悲慘世界 (音樂劇)
悲慘世界是由克勞德-米歇爾·勛伯格(Claude-Michel Schönberg)和阿蘭·鲍伯利(Alain Boublil)共同創作的一部音樂劇,改编自维克多·雨果的同名小说。故事以法国大革命为背景,講述主人公尚·魏京(Jean Valjean)在多年前遭判重刑,假釋後計劃重生做人,改變社會,但卻遇上種種困難。該劇首次公演於法國巴黎的 Palais des Sports,1980年,原本預計上演八個星期,結果卻演出了十六個星期,因為之後的日子場地已經被預訂才不得不結束。
悲慘世界曾被英國 BBC 電台第二台的聽眾選為“全國第一不可或缺的音樂劇”。 [1] 2005年10月8日,該劇在倫敦皇后劇場慶祝二十週年,而且已經預訂演出至2007年1月6日,取代了安德魯·洛伊·韋伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)的貓成為倫敦西區上演年期最長的音樂劇。《悲惨世界》与《猫》,《歌剧魅影》,《西贡小姐》一同被认为是20世纪80年代以来欧洲最具影响力的的四大音乐剧之一
目录 |
[编辑] 首演英國版本和演員
在1982年,英國的音樂劇監製喀麥隆·麥金塔斯(Cameron Mackintosh)開始製作英文版本,並由Herbert Kretzmer填詞。英文的版本由Trevor Nunn導演,於1985年10月8日在倫敦Barbican Theatre開幕。百老匯的版本則在1987年開幕,並在東尼獎十三項提名中奪得九個獎項,包括最佳音樂劇和最佳原創音樂,而且上演直至2003年。在百老匯歷史中上演年期最長的音樂劇,悲慘世界排行第三。
在最初的版本中,由寇姆•威尔金斯(en: Colm Wilkinson)饰演冉阿让,弗朗斯•卢菲勒饰演爱潘尼,瑞贝卡•卡因饰演珂赛特,帕蒂•卢珀恩饰演芳汀,罗杰•阿兰姆饰演沙威探长,阿伦•阿姆斯特朗饰演德纳第。
1985年12月4日,该剧移至宫殿剧场继续上演,并于2004年4月3日移至皇后剧院,上演至今。1995年10月8日,为庆祝该剧上演10周年,于皇家埃尔伯特大厅进行了10周纪念演出,并发行DVD。场演出简化表演和服装道具,主要是为了展现音乐本身的魅力,在演出结束后,17个不同国家版本的冉阿让扮演者依次在各自国家国旗的指引下上台,在当晚主演寇姆•威尔金斯(en: Colm Wilkinson)的领唱下,每人依次用本国语言唱出一句剧中曲《你可曾听到人民的声音》("Do You Hear the People Sing?"),之后当晚的全部演员合唱一曲《只待明天》"One Day More"。
[编辑] 百老匯版本
悲慘世界在2006年11月9日重回百老匯舞台,在 Broadhurst Theatre開始限定期間的演出。2006年12月19日,喀麥隆·麥金塔斯公司宣佈本戲將延長演出到夏天。
[编辑] 學生版本
In 2002, a student edition of the musical became available. This is notable because it is unusual for a student edition to be released while professional productions (London and US touring productions) are still showing. However, all the actors in the school edition must be students (under 19 and unpaid), in order to prevent theatre companies from performing the show. It is also shorter than the "official" version, although no major scenes or songs have been removed. The official poster and cover art for the student edition features Cosette wearing a letterman jacket and holding several textbooks.
The immense popularity of the show has caused hundreds of high schools across the USA to pick up the show's rights and perform it. Some middle schools have also tackled this piece. It has also been performed in the United Kingdom, most notably by Young Inspirations Theatre Company in two separate venues, a feat for which they won the 'Best Young Production in the Midlands' in 2004. In the US, several younger casts have performed the play, beginning with St. Stephens Episcopal School in Austin, TX, directed by Michael McKelvey. It has also been performed in the United States, most notably by Trollwood Performing Arts School, in Fargo, North Dakota in 2003. It was a huge success in Fargo, with an audience member quoted as saying the show was better than the version she saw on broadway.
[编辑] 其它國家製作
Les Miserables opened in 2000 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, being the second version in Spanish after the 1993 Madrid version. It ran for eight months at Teatro Ópera. The Spanish-speaking version (Madrid, Buenos Aires and México, in which Mexican Soprano Claudia Cota, one of the world's greatest voices, played the role of Cosette) is the only international version having changed its name from "Les Misérables" to "Los Miserables". No recording was made from the Buenos Aires production, the Madrid production being the only Spanish recording of the show. The official webpage of the show still has a link to the Argentine production.
In 2002, Lés Miserables became the first Broadway musical to be staged in mainland China. Running for twenty-one performances at Shanghai's Grand Theatre, the American Touring Cast's production was spectacularly successful, grossing 12 million yuan.
On April 8 2004, to mark the 100th anniversery of the Entente Cordiale this became the first West End play ever to be performed at Windsor Castle
[编辑] 電影
悲慘世界的原著有很多電影以及舞台劇改編版本。在2006年,喀麥隆·麥金塔斯(Cameron Mackintosh)宣佈將會推出荷李活電影版。
[编辑] 獎項
Les Miserables was nominated for, and WON the following Tony Awards in 1987:
- Tony Award for Best Musical WINNER
- Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical WINNER
- Tony Award for Best Original Score WINNER
- Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical (Terrence Mann)
- Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical (Colm Wilkinson)
- Tony Award for Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Musical (Michael Maguire) WINNER
- Tony Award for Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Musical (Frances Ruffelle) WINNER
- Tony Award for Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Musical (Judy Kuhn)
- Tony Award for Best Scenic Design of a Musical WINNER
- Tony Award for Best Costume Design of a Musical
- Tony Award for Best Lighting Design of a Musical WINNER
- Tony Award for Best Choreography WINNER
- Tony Award for Best Direction of a Musical WINNER
[编辑] 參見
- ↑ Elaine Page - BBC
[编辑] 外部鏈結
- Cameron Mackintosh: Les Misérables
- A Resourceful Les Mis Fan Site
- London Les Mis - a detailed fansite for the London production
- Danish production 2006