地球帝国 | |
开发者 | Stainless Steel Studios |
出版商 | Sierra Entertainment |
設計者 | Rick Goodman |
遊戲引擎 | Titan |
最新版本 | 2.0 |
發行日期 | 2001年11月 |
類型 | 即时策略游戏 |
遊戲模式 | 单机游戏, 局域网游戏 |
平台 | Windows |
zh-tw:儲存媒體;zh-cn:存储介质; | CD-ROM |
系統需求 | Pentium II CPU, Windows 98, 64 MB RAM, 8X CD-ROM drive, DirectX 8, 图形卡 |
輸入裝置 | 键盘, 鼠标 |
地球帝国(Empire Earth)是由Stainless Steel Studios开发,并在2001年11月23日发布的即时战略游戏。是地球帝国系列的第一款作品。该作与《帝国时代》相似。[1] The game received positive reviews.[2]
目录 |
[编辑] 游戏内容
地球帝国共有21个文明(包含其续作做增加的两个文明)。文明可以在游戏开始前设置,也可以在游戏刚开始时由玩家自行组合出特色文明。不同的时期,文明也不同 。以下是地球帝国中的文明:
- 史前时代到黑暗时代:古希腊、亚述帝国、巴比伦、拜占庭、迦太基、以色列。
- 中世纪到工业时代:奥地利、英格兰、法兰西、意大利、西班牙、土耳其。
- 原子时代到现代:法国、德国、英国、意大利、苏联、美国。
- 数字时代到未来:中国、俄罗斯、反派力量。
[编辑] 战役
Like many other games in the RTS genre, EE has single-player campaigns. But unlike some games, each scenario has a story to tell and by playing that scenario, you are actually playing out the story for that scenario. In order to win a campaign, you must play and win all scenarios in order. Excluding the Russian campaign, the German mission, "Operation Sealion", and perhaps the ancient Greek scenarios such as "The Trojan War", all of the battles in the campaigns have actually occurred.
The first campaign in Empire Earth is the Learning campaign. This campaign is where players are taught how to play Empire Earth. This campaign is available in both the original game and The Art of Conquest. This campaign is not required to be played in order and is divided into two parts. The first part is about the rise of Phoenicia. The second part is about the rise of the Byzantine Empire. Players are taken through the scenarios step-by-step to learn the basics of gameplay.
The first real campaign focuses on Ancient Greece. The opening four scenarios (of eight scenarios total) focus on the rise of Greece. The story tells of the early Helladic peoples, the Trojan War, the rise of Athens, and the first years of the Peloponnesian War, though with some fictional elements (such as the Trojan horse being given to the Ithacans by the gods). The second part tells the life of Alexander the Great. The first scenario is about Alexander crushing the revolt of Thebes and Athens. The following scenario is about the Battle of the Granicus, Battle of Issus and the siege of Tyre. The final scenario is the Battle of Gaugamela, the capture of Babylon and the battle for the Persian Gates, a mountain pass which beyond lies Persepolis, the ceremonial capital of Persia. The campaign ends when Alexander and his army enters Persepolis and Alexander manages to escape an assassination attempt while visiting the tomb of Xerxes I of Persia.
The English campaign is about the struggles between England and France for superiority in Europe. The first three scenarios (of eight total) are about William I of England, his victory against the rebellion from the barons with the help of Henry I of France in 1047, and the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The next three scenarios take place during the Hundred Years' War between England and France; Edward, the Black Prince and his raids in France are featured in the fourth and fifth scenarios. The sixth scenario is about Henry V of England's story, some parts based on William Shakespeare's play. The first part is the internal unrest of Lollards. Henry V starts the scenario fleeing from London to Oxford, where his units are protected from conversion by Oxford University. After that Lollard churches are required to be destroyed and the capture or death of Sir John Oldcastle in order to end the Lollards. After a cutscene with Henry Chichele, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the second part takes the player to France, where Harfleur must be subdued to gain a foothold. Finally, the Battle of Agincourt takes place. The next two scenarios are led by Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, who meets Napoleon I of France in battle. The first scenario deals with the Battle of Roliça and the resulting Convention of Sintra, Battle of Talavera de la Reina, and driving Napoleon out of Spain. The last scenario in the English campaign is the Battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon finally meets Wellesley in person.
In the German campaign, the first four scenarios take place during World War I, and feature the Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen. The player follows Richtofen through his early days of flight and the development of his flying circus. The first mission involves directing Richtofen and his pilot, Count Holck, to safety after their aircraft is shot down over Poland in 1914, but in subsequent missions, Richtofen is a minor character. In the following missions, the player struggles to protect shipments of war materials into Germany, directs German forces at the Battle of Verdun, and directs the Kaiserschlacht at the Battle of the Somme. The second part, consisting of three scenarios, deals with Nazi Germany and the first years of World War II in Europe. The first scenario introduces the Blitzkrieg, in which the player has to conquer Poland, Scandinavia, and France. The next mission deals with the German U-boat and naval blockade of Great Britain and the Battle of Britain, which features the gargantuan German battleship Bismarck. In the final scenario, the never-attempted Operation Sealion, the player leads German forces in an invasion of Great Britain, under the famous Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, ultimately conquering the country and annexing the United Kingdom to the Greater German Reich.
In the Russian campaign, the player leads Novaya Russia, a restructure of the Russian Federation. The game begins in the early 21st century, with the player directing the Russian political dissident Grigor Stoyanovich from the city of Voronezh to safety in Volgograd, followed by a seizure of power in the Kremlin and Moscow. The second scenario involves Novaya Russia's conquest of Europe. Grigor must then crush a coup in Moscow. He dies soon after this and is succeeded by a robot called Grigor II. Under Grigor II, Novaya Russia continues its conquest of the world by invading and subjugating China. In the fifth scenario, during an attempted invasion of the United States, the player directs the disillusioned General Sergei Molotov and U.S. agent Molly Ryan as they try to build a time machine to transport them back to the early 21st century and warn the original Grigor of the future. The final scenario takes place at the same time as the first. Molotov's Expedition, using Atomic Modern Age technology, battle against the technologically superior forces (thanks to Grigor II, who arrived earlier despite having left later) of the Ushi Party. At the end of the mission, Molotov or Ryan (it does not matter who; the outcome is ultimately the same) informs Grigor of the future atrocities that the machine will commit, and urge him to reconsider his seizure of power. Grigor is too propagandized by the cyber to listen to reason, and the character has no choice but to kill him. The Russian Campaign ends with an unanswered question:
“ | I can feel the tug of the time vortex...pulling...me...back. But what future will I return to? One that is better, or worse? | ” |
The expansion for Empire Earth, Empire Earth: The Art of Conquest, includes three new campaigns. The first is the Roman campaign, about the last years of the Roman Republic. The next campaign is about the Pacific and the war in the Pacific during World War II, and the final campaign is the Asian Campaign, a future campaign which takes place both on earth and in outer space.
[编辑] 开发情况
[编辑] 反应
地球帝国赢得了GameSpy的“2001年度最佳PC游戏”称号。[6]IGN给他8.5分(10分制),[7] and 7.9/10 by GameSpot给他7.9分(10分制)。[1] Game Informer给他6.25分(10分制)。[8]
[编辑] 其他版本
地球帝国移动版 | |
Image:EmpireEarth1.gif | |
开发者 | Vivendi |
出版商 | Wonder Phone |
發行日期 | 2005年10月21日 |
類型 | 即时战略游戏 |
遊戲模式 | 单机游戏, Multiplayer |
平台 | 手机游戏 |
[编辑] 参考
- ^ 1.0 1.1 Gamespot rating Gamespot - 於2006-12-30zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Empire Earth Reviews GameRanks.com - 於2007-03-16zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Empire Earth Heaven - GameInfo: Resources HeavenGames LLC - 於2007-03-16zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Empire Earth Review GamePlanet - 於2007-03-16zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Empire Earth Heaven - GameInfo: Epochs HeavenGames LLC - 於2007-03-16zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ PC Game of the Year at gamespy.com2007年2月24日
- ↑ IGN rating IGN - 於2007-02-12zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Gameinformer review Gameinformer - 於2007-02-27zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ WonderPhone Announces Empire Earth Mobile has Released - Mobile News GameZone Online - 於2006-04-03zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
[编辑] 外部链接
Rick Goodman
全效工作室 | 帝国时代 (1997) | 帝国时代:罗马崛起 (1998) |
Stainless Steel Studios | 地球帝国 (2001) | 帝国:现代曙光 (2003) | 兴衰:文明战争 (2006) |
Tilted Mill Entertainment | 不朽之都:尼罗河的儿女 (2004) | 凯撒大帝 IV (2006) |