Category:Wikipedia proposals
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Note: To see all recent changes to the pages in category "Wikipedia proposals", do Special:Recentchangeslinked/Category:Wikipedia proposals
Please see Wikipedia:How to create policy if you would like to make a proposal.
This is a collection of ideas that have been put forward as possible new Wikipedia policies and guidelines. Feedback on these ideas is encouraged.
There are more listings at Wikipedia:Centralized discussion..
This category is used by the {{proposed}} tag. To add a proposal to this category, please add this tag to the top of the article.
- To find or advertise active policy proposals and content questions, see Wikipedia:Requests for comment/All.
- Accepted proposals should not be listed here; instead, check Category:Wikipedia official policy or Category:Wikipedia guidelines.
- Rejected proposals should not be listed here; instead, check Category:Wikipedia rejected proposals
Pages in category "Wikipedia proposals"
There are 31 pages in this section of this category.