目录 |
[编辑] 定義
Incorporation (primarily noun incorporation) has been an issue that has historically been confused with polysynthesis and also used a criteria for its definition. Incorporation refers to the phenomenon where lexical morphemes (or lexemes) are combined together to form a single word. Not all polysynthetic languages are incorporating, and not all incorporating languages are polysynthetic.
[编辑] 典故
「多式綜合」(polysynthesis) 一詞作為一個語言學的術語,最早應該是1819年,當Peter Stephen Duponceau(又名Pierre Étienne Duponceau)以它來形容美洲原住民的語言。
- "Three principals results have forcibly struck my mind... They are the following:
- 1. That the American languages in general are rich in grammatical forms, and that in their complicated construction construction, the greatest order, method and regularity prevail
- 2. That these complicated forms, which I call polysynthesis, appear to exist in all those languages, from Greenland to Cape Horn.
- 3. That these forms appear to differ essentially from those of the ancient and modern languages of the old hemisphere." (Duponceau 1819:xxii-xxiii)
- "The manner in which words are compounded in that particular mode of speech, the great number and variety of ideas which it has the power of expressing in one single word; particularly by means of the verbs; all these stamp its character for abundance, strength, and comprehensiveness of expression, in such a manner, that those accidents must be considered as included in the general descriptive term polysynthetic." (Duponceau 1819:xxvii)
- "I have explained elsewhere what I mean by a polysynthetic or syntactic construction of language.... It is that in which the greatest number of ideas are comprised in the least number of words. This is done principally in two ways. 1. By a mode of compounding locutions which is not confined to joining two words together, as in the Greek, or varying the inflection or termination of a radical word as in the most European languages, but by interweaving together the most significant sounds or syllables of each simple word, so as to form a compound that will awaken in the mind at once all the ideas singly expressed by the words from which they are taken. 2. By an analogous combination of various parts of speech, particularly by means of the verb, so that its various forms and inflections will express not only the principal action, but the greatest possible number of the moral ideas and physical objects connected with it, and will combine itself to the greatest extent with those conceptions which are the subject of other parts of speech, and in other languages require to be expressed by separate and distinct words.... Their most remarkable external appearance is that of long polysyllabic words, which being compounded in the manner I have stated, express much at once." (Duponceau 1819:xxx-xxxi)
「綜合」和「多式綜合」兩個詞的現代用法,最早是在1920年代由Edward Sapir開始。
[编辑] 範例
[编辑] 楚科奇語
多式綜合語的例子包括因紐特語、莫霍克語、古愛努語, Central Siberian Yupik、切羅基語、Sora、楚科奇語、以及北美及西伯利亞的多種語言。
楚科奇語(a polysynthetic, incorporating, and agglutinating language)中的例子:
- Təmeyŋəlevtpəγtərkən.
- t-ə-meyŋ-ə-levt-pəγt-ə-rkən
- 1.SG.SUBJ-大-頭-痛-PRES.1
- '我有嚴重頭痛。' (Skorik 1961: 102)
Təmeyŋəlevtpəγtərkən 一詞的詞素與詞的比例是5:1,其中有3個 incorporated lexical morphemes(meyŋ「大」、levt「頭」、pəγt「痛」)。
[编辑] 古愛努語
取自古愛努語(另一種 polysynthetic, incorporating, and agglutinating language)的例子:
Usaopuspe aejajkotujmasiramsujpa. | |
usa-opuspe | a-e-jaj-ko-tujma-si-ram-suj-pa |
種種-謠言 | I-APL-REFL-遠REFL-心-動搖-ITER |
'I keep swaying my heart afar and toward myself over various rumors.' (i.e., I wonder about various rumors.) | |
(Shibatani 1990: 72) |
aaejajkotujmasiramsujpa一字由9個詞素組成,當中兩個 lexical morpheme(tujma「遠」、ram「心」) incorporated into the verb.
[编辑] 西格陵蘭語
Languages with a high degree of synthesis but without being incorporating include Central Siberian Yupik and Western Greenlandic.
An example from Western Greenlandic, a polysynthetic and agglutinating (but not incorporating) language (Fortescue 1983:97; cited in Evans and Sasse 2002):
- Aliikusersuillammassuaanerartassagaluarpaalli.
- aliiku-sersu-i-llammas-sua-a-nerar-ta-ssa-galuar-paal-li
- 娛樂-提供-SEMITRANS-one.good.at-繫詞-say.that-REP-將來式-sure.but-3pl主語/3sg賓語-但
- 「不過,他們會說他是個偉大的娛樂圈人,但……」
[编辑] 西北高加索語族
西北高加索語族的動詞非常多式綜合。the verb carries agreement for virtually every noun or pronoun argument in the sentence. A small degree of incorporation may also be involved.
- aχʲazbatʂʾaʁawdətʷaajlafaqʾajtʾmadaχ!
- a-χʲa-z-batʂʾa-ʁa-w-də-tʷ-aaj-la-fa-qʾa-jtʾ-ma-da-χ
- 他們-BEN-我-under-奪格-你-使役-取-ITER-全部-POT-過去式-IMPF-NEG-COND-OPT
- 'If only you had not been able to make him take it all out from under me again for them!'
這個詞包含16個 explicit詞素, even without the incorporated nouns typical of many Ubykh verbs.
[编辑] 多式綜合語之分布
世界上,很多地方都發展出了多式綜合語。Some families that are stereotypically polysynthetic (whether or not they are incorporating as well) 包括非洲的班图语、北美洲和西伯利亞的Athabaskan languages和Eskimo-Aleut languages、Transcaucasia的西北高加索語族和東北高加索語族、歐洲的巴斯克語和芬蘭-烏戈爾語系、以及澳洲北部的Gunwinyguan languages。
[编辑] 問題
不是所有語言都可被輕易的分類為完全屬於多式綜合語。詞素和詞素之間、詞和詞之間的界線,有時並不明顯。有些語言可能在某部分比較綜合,但在其他部分比較不綜合。(compare verbs and nouns in Southern Athabaskan languages).
[编辑] 理論上的問題