Treehouse of Horror X
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"Treehouse of Horror X" is the fourth episode of The Simpsons' eleventh season, as well as the tenth Halloween episode. The episode aired on October 31, 1999, which was also Halloween, and as of 2006 is the last Halloween episode to have aired in time for the holiday due to FOX's coverage of the World Series.
Contents |
[edit] Opening Sequence
Announcer: Live from fabulous Centauri City, it's The Simpsons Tenth Halloween Special! (curtains reveal a pumpkin-shaped spaceship with two eyeballs in the eyeholes) Now, please welcome your hosts—if you haven't been probed by these two, you haven't been probed—Kang and Kodos! (the eyeballs are actually Kang and Kodos's eyeballs; they emerge from the spaceship)
Kang: Thank you, thank you.
Kodos: Yes, thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our tenth anniversary show. Oh, we've got a great g-- (notices Kang wearing a welders' mask and lighting an acetylene torch) Kang, what are you doing?
Kang: You said we were going to warm up the audience. (cut to a shot of the audience, which is entirely consisting of aliens including one that resembles Grandpa) (Canned laughter is played, but audience appear unamused)
Kodos: Ladies and gentlemen, I have to apologize for my partner. He had to borrow a human brain. (more canned laughter)
(cut to Simpsons' living room, where the family sits on the couch, with Homer appearing as the jack-in-the-box from "Treehouse of Horror II", Marge as the witch and Bart as the half-fly mutant from "Treehouse of Horror VIII", Maggie as the alien/human mutant from "Treehouse of Horror IX", and Lisa as an axe-attack victim.)
Lisa: What do aliens have to do with Halloween?
Maggie: Silence! (she uses her ray gun to disintegrate Lisa)
[edit] Synopsis
[edit] I Know What You Diddily-Iddily Did
On a foggy day in the countryside, The Simpsons are driving down a road until Marge accidentally runs over Ned Flanders and kills him. Shortly after Ned's funeral, a mysterious figure begins terrorizing the family. After a confrontation, the Simpsons flee their house, eventually discovering that Ned Flanders was their assailant. Ned was not killed by the accident, he tells them, because, by an incredibly coincidence, he had just been bitten by a werewolf moments before Marge hit him, and werewolves are apparently impossible to kill. As the moon rises, Flanders transforms and tries to eat Homer, while Homer continues to mock him.
[edit] Desperately Xeeking Xena
Marge takes Bart and Lisa to Springfield Elementary, where Chief Wiggum is running a portable X-ray machine to inspect children's candy. Whilst inspecting his son Ralph's candy, he tells them what the candy really contains, 'safe, safe, razor blade, syringe, oh white chocolate!' As Nelson's extremely bulky pillowcase of goodies is being scanned, the X-ray machine inevitably explodes. The subsequent exposure to radiation gives Bart the ability to stretch his body like rubber, and Lisa gains extraordinary strength. They become superheroes, calling themselves "Stretch Dude" and "Clobber Girl". In their first "adventure" (presented as if they had their own television series), Lucy Lawless (dressed as Xena) addresses fans at a science fiction convention. Comic Book Guy, who has styled himself as a villain called "The Collector", kidnaps her using a magnet to attract her metal bra. He takes her to his lair, where he puts her in an aluminized PET film bag for "safekeeping" and imprisons her in a room of other similarly-captured celebrities (Yasmine Bleeth and Tom Baker). Stretch Dude and Clobber Girl burst into The Collector's hideout, but he manages to incapacitate them. He suspends the duo over a vat of bubbling Lucite, slowly lowering them towards certain doom. Lawless, still in the bag, kicks The Collector into the vat; he clambers out and barely has time to strike a dramatic death pose (imitating a Lorne Greene pose from Battlestar Galactica) before the plastic hardens around him. Lawless flies Stretch Dude and Clobber Girl home to safety on her back.
[edit] Life's a Glitch, Then You Die
On December 31, 1999, Dick Clark celebrates his New Year's Rockin' Eve in Springfield instead of Times Square. Homer, the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant's Y2K compliance officer, confidently declares that he fixed every computer at the plant. He is wrong, however, and the "bug" spreads rapidly to systems all over the world. As Dick Clark's New Year's ball drops and hits "2000", the computer display reads 1900. Within minutes, chaos breaks out as airplanes crash, appliances explode and mobs begin looting businesses. As the family roams the streets observing the damage, Krusty's pacemaker sets itself to hummingbird speed and he collapses in front of them. A letter in Krusty's shirt states that a rocket is being populated with humanity's "elite" and will be launched shortly in an effort to preserve human civilization on another planet. Homer unsuccessfully attempts to bluff his way on board, but the armed guard recognizes Lisa as having a seat reserved on the craft. Lisa is only able to take one parent with her, and she quickly chooses Marge. Homer and Bart soon find a second, unguarded rocket nearby and climb on board just before it launches. They quickly notice, however, that this ship is filled with the likes of Ross Perot, Dan Quayle, Tonya Harding, Al Sharpton, Courtney Love, Spike Lee, Tom Arnold, Pauly Shore, Rosie O'Donnell and Dr. Laura; it is deliberately set for a collision course with the sun. Unable to bear the short trip to oblivion with the B-list celebrities, Homer and Bart eject themselves into the vacuum of space.
[edit] Trivia
- After Homer makes Maude believe Ned had a heart attack, he says "And that's the end of that chapter" - the catchphrase of Homer Simpson on Police Cops in Homer to the Max.
- When The collector hangs up Lucy Lawless, you can see that Matt Groening on the wall.
- On the short, "Life's a glitch, then you die", the day of New Year's Rocking Eve is on the day Philip J. Fry freezes on the show Futurama.
- This is the final "Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror" with a couch gag.
[edit] External links
- "Treehouse of Horror X" episode capsule at The Simpsons Archive
The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror |
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVII |