德国统一社会党(英文Socialist Unity Party of Germany,德文: Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands or SED),是原东德唯一执政党(1949年--1990年),其前身是1946年由德国社会民主党和德国共产党合并而成. 1989年12月,该党举行特别代表大会,取消原中央委员会和政治局,通过了新的党章,规定该党是马克思主义和社会主义政党,党的目标是在民主德国建设一个新的、人道主义的、民主的社会主义政黨,并决定把党的名称由德国统一社会党改为“德国统一社会党 —— 民主社会主义党”(德文:Sozialistsche Einheitspartei Deutschlands-Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus)。
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[编辑] 早期历史
蘇聯駐德國軍事當局(俄文:SVAG)在二戰後直接統治了德國東部地區,而他們的情報行動則仔細地監控所有政治活動。一份早期來自駐德當局宣傳部主任Sergei Ivanovich Tiulpanov上校的情報資料報告指出,前德國社會民主黨及德國共產黨成員在德國統一社會黨內成立了多個不同派系,而且在此黨成立後一段時間內仍互相敵視。報告中亦指出,若要使大眾相信德國統一社會黨是德國政治性黨派而非僅僅是蘇聯佔領軍隊的工具,是相當困難的。
According to Tiulpanov, many former members of the KPD expressed the sentiment that they had "forfeited [their] revolutionary positions, that [the KPD] alone would have succeeded much better had there been no SED, and that the Social Democrats are not to be trusted" (Tiulpanov, 1946). Also, Tiulpanov indicated that there was a marked "political passivity" among former SPD members, who felt they were being treated unfairly and as second-class party members by the new SED administration. As a result, the early SED party apparatus became mired down as former KPD members began discussing any proposal, however small, at great length with the former SPD members, so as to achieve consensus and avoid offending them. Soviet intelligence claimed to have a list of names of a SPD group within the SED which was covertly forging links with the SPD in the West and even with the Western Allied military governments.
Soviet handlers reported that SED politicians frequently pushed past the boundaries of the political statements which had been approved by the Soviet censors, and there was some initial difficulty making provincial SED parties realize that they should not oppose the political positions decided upon by the Central Committee in Berlin.
[编辑] 冷战时期
[编辑] 最后的日子
在1990年東德選舉前,统一社会党的會員人數突然驟降,而且還改黨名為“德國民主社會主義黨”,老社會民主黨被重建為分開黨。但在這情況之下,“德國民主社會主義黨”在兩德統一的重大變化下生存,而且還穩步上揚,能夠在議會中取得有一定的席位。自2003年來,“德國民主社會主義黨”在德國東部保持顯要。在2005年,“德國民主社會主義黨”再次改名為“左翼黨”(德文:Die Linkspartei),並在2005年德國聯邦選舉中與“勞工社會法律黨”(左派政黨,由前德國社會民主黨著名會員奧斯卡·拉方亭所帶領)成為聯盟,竟意料地增加了8%的支持。