ATC รหัส R05
จากวิกิพีเดีย สารานุกรมเสรี
ส่วนของ ระบบจำแนกประเภทยาตามการรักษาทางกายวิภาคศาสตร์ (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System)
R ระบบทางเดินหายใจ (Respiratory system)
สารบัญ |
[แก้] R05C Expectorants, excluding combinations with cough suppressants
[แก้] R05CA Expectorants
- R05CA01 Tyloxapol
- R05CA02 Potassium iodide
- R05CA03 Guaifenesin
- R05CA04 Ipecacuanha
- R05CA05 Althea root
- R05CA06 Senega
- R05CA07 Antimony pentasulfide
- R05CA08 Creosote
- R05CA09 Guaiacolsulfonate
- R05CA10 Combinations
- R05CA11 Levoverbenone
[แก้] R05CB Mucolytics
- R05CB01 Acetylcysteine
- R05CB02 Bromhexine
- R05CB03 Carbocisteine
- R05CB04 Eprazinone
- R05CB05 Mesna
- R05CB06 Ambroxol
- R05CB07 Sobrerol
- R05CB08 Domiodol
- R05CB09 Letosteine
- R05CB10 Combinations
- R05CB11 Stepronin
- R05CB12 Tiopronin
- R05CB13 Dornase alfa (desoxyribonuclease)
- R05CB14 Neltenexine
- R05CB15 Erdosteine
[แก้] R05D Cough suppressants, excluding combinations with expectorants
[แก้] R05DA Opium alkaloids and derivatives
- R05DA01 Ethylmorphine
- R05DA03 ไฮโดรโคโดน (Hydrocodone)
- R05DA04 โคดีอีน (Codeine)
- R05DA05 Opium alkaloids with morphine
- R05DA06 Normethadone
- R05DA07 Noscapine
- R05DA08 Pholcodine
- R05DA09 Dextromethorphan
- R05DA10 Thebacon
- R05DA11 Dimemorfan
- R05DA12 Acetyldihydrocodeine
- R05DA20 Combinations
[แก้] R05DB Other cough suppressants
- R05DB01 Benzonatate
- R05DB02 Benproperine
- R05DB03 Clobutinol
- R05DB04 Isoaminile
- R05DB05 Pentoxyverine
- R05DB07 Oxolamine
- R05DB09 Oxeladin
- R05DB10 Clofedanol
- R05DB11 Pipazetate
- R05DB12 Bibenzonium bromide
- R05DB13 Butamirate
- R05DB14 Fedrilate
- R05DB15 Zipeprol
- R05DB16 Dibunate
- R05DB17 Droxypropine
- R05DB18 Prenoxdiazine
- R05DB19 Dropropizine
- R05DB20 Combinations
- R05DB21 Cloperastine
- R05DB22 Meprotixol
- R05DB23 Piperidione
- R05DB24 Tipepidine
- R05DB25 Morclofone
- R05DB26 Nepinalone
- R05DB27 Levodropropizine
- R05DB28 Dimethoxanate
[แก้] R05F Cough suppressants and expectorants, combinations
[แก้] R05FA Opium derivatives and expectorants
- R05FA01 Opium derivatives and mucolytics
- R05FA02 Opium derivatives and expectorants
[แก้] R05FB Other cough suppressants and expectorants
- R05FB01 Cough suppressants and mucolytics
- R05FB02 Cough suppressants and expectorants