幸存者 Survivor |
![]() 节目Logo和13季各季Logo |
分类 | 真人秀 |
原著 | Charlie Parsons |
演出 | 杰夫 |
國家 | 美国 |
集數 | 198 (13季第14集) |
制片 | |
每集長度 | 60 分钟 |
发行 | |
首播频道 | 哥伦比亚广播公司 (CBS) |
首播 | 2000年5月30日 – 今 |
《zh-cn:幸存者;zh-hk:生還者;zh-tw:幸存者》(英语:Survivor,zh-cn:港译《生还者》;zh-hk:中国譯《幸存者》;zh-tw:臺灣於第一、二季在Much TV台播映時翻譯為《我要活下去》)是一个在遍布世界许多国家进行的电视真人秀节目。在这个节目中,参与者被限定在一个特定的环境下依靠有限的工具维持生存,并参与竞赛,最终胜出者将赢得100万美元的奖金。《幸存者》参照了一个瑞典成功的电视节目《鲁宾逊探险》。但因为《幸存者》的成功直接产生了一系列类似电视节目,所以一般认为,《幸存者》是此类电视节目的开山之作。
目录 |
[编辑] 游戏内容
[编辑] 部族和豁免权
[编辑] 部族会议
- 重新进行先前豁免赛的游戏,失败者将被淘汰。
- 在先前所有部族会议中得票最多的人将被淘汰。
- 在先前所有部族会议中得票数量相同的人,将由一个突然死亡赛来角逐最后的胜负。
- 没有豁免权的部族成员从袋子中选取石头,拿到紫色石头的人被淘汰。
[编辑] 游戏结束
[编辑] 奖金
[编辑] 游戏规则
- 合谋分享得胜奖金的将被立即逐出游戏。
- 除了特殊安排的摔跤或有限度的格斗外,任何部族成员在比赛中使用身体暴力将被逐出游戏。
- 在部族会议中,部族成员不允许对自己进行投票,也不允许破坏他们的投票或拒绝投票。所有投票人必须在投票点的摄像机前公开他们的选票。
- 部族成员在被淘汰之前必须出席应当参加的部族会议,也必须参加所有的豁免赛和奖励赛。
- 当一个部族的人数超过另一个部族时,人数较多的部族必须指定部分部组成员旁观以使部族间的竞赛始终保持人数相等。这个规则仅在幸存者: 澳大利亚内陆曾经被打破,因为当时主持人杰夫认为人数的多少对赢得比赛没有任何直接的影响。从幸存者: 非洲开始,规则明确规定,在前面没有参加奖励赛的人必须参加随后的豁免赛。但在Survivor: Palau第七和第八集中,由于当时Koror部族有8个人,而Ulong部族仅有3个人(第八集仅有2人),这使得Koror部族的部分成员在连续的奖励赛和豁免赛中不得不一直袖手旁观。
The only qualification then was that the same 2-3 players could not participate in each concurrent challenge. Katie Gallagher and Janu Tornell, both of the Palau season, tie for the most sit-outs of any players (they each sat out 7 challenges over 8 episodes).
- 如果不是比赛要求,部族成员不能搜索或访问另一个部族的营地,也不能访问电视工作人员的驻地,但是以往的比赛中曾经有过两个例外:
- 在第2季澳大利亚内陆,当 Michael Skupin受伤后,他被带到一个成品帐篷中等待急救直升机的到来。
- 在第11季危地马拉季,Yaxha部族的成员访问了Nakum部族并邀请Nakum部族回访了他们的营地来参加一个部组成员的生日宴会。没有任何迹象能够证明,规则已经改变还是这只是一次偶然事件,但是也可能因为Yaxha和Nakum都未进入对方宿地,所以严格地讲,这并不算违返此规则。
- 在不同的国家进行比赛时,某些特定的动物和植物受到保护。
[编辑] 节目历史
幸存者节目的创意人,尽管在节目中显示为Charlie Parsons,但实际上,真正的构思者应该为Bob Geldof的行星24电视公司。这个公司起初想利用这个创意吸引美国和英国的几个大的广播公司,但没有成功,最终只能卖给了瑞典的Strix电视公司,继而诞生了在瑞典取得巨大成功的鲁宾逊探险(源自鲁滨逊漂流记)。 2000年,本节目的首播在美国取得了巨大的成功,与此同时美国广播公司另一同类节目百万富翁也在黄金时间热播,一时间,真人秀节目给电视网络的情景喜剧和传统连续剧节目带来了巨大的冲击。甚至,在此之前,由于饱受"谁想嫁给百万富翁"节目丑闻的困扰,已经宣布永不播出真人秀节目的福克斯广播公司也打破了他的誓言,launched several competitors of its own。2001年冬春之交,幸存者的第二季开播,收视率再进一步,虽然但随后的几季中,幸存者的收视率略有下降,但他始终保有着一大批忠实的观众。 2002年,英国版幸存者、澳大利亚版幸存者也相继开播,但他们的收视率都不尽人意,尤其是英国版幸存者,尽管它的收视率远远低于制作人英国独立电视台的预测,但它仍旧赢得了600万到800万的忠实观众,这也促使了下一年第二季幸存者的继续。一个分为四部分进行的日本版幸存者,也取得了一些成功。美国版幸存者的版权已经卖给了许多广播公司,全世界许多国家都有类似的节目。
[编辑] 美国版幸存者
The United States version is produced by Mark Burnett and hosted by Jeff Probst. It airs Thursdays on CBS.
- Survivor: Borneo (also called Survivor: Pulau Tiga, Survivor 1, or simply Survivor) was set in the South China Sea on the remote Malaysian island of Pulau Tiga. Corporate trainer Richard Hatch was its winner in a 4-3 vote over river raft guide Kelly Wiglesworth.
- Survivor: The Australian Outback was set in the Australian Outback (though the location was by Australian standards not particularly remote, nor was it arid). Tina Wesson won 4-3 over Colby Donaldson. During this series, Michael Skupin suffered burns and became the first and only contestant evacuated due to injuries.
- Survivor: Africa was set in a Kenyan desert. Former professional soccer player Ethan Zohn won, defeating retired teacher Kim Johnson by a vote of 5-2.
- Survivor: Marquesas was set on Nuku Hiva, the largest of the Marquesas Islands in French Polynesia. For the first time the final two were both women. Vecepia Towery won by a vote of 4-3 over Neleh Dennis. This season was the only time the infamous Purple Rock tie breaker was ever used. However, Jeff Probst later admitted that it was not supposed to be used at the final 4 as it was. The Purple Rock is only the tie breaker up to the final 6. At the final 4, the tie breaker is supposed to be a fire-starting challenge.
- Survivor: Thailand was set on the island of Koh Tarutao off the coast of Thailand. For the first time the tribes were not predetermined by producers, but were rather picked by the two oldest players, Jake and Jan. Also, this season was the first to feature a "fake merge" and a delayed merge. Also, two opposing tribes lived together on the same beach. For the first time the final two were both men. Used car salesman Brian Heidik beat restaurant owner Clay Jordan by a vote of 4-3. This season is often considered the worst season among fans due to its unlikable cast and its mean-spirited nature.
- Survivor: The Amazon was set in the jungles of the Amazon River region of Brazil. Student and model Jenna Morasca won by a vote of 6-1 over Matthew Von Ertfelda.
- Survivor: Pearl Islands was set in the Pearl Islands off the coast of Panama. Sandra Diaz-Twine defeated Lillian Morris by a vote of 6-1. This season was the first time players who had been voted out were allowed to return to the game as part of the Outcast Tribe. This season also features arguably the greatest lie ever told. Considered a favorite among Survivor fans due to a great cast and a popular winner.
- Survivor: All-Stars was also set in the Pearl Islands. The game featured eighteen past Survivor contestants divided into three tribes. Amber Brkich won by a vote of 4-3 over Rob Mariano. Just before the live vote was revealed, Rob and Amber became engaged. Survivor: America's Tribal Council was held four days later, and a second million-dollar prize was awarded to Rupert Boneham for being voted by the viewers as their favorite contestant.
- Survivor: Vanuatu - Islands of Fire was set on islands in the archipelago nation of Vanuatu, located in the South Pacific Ocean. Chris Daugherty defeated Twila Tanner by a vote of 5-2.
- Survivor: Palau was set in the island nation of Palau, located in the Philippine Sea. The season started with 20 contestants, but on Day 3, the number was reduced to 18 in a tribal selection process. The season concluded with firefighter Tom Westman prevailing over Katie Gallagher by a vote of 6-1.
- Survivor: Guatemala - The Maya Empire was set in the Yaxha National Park. 18 Survivors (16 new contestants plus Stephenie LaGrossa and Bobby Jon Drinkard from Survivor: Palau) were stranded amongst the ruins of the Maya civilization. The season concluded with Danni Boatwright defeating Stephenie LaGrossa by a 6-1 vote. Map
- Survivor: Panama - Exile Island premiered on 2 February, 2006. Filming started on 31 October, 2005 in the Pearl Islands of Panama, marking the third time this location has been used for Survivor. Map
- CBS has signed on for at least two more seasons of Survivor, carrying into 2007. Jeff Probst is currently contracted to host until at least the sixteenth edition.
- Survivor: Marquesas was not shown in Australia as the network was showing a series of Australian Survivor instead. The latter was not a ratings success, and since then the American edition of Survivor resumed airing. In 2005, the US cable Network OLN (formerly known as Outdoor Life Network) began showing reruns of the first ten series.
[编辑] 1区DVD发布
DVD 名称 | 发布日期 |
第一季: 精彩片断 | 2001年1月1日 |
第一季: 精彩片断 | 2001年9月25日 |
DVD 名称 | 发布日期 |
第一季 | 2004年5月11日 |
第二季 | 2005年4月26日 |
第七季 | 2006年2月7日 |
第八季 | 2004年9月14日 |
[编辑] 争议和诉讼
- 在2001年2月,Borneo队的部族成员Stacey Stillman指责制作者授意她的队伍中的另两名队员Sean Kenniff和Dirk Been投票让她出局,保存Rudy Boesch,干扰游戏的进行。同时,Dirk Been证实了她的说法,Stacey Stillman提出500万美元的赔偿条件。最终,此事在法庭外私了。
- At the trivia immunity challenge for Africa's final four players, host Jeff Probst asked which female player in their season had no piercings. Kim Johnson answered Kelly Goldsmith, got the point, and went on to win the challenge, which pushed her to third and ultimately (after another immunity win) second place. Tom Buchanan was eliminated. Months later, the cast and producers (who were preparing for the live finale and reunion) watched the episode backstage. During the rebroadcast of the challenge, Lindsey Richter shouted to the TV that she had no piercings. Lex van den Berghe's answer had been Lindsey, yet the show had not awarded him a point, thus drastically changing the outcome of the game (van den Berghe was eliminated in third place). CBS later paid van den Berghe and Buchanan a settlement .
- In the fifth episode of the All-Star season, a naked Richard Hatch may or may not have come into contact with Sue Hawk after she blocked his path during an immunity challenge. Hatch was voted out that day for other reasons; Hawk quit the game a few days later (episode six). Hawk considered filing a lawsuit against the parties involved, but appeared with Hatch on The Early Show the morning after the sixth episode aired, stating she opted out of legal action because CBS had helped her "deal with the situation".
- In order to be sure to win the Reward Challenge in which the castaways competed to win a visit from their friends/loved ones, Pearl Islands Survivor Johnny Fairplay Dalton conspired beforehand with friend Dan Fields in what has gone down as the biggest lie on Survivor to date. Fields told Dalton that his grandmother, Jean Cooke, had died, in order to win sympathy from his tribemates and subsequently the reward. In reality, Cooke had not died, a fact that only emerged to his tribemates once the episode had aired. When the show staff heard about Cooke's "death," they called Dalton's family to offer condolences, only to have Cooke herself answer the phone. Dalton admitted in confessional after the challenge that his grandmother was alive and probably watching Jerry Springer.
- Richard Hatch, the winner of season 1 of Survivor, was charged and found guilty of failing to report his winnings to the IRS to avoid taxes.
[编辑] 其他
- In all, there have been 182 different American Survivor players over the 12 seasons, 20 of whom got to play twice. (All Survivor: All-Stars players, Stephenie LaGrossa, and Bobby Jon Drinkard.)
- Both winners in the British series won the grand prize by a 7-0 vote. No grand prize winner on any of the other series have won by a 7-0 vote.
- Series host Jeff Probst declared that strategic mastermind Rob Cesternino from Survivor: The Amazon was the "smartest player to never win."
- Tom Buchanan holds the record for most days on Survivor ever, with 73 (37 days on Survivor: Africa and 36 on Survivor: All-Stars). Amber Brkich comes in a close second, with 72 (33 on Survivor: The Australian Outback and 39 on All-Stars). Stephenie LaGrossa is third with 69 days (30 on Survivor: Palau and 39 on Survivor: Guatemala).
- The first twist ever was a swapping of tribe members. This has happened six times in the first eleven seasons. (Survivor: Africa, Survivor: Marquesas, Survivor: The Amazon, Survivor: All-Stars, Survivor: Vanuatu, and Survivor: Guatemala). Guatemala did this the earliest, on day ten (according to the review-of-season montage in the finale).
- The winner of the car reward challenge has never gone on to win the title of "Sole Survivor". This has become known as the "Car Curse." All winners of the loved one visit reward have always gone on to lose, but there has been no real reference to this as a "curse."
[编辑] 英国版幸存者
幸存者(英国版) 于2001年在英国首播。形式与美国版幸存者相似,由英国独立电视台摄制。16个参与者被放到Pulau Tiga岛上,被分成两个部落。他们在游戏中进行竞赛并相互算计对方。Charlotte Hobrough最终赢得了第一季。尽管制作者大力宣传,但这一季的成绩不佳,而且饱受新闻媒体的挑剔。 尽管第一季成绩不佳,但英国独立电视台还是继续进行了第二季的制作,在这一季,制作人由原来的Mark Austin和John Leslie换成了4频道的板球节目制作人Mark Nicholas,游戏参与人数也由原来的16人减为12人。这一季在巴拿马的Bocas Del Toro地区进行,而没有在珍珠岛进行,最后Jonny Gibb赢得了这一季的冠军。但此季的收视率仍旧很低,英国独立电视台不得不取消了这个节目。
[编辑] 幸存者: 大事记
Date | Event |
1994-1995 | 英国制片人 Charlie Parsons 构思了幸存者的创意, 但没有电视公司愿意接手。 |
1995 | Mark Burnett 第一次提出了幸存者的完整构思。 |
1996 | 瑞典获得了幸存者的版权。 |
1997夏 | 瑞典的鲁滨逊探险节目第一部由Strix电视制作公司开拍。 |
1997秋 | 瑞典的鲁滨逊探险第一步开播并取得轰动。 |
未知 | John de Mol买到了幸存者的版权,但却创作了节目老大哥。 |
1998 | Mark Burnett买到了幸存者美国版权。 |
1999夏 | Mark Burnett的幸存者节目计划被NBC, ABC, CBS和UPN先后拒绝。他在CBS得到了机会,Les Moonves购买了其计划。 |
1999夏 | Mark Burnett前往婆罗洲为幸存者节目考察场地。 |
20003月13日-4月20日 | 幸存者婆罗洲拍摄。 |
20005月31日-8月23日 | 幸存者婆罗洲 公映。 |
20008月23日 | 幸存者婆罗洲大结局公映, but Mark Burnett was in Borneo preparing for Eco-Challenge. |
23 October - November 2000 | Survivor The Australian Outback was filmed in Australia. |
28 January - 3 May 2001 | Survivor The Australian Outback aired. |
July - August 2001 | US Survivor Africa was filmed. |
August - September 2001 | Mark Burnett began preparing in Jordan for Survivor Arabia. |
11 September 2001 | After 9/11, Mark Burnett decided not to hold Survivor 4 in Jordan. |
September 2001 | Leslie Moonves told Mark Burnett that the start date for Survivor 4 filming would stay the same, so Mark Burnett must find a new location quickly. |
15 September 2001 | Mark Burnett flew to Tahiti in French Polynesia to scout out a location for Survivor 4. |
17 September 2001 | Mark Burnett scouted the Marquesas Islands. |
20 September 2001 | Mark Burnett picked the Marquesas. |
4 October 2001 - 17 January 2002 | Survivor Africa aired. |
12 November - December 2001 | Survivor Marquesas was filmed in place of Survivor Arabia. |
28 February - 13 May 2002 | Survivor Marquesas aired. |
13 May 2002 | The Survivor Marquesas reunion aired outdoors in Trump Wollman Rink. |
Summer 2002 | Mark Burnett chose Thailand over Vietnam, Cambodia, and Indonesia for Survivor 5. |
Summer 2002 | Survivor Thailand was filmed. |
19 September - 12 December 2002 | Survivor Thailand aired. |
Fall 2002 | The Philippines was selected as the location for Survivor 6. Because of terror alerts it was moved to The Amazon. |
Fall 2002 | Survivor Amazon was filmed. |
2003 | Survivor versus I'm A Celebrity... court case was decided in favor of Celebrity. |
13 February - 11 May 2003 | Survivor Amazon aired. |
1 May 2003 | Survivor Amazon reunion was to be at Trump Wollman Rink, but it was moved indoors to the Ed Sullivan Theater at the last minute due to weather. |
Summer 2003 | Survivor Pearl Islands was filmed. |
18 September - 14 December 2003 | Survivor Pearl Islands aired. |
Fall 2003 | Survivor All-Stars was filmed. |
1 February - 9 May 2004 | Survivor All-Stars aired. |
13 May 2004 | America's Tribal Council was held, and America voted to give Rupert Boneham a million dollars. |
July - 11 August 2004 | Survivor: Vanuatu - Islands of Fire was filmed. |
16 September - 12 December 2004 | US Survivor: Vanuatu aired. |
Fall 2004 | Survivor: Palau was filmed. |
December 2004 | Mark Burnett scouted Madagascar as a possible future Survivor location. |
17 February - 12 May 2005 | Survivor: Palau aired. |
Summer 2005 | Survivor: Guatemala - The Mayan Empire was filmed. |
15 September - 11 December 2005 | Survivor: Guatemala - The Mayan Empire aired. |
31 October - 08 December 2005 | Survivor: Panama - Exile Island was filmed. |
2 February 2006 - present | Survivor: Panama - Exile Island aired. |
[编辑] 参见
[编辑] 外部链接
- 幸存者 澳大利亚: http://www.ninemsn.com.au
- 幸存者 比利时: http://vt4.be
- 幸存者 哥伦比亚: http://www.canalrcn.com
- 幸存者 丹麦: http://tv3.dk
- 幸存者 芬兰: http://www.nelonen.fi/robinson/
- 幸存者 法国: http://www.tf1.fr/kohlanta
- 幸存者 希腊: http://www.megatv.com
- 幸存者 荷兰: http://www.absnet.nl
- 幸存者(生還者) 香港:http://hkatv.com/world/05/
- 幸存者 匈牙利: http://www.rtiklub.hu/survivor
- 幸存者 意大利: http://raidue.rai.it
- 幸存者 中东: http://www.survivorlbc.com/main.php
- 幸存者 挪威: http://www.tv3.no
- 幸存者 波兰: http://tvn.pl
- 幸存者 俄罗斯: http://www.ort.ru
- 幸存者 西班牙: http://www.antena3.es
- 幸存者 瑞典: http://www.robinson.tv4.se
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