弗洛凱理論的主要定理-弗洛凱定理給出了一般線性系統的每個基本解的正規形式。它給定了一座標轉變y = Q − 1(t)x,其中Q(t + 2T) = Q(t),用以來轉變週期系統至有常數及實係數的傳統線性系統。
Note that the solutions of the linear differential equation form a vector space. A Matrix φ(t) is called fundamental matrix solution if all columns are linearly independent solutions. It is called a principal fundamental matrix at t0 if φ(t0) is the identity. Because of existence and uniqueness of the solutions there is a principal fundamental matrix Φ(t0) = φ(t)φ − 1(t0) for each t0. The solution of the linear differential equation with the initial condition x(0) = x0 is x(t) = φ(t)φ − 1(0)x0 where φ(t) is any fundamental matrix solution.
[编辑] 弗洛凱定理
If φ(t) is a fundamental matrix solution of the periodic system , with A(t) a periodic function with period T then, for all
- φ(t + T) = φ(t)φ − 1(0)φ(T).
In addition, for each matrix B (possibly complex) such that:
- eTB = φ − 1(0)φ(T),
there is a periodic (period T) matrix function such that
- φ(t) = P(t)etB for all
Also, there is a real matrix R and a real periodic (period 2T) matrix function such that
- φ(t) = Q(t)etR for all
[编辑] 結論與應用
This mapping φ(t) = Q(t)etR gives rise to a time-dependent change of coordinates (y = Q − 1(t)x), under which our original system becomes a linear system with real constant coefficients . Since Q(t) is continuous and periodic it must be bounded. Thus the stability of the zero solution for y(t) and x(t) is determined by the eigenvalues of R.
The representation φ(t) = P(t)etB is called a Floquet normal form for the fundamental matrix φ(t).
The eigenvalues of eTB are called the characteristic multipliers of the system. They are also the eigenvalues of the (linear) Poincaré maps . A Floquet exponent (sometimes called a characteristic exponent), is a complex μ such that eμT is a characteristic multiplier of the system. Notice that Floquet exponents are not unique, since
. The real parts of the Floquet exponents are called Lyapunov exponents. The zero solution is asymptotically stable if all Lyapunov exponents are negative, Lyapunov stable if the Lyapunov exponents are nonpositive and unstable otherwise.
- Floquet Theory is very important to the study of dynamical systems
- Floquet theory shows stability in Hill's equation (introduced by George William Hill) approximating the motion of the moon as a harmonic oscillator in a periodic gravitational field.
[编辑] 參考
- Chicone, Carmen. Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications. Springer-Verlag, New York 1999
- Gaston Floquet, "Sur les équations différentielles linéaires à coefficients périodiques," Ann. École Norm. Sup. 12, 47-88 (1883).
页面分类: 翻譯請求 | Dynamical systems | 數學小作品