提姆·哈福德 ,英国记者,生于1973年,现居住于伦敦。他是金融时报每周一期的专栏"Dear Economist"的撰稿人。Dear Economist栏目主要是用经济学理论的角度来分析读者们提出的个人问题。
(born 1973) is an English journalist, residing in London. He writes a humorous weekly column called Dear Economist for The Financial Times, in which he uses economic theory to "solve" readers' personal problems.
joined the Financial Times in 2003 on a fellowship in commemoration of the business columnist Peter Martin. He continued to write his column after joining the International Finance Corporation in 2004 and re-joined the Financial Times as economics leader writer in April 2006.
哈福德于1998年在牛津大学获得经济学研究型硕士学位。 He earned his MPhil in economics from the University of Oxford in 1998.
Tim Harford is the presenter of a BBC series, Trust Me, I'm an Economist, whose first transmission was broadcast on BBC Two on Friday 18 August, 2006 .
[编辑] 出版著作
- The Market for Aid (2005) with Michael Klein
- 提姆·哈福德,《卧底经济学》,中信出版社,北京,2006,ISBN 7508606752
[编辑] 外部链接
- Tim Harford's personal webpage
- Harford's column at the Financial Times with RSS Feed
- He is also a regular author at PSD Blog - The World Bank Group's Private Sector Development Blog
- All is fair in love and war and poker - details of the first episode of "Trust me, I'm an economist, BBC)
- 卧底经济学 当当网