User:Twilight Realm
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I'm still working on this page. If it sort of freaks you out, sorry, it was written very late at night and I haven't gotten around to changing it.
Hi I'm Steve and I'm a human (which is embarrassing sometimes) and there's a lot of stupidity in this world and I'd like it to go away.
I'm not sure why 15 million people had to die from a family feud or why 20,000 people have to die every day from poverty, but I can tell you that it sucks. Actually, no, I do know why: because we're all humans. We're not all evil, obviously. We can thank J.K. Rowling and Shigeru Miyamoto for two of the best things that every happened to this world: Harry Potter and Zelda. And my thanks to The Brothers Chaps for Homestar.
Ok, about me. Well, you may get an idea of what I'm like by the fact that this is the third paragraph on this page. I'm not exactly egotistical. I'm 16. I mostly edit Wikipedia when I'm trying to do something like homework and I get distracted. Um... about me... I'm sort of a nerd, but I'm aware of it and okay with it. Well, most Wikipedians are at least somewhat nerdy.
I have a few interests. I'm gonna categorize them because I feel like it and it's unusual for me to feel organizical.
- Entertainment: Harry Potter, Zelda, Homestar Runner, video games in general, books in general.
- School: Biology, government, chemistry, engineering, band, English, and math. Okay, so I just ran through my entire schedule. Shut up. I like all those subjects, but school really makes them suck.
- Sports: Haha. The only real sport I'm any good at is skiing. Besides that, I'm pretty horrible, except at some really random stuff: flipping off swings (I'll link to a few pictures soon), pillow-fighting (a severly difficult game, both physically and mentally), tetherball, capture the flag, archery, and... umm... anything else? Uh... splitting wood....
- General (no, this should NOT be at the top of the list): Getting outraged about George Bush, Republicans, and the situation of the world in general; I'll come back to this later.
Oh yeah, I also like saving people's lives. I mow lawns and give 50% of the money to charity. As of 4/30/06, I've earned $150. Yeah I guess I'm sort of bragging, but so what? How many lives have you saved? Try to beat me, please, it's a win-win situation. It's pathetic that children in this world, at this moment, are dying from diarrhea, malaria, tuberculosis, measles, cholera, stomach flu (rotavirus), dyptheria, dysentery, polio, and other diseases that bring to mind 1850, not 2006. But it's happening now. Oh and did you know that the US government gives just 0.15% of its budget to foreign aid? Yeah, that's a bit less than the average American's guess: 20%. Come on, Kerry, McCain, Clinton, Specter, all you Congressdude(ette)s are killing people with your desperation to get votes.
- Please realize that life isn't fair. Trying to view the world through rose colored glasses isn't going to get you anywhere. As the saying goes, "Sorry kid, dem's da breaks"
Life should be priceless.