星際戰艦 Battlestars 是科幻小說銀河號星戰艦故事中的主力艦,包括原著星際大爭霸, 電影及影集,續集星際大爭霸1980以及重新拍攝的星際大爭霸電視影集中都有出現。
目录 |
[编辑] 星際大爭霸 (重拍系列)
name | Battlestar |
image | Battlestar1.jpg |
caption | The Battlestar Galactica |
first | Mini-Series, Part 1 |
武裝 | Primary KEWs Point defense KEWs 核子飛彈 |
輔助機 | 怪獸號 |
戰機 | 毒蛇號 |
Battlestars Galactica, Atlantia, Triton, Solaria, Columbia and Pegasus are named in the mini-series. Beginning at the start of the Cylon War, twelve Battlestars were made, one representing each colony (with Galactica representing Caprica[1]). By the time of the miniseries, there were around one hundred and twenty Battlestars. Over thirty are lost during the opening wave of the Cylon attack, a loss described by Starbuck as "the core of the fleet"[1][2]
[编辑] 飛行莢艙
這一級星際戰艦的兩側各有一個莢艙. 銀河號在進行超光速跳躍之前必須收回到艦體內,不過同級艦飛馬號並不需要。這兩個筴艙是毒蛇機(Viper)和怪獸機(Raptor)等各種星航器的降落艙。
[编辑] 推進
[编辑] 防禦
[编辑] 武裝
- 每一座炮塔有兩門炮,採取交互間隔方式射擊。目前已知它們有兩種操作模式:火力壓制模式,它們發射爆炸性的高射炮砲彈,[4]齊射模式,這些艦炮發射重型反艦炮彈。[5] 在齊發模式下對賽隆星際堡壘[3]非常有效。
[编辑] 裝甲
Battlestar's are armored with plate over a rib structure. The Galactica has had a very large portion of its armor plate removed, exposing the underlying rib structure, due to the decomissioning process [來源請求]. The Pegasus, which had just arrived in drydock for maintenance, has a full complement of armor. In the miniseries, Galactica withstood a direct nuclear detonation with little apparent damage to its command structure and fighter bays.[2] The Mercury class Battlestar Pegasus has full armor plates and withstood at least five nuclear hits while still remaining operational to inflict heavy damage to a Cylon Basestar with a salvo from its bow battery. While Galactica lost 85 lives when hit by a single nuclear missile, Pegasus lost fewer than 6 lives during its battle with three Basestars while bombarded with both nuclear missiles and conventional weapons.[3]
[编辑] 空軍大隊
銀河號星際戰艦原先配備80架毒蛇一型大氣層/太空優戰鬥機. 這些戰機稍後在與賽隆人作戰期間升級至毒蛇二型。 除了增強機動性以外,二型戰機同時配備2座輕型飛彈發射架.[1]
在賽隆人大屠殺12個殖民地之前,銀河號的戰機中隊換裝二型毒蛇戰機;然而大部分的戰機由於星際戰艦即將退役而被移除或者是分配到其他單位。 一個銀河號二型毒蛇戰機中隊的太空船因為升級過的導航程式中被植入賽隆病毒,當兩艘突襲號發動攻擊時遭到癱瘓而摧毀。
- 在迷你影集的一開始, 銀河號 only had its port launch bay in 服勤. 有 20 架 MK VII 型戰機組成的主力中隊, 在該艦的退役典禮之後, 轉調去攔截賽隆人的侵略艦隊. 但此中隊被賽隆人的電腦病毒禁能, 因而被賽隆人的掠奪式戰機摧毀.[1]
- As part of its 博物館展覽, the 銀河號 also had a 中隊 of 40 MK II 戰機 which were pressed into 服勤 to 防禦 the 船艦.[2]
- 未知數量的 MK VII 型戰機 were seen 護航 the 艦隊 of ships gathered by 總統 Roslin. Most likely they were homeless 毒蛇機 from 摧毀 星艦; however one was the Mark VII that 阿波羅飛至銀河號 in originally. These 毒蛇機 were stowed and taken with the fleet when it jumped to Ragnar to 會合 with the 銀河號. Upon 到達 these 毒蛇機 were transferred to the 銀河號 where they formed the 中隊 of 20 MK VIIs depicted in the escape from Ragnar 停泊所.
- Chief Tyrol took it upon himself to deal with the dwindling complement of 毒蛇機 and decided to investigate limited production within the 小型艦隊, simpler 毒蛇機. The project 原型 proved that production was impractical on even a limited basis, but the 原型 did hold the redeeming quality of being 幾乎不可能 to 追蹤 with DRADIS 掃描科技. 本來, he had 打造隱型戰機, the Blackbird. [9] This was largely due to the carbon composite 船體 of the Blackbird, as opposed to the 金屬船體 of 其他克隆艦.
- 星際戰艦飛馬號 has 生產 設備 that enable it to produce 代替 毒蛇機. The 艦隊現在有足夠的資源 to 創立 two 完整的中隊 of 20 毒蛇機 each. [10]
- In the episode Exodus 毒蛇機 are shown 升空 from 銀河號's 右舷 landing bay. This bay had been converted to a museum but now appears operational.
- The 飛馬號 毒蛇機 are transferred to 銀河號 after the 飛馬號 is destroyed. The 銀河號 had four full 中隊 at the time it first encountered 銀河號. This number would be somewhat reduced due to the continued 作戰 with the 賽隆. Along with the the two 代替 中隊 built by the 銀河號 生產設備, it is likely that 銀河號 has anywhere from four to six 中隊 of 毒蛇機 after the Battle of New Caprica.
[编辑] 機組員
銀河號的機組員 補足 prior to her 預定的 使退役 was around 2,000.[1] This figure is higher for a fully-staffed Battlestar, exceeding the 5,000 mark. After the Cylon 攻擊, 銀河號的機組員 complement has risen to over 2,500.
After the settlement of New Caprica, 銀河號的補足 was gradually reduced as crew members left the ship and joined the civilians on the planet surface.[11] When the Cylons 再現 380 天 after the establishment of 殖民 on New Caprica, 銀河號 was 有人駕駛的 by a skeleton 機組員 that could barely launch a 中隊 of Vipers for 訓練, much less fly an 有效率的戰鬥空中巡邏.[11]
After the rescue of the 人口 of New Caprica, 銀河號的 機組員compliment is 支援 by the return of the 退役 機組成員 from the 地表 as well as the 難民 from the 飛馬號. The ship is most likely up to its full 戰時 compliment of 5,000+.
A 星際戰艦的機組員, aside from the 艦隊 component present aboard the vessel, are 克隆艦隊職員. As such, the crew falls into a 公共, 等級制度的, 軍階結構. This 階級組織 is 分成 two broad groups: 服役的軍官 who exercise command oversight; and 應徵入伍的人員 (包括 非服役的軍官) who perform technical duties or exercise first-line 監督的威信.
[编辑] 星際戰艦名單
在賽隆人攻擊時, 殖民地艦隊包含約有 120 艘的星際戰艦.[1]
- 銀河號
- 這 銀河號 存活於賽隆人對殖民地的攻擊. 服勤期間, 銀河號 隸屬星艦 72 大隊 (BSG 75) 殖民地星航軍. At the time of the attack, 銀河號 was undergoing formal decommissioning to be turned into a museum. Commanded by William Adama.[1][2]
- 大西洋號
- Became the flagship of the fleet after the destruction of Picon Fleet Headquarters and was subsequently destroyed herself along with most of the entire fleet. Was commanded by Admiral Nagala.[1]
- The second season midseason cliffhanger revealed that Battlestar Pegasus also survived the Cylon attack. It is more advanced (a 水星級星艦) than 銀河號. Pegasus was part of Battlestar Group 62 (BSG-62). It was commanded by Lee Adama[10] until it was destroyed over New Caprica by ramming itself into a Basestar during the battle to free the colonists; the Pegasus had left its Viper squadrons to protect the fleet before jumping to help in the battle.[12]
[编辑] Creation
重拍系列 Battlestar as well as the series' other 視覺效果 are designed and created by Zoic Studios.[13]
[编辑] 星際大爭霸 (1978-1980)
[编辑] 基本資料
戰星級是12 個殖民地最重要的主力艦;他們至少在對抗賽隆聯盟的千年戰爭中參與作戰將近500星際年(yahren),艦艇的結構被區分為包過艦橋的主艦體和推進系統,以及位於兩舷以機翼結構相連的機庫艙。
[编辑] 星艦武裝
[编辑] 雷射炮塔
[编辑] 前向雷射
前向雷射只出現在The Living Legend之2和上帝之手兩集中, 經常與反艦飛彈混淆在一起。她們強而有力,只有主力艦使用這種橘色光束武器。[15]
[编辑] 反艦飛彈
這種重型飛彈給星戰艦有充足的火力,至少可以完全摧毀兩座星際基地,僅在The Living Legend之2使用過。他們經常與前向雷射混淆在一起,因為他們在同一集當中同時發射過。[15]
[编辑] 星際戰艦名單
Only five Battlestars were known to have survived by the time the original movie took place.[14]
- 銀河號
- Last surviving Battlestar, built 500 yahren before the close of the Thousand Yahren War. Commanded by Commander Adama. The Galactica has about 150 Vipers aboard, a mixture of its own, some from the other Battlestars at the Peace Conference, and a great number of fighters from the Pegasus.
- 大西洋號
- Battlestar of President Adar, lost at the Peace Conference. Shown in the original pilot film.
- 太平洋號
- Lost at the Peace Conference.[14]
- Referenced in background radio chatter in the original pilot film ("... Battlestars Atlantia and Acropolis losing speed..", "...no response from the Triton and the Pacifica")
- 崔頓號
- Lost at the Peace Conference.[14]
- Referenced in background radio chatter in the original pilot film ("... Battlestars Atlantia and Acropolis losing speed..", "...no response from the Triton and the Pacifica")
- 衛城號
- Lost at the Peace Conference.[14]
- Referenced in background radio chatter in the original pilot film ("... Battlestars Atlantia and Acropolis losing speed..", "...no response from the Triton and the Pacifica")
- 飛馬號
- Sole survivor of the Battle of Molecay, 2 yahren before the Destruction of the Colonies. The Pegasus was commanded by Commander Cain. Missing since the Battle of Gamoray.[16][15]
- 哥倫比亞號
- In the episode "Gun on Ice Planet Zero", a Cadet Cree claims to be from the Battlestar Columbia in an attempt to foil the interrogation efforts by the Centurion Vulpa. Vulpa answers back that the Columbia was lost in the Peace Conference with the rest of the fleet.[17]
[编辑] 參考
- ^ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 "Mini Series, Part 1." Battlestar Galactica: The Miniseries.
- ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 "Mini Series, Part 2." Battlestar Galactica: The Miniseries.
- ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 "The Captain's Hand." 星際大爭霸, 2004 series.
- ↑ "Scattered." 星際大爭霸, 2004 series.
- ↑ "復活艦, Part 2." 星際大爭霸, 2004 series.
- ^ 6.0 6.1 "33." 星際大爭霸, 2004 series.
- ↑ "Bastille Day." 星際大爭霸 (2004 TV series).
- ↑ "Kobol's Last Gleaming." 星際大爭霸, 2004 series.
- ↑ "Flight of the Phoenix." Battlestar Galactica, 2004 series.
- ^ 10.0 10.1 "Pegasus." Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series).
- ^ 11.0 11.1 "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2." Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series).
- ↑ "Exodus." Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series).
- ↑ Zoic Studios
- ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 "Saga of a Star World." Battlestar Galactica 1978.
- ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 "The Living Legend, Part 2." Battlestar Galactica 1978.
- ↑ "The Living Legend, Part 1." Battlestar Galactica 1978.
- ↑ "Gun on Ice Planet Zero." Battlestar Galactica 1978.
[编辑] 外部聯結
- 官方藍圖 星際大爭霸 (2003, 2004-) by Zoic Studios.
- Galactica type Battlestar at BattlestarWiki
- Battlestar at BattlestarWiki (TOS)
- 銀河號戰艦技術手冊 (TOS)