目录 |
[编辑] 發生性
[编辑] 收購手段
- 委託書爭奪戰 (Proxy fight)
- 購併(Merger and Acquisition)
- 杠杆收购(Leveraged buy-outs)
- 分拆(Divestiture / spin-off)
[编辑] 收購的形式
- 善意收購(friendly takeover) consists of a straight buyout of a company, and happens all the time. The shareholders receive cash or (more commonly) an agreed-upon number of shares of the acquiring company's stock.
- 恶意收购(hostile takeover),指收購公司在未經目标公司允許,不管對方是否同意的情况下,所進行的收購活動。当事人双方采用各种攻防策略完成收购行为,並希望取得控制性股權,成為大股東。當中,雙方强烈的对抗性是其基本特点。occurs when a company attempts to buy out another whether they like it or not. A hostile takeover can usually occur only through publicly traded shares, as it requires the acquirer to bypass the board of directors and purchase the shares from other sources. This is difficult unless the shares of the target company are widely available and easily purchased (i.e., they have high liquidity). A hostile takeover may presage a corporate raid.
- 反收購(reverse takeover) can occur in different forms:
- a smaller corporate entity takes over a larger one. 小公司收購大公司,俗稱「蛇吞象」。
- a private company purchases a public one. 私人公司收買上市公司。
- a method of listing a private company while bypassing most securities regulations, in which a shell public company buys out a functioning private company whose management then controls the public company. 私人公司「買売上市」。
[编辑] 收購的策略
[编辑] 著名的收購行動
- 1972年,置地公司成功收購牛奶公司股權,並因此獲取牛奶公司於香港薄扶林的土地重新發展,並重建成為今日的置富花園。
- 1979年,和記黃埔意圖利用收購行動控制長江實業,時任長江實業主席的李嘉誠四出尋找支持者,結果不單保住了公司,更因為和記黃埔為了進行收購行動的過度借貸,反而被長江集團反收購。
[编辑] 外部連結
- 高盛財經辭典(中簡)