movie 20th Anniversary Special Edition DVD release. They have been updated to appeal to a modern audience as well as fans of the original toys. The face and body are now more detailed than those of the first line due to advancements in design and technology. It is notable for being the first Transformers line since the original in 1984 to feature Decepticon leader Megatron as having a handgun for an alternate mode. It is also the first line (except for reissues) since 1998 to include temperature sensitive insignia, a feature included among second and third year original series toys as well.
The toys were officially announced to debut in November of 2006 [1], but have been found in large retail chains, such as Wal-Mart and Toys "R" Us, before the announced date.
Contents |
[edit] Main Line
The Classics main line consists of all-new molds designed to resemble updated versions of the original series characters.
[edit] Wave 1
- Optimus Prime (Voyager, COE semi-trailer truck)
- Rodimus (Deluxe, sports car, called Hotrod in the UK at
- Bumblebee (Deluxe, compact car w/ Wave Crusher jetski on trailer/flight pack)
- Megatron (Voyager, handgun)
- Starscream (Deluxe, jet fighter)
- Astrotrain (Deluxe, NASA orbiter/bullet train triple changer)
[edit] Wave 2
- Jetfire (Voyager, armored space fighter) - Don Figueroa's design for the character from Transformers Stormbringer was based on this toy.
- Grimlock (Deluxe, Tyrannosaurus)
- Mirage (Deluxe, Formula One racer)
[edit] Wave 3
- Cliffjumper (Deluxe, compact car) - repaint of Classics Bumblebee
- Ramjet (Deluxe, jet fighter) - remold of Classics Starscream
[edit] Box Sets
The Ultimate Battle
- Optimus Prime (Deluxe, COE semi-trailer truck), a completely separate mold from the Voyager model above, similar in design to Robot Masters G1 Convoy
- Megatron (Deluxe, tank), a completely separate mold from the Voyager model above, somewhat based upon his Generation 2 body
- Bonus DVD
Battle for Autobot City (Target exclusive)
- Ultra Magnus (Voyager, COE semi-trailer truck) - repaint of Classics Voyager Optimus Prime
- Skywarp (Deluxe, jet fighter) - repaint of Classics Starscream
[edit] Mini-Cons
Several Mini-Con teams originally intended for release under the Transformers: Cybertron banner were relabeled Classics to expand the toyline further. Because they were designed for the former line, they do not resemble the G1 characters, even though some share names with them. Four of these Mini-Cons were even released in the Cybertron line as pack-ins with Cybertron Primus.
- Clear Skies Team: Nightscream (dragon), Steel Wind (A-10 attack jet), Thunderwing (jet fighter)
- Demolition Team: Broadside (tank), Sledge (front-end loader), Wideload (dump truck)
- Dinobots: Knockdown (Triceratops), Swoop (Pteranodon), Terrorsaur (Tyrannosaurus)
- Dirt Digger Team: Dirt Rocket (dirtbike), Grindor (monster truck), Oilslick (muscle car)
- Night Rescue Team: Strongarm (police cruiser), Firebot (fire engine), Divebomb (Apache attack helicopter)
- Predator Attack Team: Dreadwing (eagle), Overbite (tiger), Snarl (wolf)
[edit] Classic Legends
Repaints of the Micro sized Transformers: Cybertron subline Legends of Cybertron, scaled-down versions of larger toys. Like the Mini-Cons, although they began life in a different toyline, they were repainted and released under the Classics heading to bulk up the line a bit. While they were not designed as G1 updates like the main line, their names and color schemes are homages to original characters.
- Bumblebee (sports car) - repaint of LoC Hot Shot
- Fireflight (cargo jet) - repaint of LoC Jetfire Originally intended to be Powerglide, but Hasbro couldn't obtain a trademark on that name.
- Jetfire (jet fighter) - repaint of LoC Thundercracker
- Leo Prime (lion) - repaint of LoC Leo Breaker, a homage to Beast Wars II Lio Convoy.
- Menasor (flatbed truck) - repaint of LoC Optimus Prime Originally intended to be Motormaster, but Hasbro couldn't obtain a trademark on that name.
- Perceptor (satellite rocket carrier) - repaint of LoC Cybertron Defense Red Alert
- Trypticon (three-headed dragon) - repaint of LoC Scourge
- Whirl (helicopter) - repaint of LoC Evac
[edit] Miscellaneous
Various other re-releases and retail exclusives have been been lumped under the Classics heading as well:
- Constructicon Devastator (Recolor of Transformers: Energon Constructicon Maximus) - Decepticon Scrapper, Long Haul, Bonecrusher, Scavenger and Hightower
Wal-Mart Exclusive
- Soundwave (Based on the modified reissue of Soundwave/Soundblaster tape deck, includes Laserbeak and Ravage tapes)
Toys R Us Exclusive
[edit] Prospective toys
At BotCon 2006, a few prospective items were mentioned at the Hasbro design panel. However, given the focus on the upcoming movie tie-in line, the fate of any future Classics figures is currently dubious at best.
- Cosmos - Concept art for Cosmos was shown at BotCon 2006, but it was announced that Hasbro marketing thought the design was not financially viable. Cosmos was intended to be a Deluxe figure.
- Thrust and/or Dirge - Repaint(s) of the Ramjet mold were mentioned.
- Seacons - It was stated, that if a store will accept them as an exclusive boxed set, they would be packaged as Classics, in the fashion of the Constructicon Devastator set.
- Jazz - Name mentioned as one they'd like to make
- Sideswipe - Name mentioned as one they'd like to make
- Sunstreaker - Name mentioned as one they'd like to make
[edit] References
- ^ Greg Lombardo, Hasbro’s Director of Marketing, "Hasbro Introduces ‘More Than Meets the Eye’ Transformers Classics Line"